"It's okay, just saw a black cat, Tallula, are you done talking over there?"

"It's a pity that Count Fisher will not participate in the plan."

"Unexpectedly, the risk is huge, and his children are still young." The three walked side by side down the street, "Disappointmentd?

"If you don't have hope, you won't be disappointed, and I didn't expect much from the beginning." Tallulah looked at Shirokin's scaled right arm.

"I have also heard about Count Fisher, he would not have done such a risky thing."

At most, the other party is only secretly helping himself to contact the counts of all parties, just like contacting the Count of White Wolf this time.


Rhode Island home ship


"Don't keep calling me, you can't die." Monique responded angrily.

"But then again, that woman's strength before was really unbelievable..." Roy's wrist was pinched by the other party and was still faintly painful.

"You've seen Xuan Tie, how does she compare with Xuan Tie?"

“...... I feel that Master Xuan Tie will definitely die if he is caught by that woman, and Xuan Tie has no threat to that woman. The more Roy thought about it, the more angry he became.

"That source stone technique is simply foul! Who can touch her?!

"Forget it, we are not top-level masters, we are just a small part-time worker." Monique looked at the pinched red spot on Roy's wrist.

Monique reached over.

"You too, what are you fighting with each other? What else can we do in our state? Monique lifted Roy's arm and examined it closely.

"This is ... With poison, although not a terrible guy. Monique closed his eyes again to recuperate after confirming that it was not life-threatening.

"It's okay now, and it's a temporary place to live. When the rain stops, when will we go again. Roy opened the swing, and the fish pioneer Roy successfully took a step further to become the king of pendulum.

"This is not for us, you have also seen the strength of that woman, people don't let us here, we still have to leave?" Monique gave each other a blank look.

"That's also..."

After seeing the first speaker to no avail, Tianshuo came to the outside of the room of the two "lapis gold".

"How did these two wrongdoers run to Rhode Island." Tianshuo knocked on the door.

Roy got up and opened the door, seeing the familiar figure, "Pavilion... How, how, Your Excellency—

" "How? I'm not welcome?

"No, no, no, it's just a bit of a surprise to see Your Excellency here." Roy wiped the cold sweat that broke out on his forehead.

"Am I that terrible?" Tianshuo walked into the room, which was a familiar place to him, the room where he had lived in Rhode Island before.

"No, no, no... It's just that we're too weak because of that black rain, haha..." Roy smiled awkwardly and pointed to the black rain outside the window.

"Okay, I won't kill you, I have no grievances with you now, I'm afraid of what I will do." Tianshuo remembers that he left his things in one place.

Tianshuo came to a corner and reached in to take out a small box.

Inside was a candy, the one that had been given to him by Frost Star in the Ice Field.

"It's good that no one took it away." Tianshuo gently blew the dust on it, "It's been a few months here..."

Roy and Monique looked at Tianshuo's actions and did not speak, Roy just stood quietly on the side, and the giant pocket watch on the zenith that day was still vividly remembered.

Others may not know who released it, but he does.

"Don't be so restrained." Tianshuo took the box in his hand and threw the can from his waist to the two.

"Come on? You haven't eaten in a long time. Tianshuo hung the small box in the place that had just been vacated.

The two looked at each other and then opened the can, they really hadn't eaten for a long time, and the food they brought was soaked in black water and could not be eaten.

Tianshuo sat on the chair, "Why did you two come to Rhode Island?"

"Uh... It's a long story. "


for a long time

" that is to say... Are you here to take refuge? Tianshuo tapped on the table and pondered.

"To Victoria... What are you going to Victoria for?

Roy looked at Monique and sighed, "Go find a commander who promised to go back again when I was still in Victoria's army." Monique

was a former Victorian soldier who was highly capable but could not be promoted to rank officer because he did not have an aristocratic background.

Later, he was poached by the Casimir Business Federation during a joint military exercise, and became one of the "Lapis Gold Masters" with his strong archery.

"That's really unfortunate, it happened to be in time for a natural disaster." Tianshuo spread his hands, "Do you want to come with me?" My destination is also Victoria. "

Tianshuo won't stay here for long, he only came here for two things.

Learn more from Kelsey and the potion that can save people afflicted by the black rain.

"Uh, the state of both of us now... Not suitable for rushing. "

Tianshuo got up" That's really a pity... But you can also consider that I will stay for a while, and I will come back to you before I leave.

Tianshuo got up and walked towards the door, and he noticed Warfarin and Kelsey walking towards him.


Dr. Kelsey, you're recovering fast enough." Tianshuo went out and collided with the two.

"It's all up to your source stone skills." Kelsey looked at Tianshuo, but she was actually a little puzzled.

According to common sense, she should not be disturbed by any illusion brought about by any source stone technique.

And Tianshuo's source stone technique produced a chain that emerged around the other party, rotating and locking the other party.

Kelsey looked at Tianshuo, and there was something unexpected in the other party.

"Warfarin, you go in and talk to the two lapis gold masters."

Warfarin looked at Kelsey and pouted, "Hey... You guys reminisce, let me talk... Got it, got it, don't look at me like that.

Warfarin pulled open the doorknob and walked into the room.

"The potion is finished?" Tianshuo leaned against the wall with a lazy look.

"Not yet, I can only suppress the black water with medicine, and then completely eliminate the black water by relying on the patient's own constitution."

"And the other party can no longer stay where Blackwater is."

"That is to say... Poor physique is still waiting for death? Then you..." Tianshuo questioned.

"My body is not very good this time, it is all thanks to you to survive."

"Ahhh... Kelsey, do you know how informative your words are? Tianshuo rubbed his head, thinking about too many things recently, coupled with the frequent use of the power of time, his brain had to face mental destruction.

"It doesn't matter, the more you know, the more you should know, where is that technical archon of Agor?"

"Not long after I parted, I probably went to meet her hunter."

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