Casimir walked along the water's edge

with only the sound of chewing food in the car, and the howling wind shook the car slightly.

Black rain lapping on the windows makes high-frequency clicking sounds.

Tianshuo let out a breath, "Cannot, I don't think that thing is still in place or complete. "

A stack of papers, even buried in the ground, after days of heavy rain and flooding.

None can be complete.

"We always need to try, so good luck to our friends, we will wait here for a maximum of two days, and after two days we will have to go back to Colombia."

Cannot took the player and explained to Tianshuo.

"Need protective clothing? You can't breathe underwater. Cannot handed the protective suit to Tianshuo.

"No need, the source stone technique can resist, wearing protective clothing is not conducive to action." Tianshuo swallowed the food and opened the car door.

The fierce wind instantly slapped on Tianshuo's face, and the environment outside became more and more harsh.

"Cannot, step away, you are not very welcome in this natural disaster." After saying that, Tianshuo jumped out of the car and walked towards the black water.

"Kan... Cannot, what exactly is he? The members of the Rusty Hammer Organization sitting in the driver's seat watched Tianshuo step by step into the black water.

Until complete immersion.

"A... Trustworthy and reliable friends.

Cannot slammed the door shut, and the wind and waves became more and more violent.

"Ten kilometers back, two days, we wait two days."


Tianshuo swam in the black water, muddy.

All kinds of decaying corpses, organs, soil, plants... Like a hodgepodge.

Tianshuo was glad that he had lost his sense of smell, otherwise he would not know how to get into this water.

Blackwater is not a big problem for him, and it can even be said that he feels comfortable.

Villages were submerged, mutilated houses soaked under the water, and some already soaked corpses floated on their roofs.

Tianshuo's purpose is not here, and the huge unknown object in the black water greatly affects Tianshuo's actions.

“...... This is the flooded village. Tianshuo left after a short stay, and there was no time for him to sigh about the world.

Swimming deeper, the black water is no longer as choppy as before, becoming a stracturing current.

“...... Strange, suddenly calmed down. The sound of the rushing water disappeared from Tianshuo's ears.

It feels like being in the deep sea.

The dire fish that constantly appeared within the scope of the Tianshuo space made him a little puzzled.

Over here...... Is it already possible for them to survive?

This ability to adapt is terrifying, and the sky shuo streaks over them like a torrent.

However, it is a pity that Tianshuo did not find any trace of Haiji.

Probably returned to the deep sea with Ishar-mla, which is Tianshuo's speculation.

"Where did that guy go?"

Tianshuo soon arrived at Falling Shadow Village through the message Cannott gave him.

The next thing you just need to find out is to find something.

"Alas, flipping through things... It's like I became infected two years ago. "Tianshuo landed steadily on the ground, setting off a ripple under the water.

He is not yet completely used to the actions in the water.


The huge ice outside Casimir Cavaleria Castle

gradually cracked and shattered into ice slag after two days of calm.

Steltell fell from a height.

"Ahem... Boss, you're trying too hard. Srtel got up from the ground, and the black rain was isolated by the heat wave generated by the two-handed greatsword, making it impossible to approach Steltel.

"That was... Palp? Steltell looked at the tentacle wrapped city in front of him.

"Sleep like this?" Steltel slowly walked to the city with a two-handed greatsword.

This time, she was not replaced by any memory, but really watched Frost Star go out of control and instantly froze her.

At that time, she couldn't control her body, it was like... There was someone else controlling her.

"How can this go up..." Salter looked at the huge mobile city in a daze, the original entrance had long been closed and entangled in tentacles.

Stel scratched his head, "Find a way to get my boss to pick me up..."

Steltel plunged his greatsword into the ground, and a pillar of heavenly fire was erected outside the city of Cavaleriachi.

"You should be able to see it."

Isa slowly walked to the edge of the city wall to look down, I have to say that this pillar of fire is still very iconic

, it is a pity that the four cities are wrapped by Isa including the sky, and the people inside cannot see the situation outside.

"This... What is this again? Guard exclaimed.

“...... It seems to be my mother's subordinate. "Isha had seen the one frozen by the frost star before.

Steltel looked up, "Don't you see it yet?" It should be eye-catching enough. "


A huge tentacle slapped from above the city wall towards Srtel, kicking up countless dirt and rain.

"...," Steltel looked at the huge tentacles beside him, connecting the walls from the ground, "Let me go up?"

Steltel poked the tentacles, which were not as soft as expected, and could even be said to be very hard.

"Strange... It has become strange since meeting those strange creatures. Steltel stepped on the tentacles suspiciously and walked towards the city wall.

"Can you inform Mom? Let's just say that the red-haired woman came out of the ice. Isha said, looking at Salter and Guard as she walked over.

"Uh... Offense asks, is your mom?

Isa looked sideways at Guard and smiled, "Integration Movement Supreme Commander Frost Star, Yelena. "


Frost...... Does Frost Star Conductor have a baby? Guard looked at the little girl in front of him, still so old?

"Go quickly, I'll send you down." A tentacle stayed beside Guard and motioned for the other to go up.

"No... No, it's a bit informative. "Guard's brain is buzzing right now.

"So, what's yours, who is your dad?"

Isa looked at the mask hanging on Guard with a puzzled expression, "Aren't you still wearing the mask that my father used?" "


Guard doesn't remember how he stepped onto the tentacles and how they sent him down the wall.

When he came back to his senses, he was already at the bottom of the city.

"Commander Tianshuo and Commander Frost Star have children? Still so big?? With doubt, Guard walked towards the base of the integration movement in Cavalellaqui.

Steltel came to the city wall and saw the panorama: "No wonder... I said how no one saw it, it turned out to be blocked.

"Mom will come in a moment." Isha walked over to the flying machine and sat down, holding her head with her small hands and looking at the city, he had a lot of time.

He had enough patience to wait for everyone here except His blood relatives to die, and it didn't take long.

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