Victoria Clatton

: "Anyway, what about your spell casting unit?" Red looked at Night Smoke, and the other party did not carry any medium on him that could allow her to perform her Source Stone skills.

"This is it." Nightsmoke took her book out.

"You can't fool me, this thing is just an ordinary book." Red once came across the book while sorting through his belongings when the other party was unconscious.

If it was the casting unit, Red's control of the flame would be sensed, just as he took his own blade.

“...... How do you know everything? Yeyan looked at the book in her hand, her casting unit was given to her by a witch Lin senior.

It is a pity that it was damaged and lost when he fled, and now he has been using the source stone technique in his body all these years.

She also prepared a casting unit for herself, but she kept going in and out of prison, so she couldn't afford to consume the financial burden brought by the casting unit.

"As the head of the integration movement in Calaton, you have to have a little skill." Red looked at the children playing in the backyard of Count White Wolf's old mansion.

Not to mention that Red himself was the first to enter Victoria, and it was also the first person Talulah installed in Victoria.

In retrospect, Tallulah was really preparing to head south, trying to stick to the original ideal

, "Regardless of this, can you find out who the people who are watching Count White Wolf are?"

"It's hard, they have been completely integrated here for so many years, this is their home, they have their own life and family." Night smoke lay at the window and looked at the numerous houses in front of him.

"Dozens of people have been watching over a person for decades, they know it better than anyone, and they can make decisions quickly and accordingly."

"When King Aslan was still there, no one could suppress Count White Wolf, even the Grand Dukes couldn't do it, but unfortunately..."

The tail behind Night Smoke wagged from side to side, "But it seems that there is also some irreversible contradiction between King Aslan and Count White Wolf, alas, there is no way to find out those people anyway."

Night Smoke turned his head, "You..." Night

Smoke followed Red's gaze, it was his own wagging tail, "Hey! Bad guys, did you listen to me?!

"Yes, it's just a little strange, it's the first time I've seen Philin who wags his tail..."

There is no way, there are other plans that can be implemented. Red coughed awkwardly a few times in an attempt to cover up his wrongdoing.

"Now that the progress is not developing, let's go and get you a magic unit." Red turned around and signaled the other party to follow, for people whose strength of the source stone technique was not very high.

A well-equipped casting unit is enough to release the source stone technique, and there is no need to tailor it.

Some strength exceeds a certain zero threshold, even if it is a specially customized casting unit, there is no way, you need to go to nature to find a super adaptation medium to be able to cast the source stone technique smoothly enough.

Red remembered that if he was right, Frost Star used a super medium in nature, after all, the source stone technique was too terrifying....

However, he never understood what the casting unit commanded by Tianshuo was, and there were no artificial traces of that blade.

Can nature give birth to something like this? Red didn't believe it anyway.


Casimir Kavaleriaki

Guard had finished overhauling the aircraft and looked at Isa, who was not wearing protective clothing or using any protective measures.

Isa watched the convoy in the distance move towards Cavaleriaki.

"Do you want to tell Mom?" Isa is a little difficult to finalize, if she slaps the other party and is not an enemy, it will be embarrassing.

That would only add to the confusion of Frost Star.

The convoy stopped outside Cavalellaqui, and one of them came out and waved at the city wall.

Isa slowly descended from the city wall to the ground.

The other party had traces of Frost Star's Source Stone Technique on his body, and Isha was walking in front of everyone.

"Whose child is this... Uh, what are you poking me for?

"Do you want to die? Don't you see that He just floated down the walls? "One person prevented the person who spoke from speaking.

“...... I haven't really seen it, I'm just looking for something.

"You're the one who went out before?" Isa said, looking at the man wearing the execution ring made by Frost Star.

"Yes, it's me, please trouble Miss to open the city gate."

With a wave of her hand, Isa lifted her tentacles to reveal the paralyzed gate, which was no longer usable after experiencing the "Great Silence" simulated by Kaiji.

Under Isa's operation, she forcibly punched through a hole so that everyone could enter and exit.

"Is this some new technology developed by Casimir?" The vehicle slowly entered from the outside, and everyone looked up at the tentacles that wrapped the four cities.

The convoy brought some food and drinking water, including some Colombian official personnel.

They need to understand what Casimir has become today.

Frost Star arrived at the front of the team after being reminded by Shirogane, and did not ask too much as to why Shirogane knew about her.

Isha blocked the cave entrance again and flew towards the city wall, informing Shirogane as soon as he saw the convoy.

"Ha~sleepy..." Isa's state slipped a little, and the feeling of drowsiness hit again, and he needed sleep since he accepted and awakened Ishar-mla's body.

“...... Let's sleep in a few days. Isha rubbed her sleepy, hazy eyes and sat listlessly at the edge of the city wall looking listlessly at the storm outside.

The food and water sent did not save the city, and in Isa's eyes it was just a senseless struggle.

None of them make sense unless they leave the confines of the black rain and are effectively treated afterwards.

There were more quarrels in the city, because of the quarrels caused by the arrival of food.

The Guard watched everything happening in the city without being covered by Isa's tentacles.

From the previous silence to the current chaos, despite the management of the Silver Spear Tianma, people's behavior under the pressure of survival is different from usual.


"If the scene gets out of control beyond control, take the snow rabbit with the flying machine and leave Casimir, and Isa will protect you."


Guard recalled what Tianshuo had said before leaving.

Guard took off his mask and held it in his hand and watched, he didn't know what to decide.

If today's scene had not been effectively resolved, he would have been able to imagine

that Commander Tianshuo had expected it for a long time? Guard looked at Isa in the distance and was silent.

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