After Andrei cleared all the bombs, he took Tianshuo all the way to the central city.

Passing the one on the map"? "Area.

Tianshuo Space looked through to see a coffin with a person lying inside.

Wait, this is human? Without any strange characteristics, from the last conversation with the inner guard, Tianshuo guessed that there would be someone like him.

After all, it is difficult not to think of words such as Yan Country, forbidden army.

"What's in this?" Tianshuo asked casually.

"A sarcophagus, what was snatched back then, no one will use it in the end, so it was thrown there by Marquis Boris and locked up."

Lock it up... It seems that Andrei did not know that there were still people inside, so, who let him in? Can hide from everyone, and is very familiar with Chernnoberg.

Gee, things get complicated again.

"Come in and take a look?" Andrei observed Tianshuo's slightly changed expression.

Tianshuo shook his head, and the two continued to the central city.

"Sir is the 'Northern Territory Handicapped'." In the surprisingly quiet passage, Andre's voice could travel very far: "Blind in both eyes, one person singled out a hundred thousand source stone worm tides." "

“...... That's a rumor. Tianshuo's right hand was always in the natural posture of being able to pull out the blood blade at any moment, "I can actually single out the Millions of Origin Stone Worm Tide. "


Integrated sports camp

"Xiaotian, how did that guy become the illegitimate son of the Rostov family?" Tallulah looked numb.

"And Miss Rostov's fiancé." The bowl of piping hot soup that Frost Star was holding in his hand was now frozen into ice cubes.

"Hey, white rabbit, your bowl is in ice." Tallulah reminded Frost Star, "It's all gossip, but the team really hasn't seen Xiaotian in days."

"How's the infected instigating over there?" Froststar calmed down and placed the ice cubes by the campfire.

"It's not bad, just wait for us, the Third Army, which could have arrived in half a month, has now begun to station outside Chernoberg City." Tallulah looked thoughtfully at the patriot, who was silent, waiting for Tallula's instructions, this time, it had to be considered by her personally.

"Sorting out the army, the snow monster squad led the detachment from the Chernoberg side..."

Chernoberg Center

: "Sir, believe it this time." Andrei looked at a key that was already in Tianshuo's hand.

"Hmm... But. A bloody blade appeared in Tianshuo's hand against Andre's neck, "Where do you get the confidence, I won't grab it?"

"Other people better not be the first bird, otherwise I don't recommend a dagger embedded in your head."

Tianshuo heard the slight breathing sound of hiding in various places early in the morning.

"Master Andrei, look, do you want to hand it over to me for safekeeping first, or is it safe for you to keep it yourself?"

Andrei raised his hands, and the key in his right hand was revealed and placed in Tianshuo's hand.

"Yes, so that the two sides have much more sincerity." Tianshuo loosened the bloody blade against his neck, "I'll go back to Rostov's house in the afternoon." Saying

that, Tianshuo walked out.

The old man hiding in the shadows came out, "Sir, this..."

Andre waved his hand, "I was going to give him both, just to test his intentions." "

The third group is already stationed outside the city, let the key out to have a way to live, yesterday someone already came to steal it, let's go, by the way, release the news that the key was taken by another group of people."

Tianshuo came to the meeting point designated by the team members, but he had not come for several days.

"Captain? You actually came today.

"Something happened, the situation is urgent, contact Sister Ta."



"Sister Ta, I got the key to control Chernoberg, plus the Duke of Baikal and what... Eh, Viscount Kirck has already met.

"Xiaotian, you got the key? Froststar has just sent the Phantom Crossbowman Squad to Chernoberg City, and you leave it to them. "


After the contact, the team members looked at Tianshuo like a monster: "Captain, you are too good."

"Gotta go, don't blow it, hurry up, remember all the detailed maps and city defenses of Chernoberg, and then it will depend on you to take refuge for the infected."

Tianshuo only drew two maps, and the remaining one was given to the Frost Star.

"Captain, the one on the map you care more about?" I paid attention to the place, and there have been strange visits these days. Engineer Pinok reminded Tianshuo.

"Can you go in?"

The other party shook his head: "I only intercepted a few visits, and the others were not found again." "

Is it the person who sent the man in back then?" This Chernoberg water is a bit deep.

"Be careful, I have other business." Saying that, Tianshuo rushed to the direction where the Phantom Squad came.

Phantom crossbowman squad, it seems to be Sasha, this kid can ah.

Coming to an alley, there was no figure.

The space unfolded

, it turned out that here, Sasha, this kid, has improved so much in the past few days.

Tianshuo handed two keys and a map to a clearing.

"I still can't hide Brother Tianshuo..." Sasha appeared, wearing a black coat over his shoulders and an orange armband on his right arm. Wearing white baggy pants, black booties, and holding a specially modified crossbow.

Tianshuo touched Sasha's head, "Let's go."

Sasha nodded, "Ino gave me and him the code name Faust, Ino's brother waits for Tianshuo to see him, let him tell you." "

Faust... And what about mine? What kind of Northern Territory disabled is that? Weird.

The Phantom Crossbowman Squad disappeared within range of Tianshuo and turned around and headed to Rostov's house.

"Hey, Sister Ta, they are all near Chernoberg, it seems that it won't be long before they start moving." Tianshuo watched as emotional infected people appeared frequently on the street.

"Hope everything goes well."

Before coming to Rostov's house, "Natalia is not there..." "

Something happened?" With all her strength, she found that Natalia was fainting on the cockroach bomb maniac and was taken away.

Tianshuo felt his brain explode, that cockroach, there were bombs all around him.

"Or... No matter. Tianshuo looked in Natalya's direction.

"Sir will protect me, right?"

"Hey." Tianshuo got up and went straight away like a bullet.

"That smelly blind man today finally made me catch the gap." W walked through the alley holding the unconscious early dew.

From time to time, he pinched his early face and looked at "It's quite beautiful, but it's a pity, born in Rostov."

"That blind man, find a time to blow him up into the sky."

Tianshuo walked out from the intersection in front: "Dead cockroach, who do you say is blind?"

"You, don't move, you know how many bombs are around." W's face was rising wildly, and she knew that this blind man would come, so she deliberately rubbed and didn't hand over the task.

"You can detonate and try to see if I am killed first or the Usas City defenders come first." Tianshuo slowly walked towards W, his vest breaking out in cold sweat.

W is synchronized with Tianshuo, and Tianshuo takes one step w withdraws one step.

"Dead cockroach, what are you afraid of, don't you have a lot of bombs?" Tianshuo had already walked out of the bomb-dense area and burst out in an instant.

When he came to W, the blood blade was ready, and it could be cut in an instant.

Tianshuo heard the sound of pulling the trigger, when did this dead cockroach point a gun at me?

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