“...... This Ms. Rutland, did you handle her wounds? "Tianshuo can know how badly the reed grass that has passed out has been injured.

"Of course, anyone who saves people will save them, right?" Outcast looked at the dead arsonist.

"Except for these sins themselves."

"The abdomen was almost torn ... Without professional knowledge and special means, there is no way to deal with such wounds.

"Of course, I have professional medical training, but unfortunately, all I can do is debridement and stop bleeding."

What hurt Reed grass was the most infectious active source stone, and a large number of source stone particles had entered her blood circulation system along the wound.

Although Outcast injected her with a blocker, I am afraid that it could not stop the source stone crystals from forming on the internal organs and skin of the reed

, and soon she would have a high fever and then fall into a coma again, although she is still in a coma, which is a good thing, at least to reduce the severe pain from the inside out caused by the acute attack.

"..." Tianshuo was thinking about what to do, if he just left the other party alone, then the end of death was inevitable, and Xiaoqiu County had no place to treat such injuries.

Now he can still survive, completely relying on Draco's strong body to support him.

"Which ** used the active source stone as a cannonball?" Tianshuo punched the wall on the side and easily pierced the wall with a thickness of 24cm.

"It's the garrison." Outcast looked at the arm that was stuck in the wall.

The other party's race is very confused, and Outcast can learn the other party's origin or even flat body according to the other party's language.

But...... The other party's language is blank, blank, nothing.

There are not many people who can easily penetrate this wall with their hands in an instant, and most of them need to use the source stone technique to do so.

"Garrison? Are you sure you're not smearing them? "Tianshuo is a little unconvinced, even those brutal garrisons of Usas will not shell the people of Usas, let alone use the dirty bomb of the active source stone.

Even at the moment of crisis, the garrison of Usas was the first to protect the people.

"The garrison understands that this battle cannot be won, the Tara people are helping the other side, and since they cannot distinguish who is the traitor, then they simply kill the enemy and civilians."

"And the use of dirty bombs is to eliminate future problems, and all patients with ore disease will be centrally managed, which gives the garrison an excuse to deal with the Tara people more easily." Outcast narrates the facts.

"Use human life as a means of victory..." Tianshuo fell silent, although he had killed many people, he never took human life lightly, but took it very seriously.

"Outcast, where are you?" Logos' voice was a little eager, and he was a little afraid that this lady would do something extreme.

Now that there are a lot of ruthless characters in Hillock County, Outcast can't deal with so many people alone.

Although he prevented the next shelling, the previous round of shelling had completely destroyed Hillock County.

“...... I'm in, District 10. Outcast looked at the Demon Knight and Tianshuo.

“Logos?!" Tianshuo heard the unique voice of Logos.

"Tianshuo?" Logos' footsteps gradually stopped, he was almost confused, why was this guy next to Outcast?

“...... Outcast, you hand the communication to the person who just spoke. "

Cooperation?" Logos is straight to the point: "It's just working on my behalf." "

“...... Talk about it. "

That group of thugs (deep pools) are occupying the communication base station, they must not be allowed to distort the facts here, otherwise the whole of Victoria will be swept in, you are fast, rush to solve them, I will deal with the people outside the city who try to pass on the distorted facts."

"Sounds good, I cooperated, tell me the location of the communication base station."


"I didn't expect that Mr. was a famous Northern Realm remnant." Outcast took the communication from Tianshuo.

"I was also wondering where the lady learned such superb medical skills, and turned out to be an elite operator in Rhode Island." Tianshuo sifted through the buildings that Logos was talking about.

"Thora, you look at this person in the deep pool, uh, this lady your name...?"


"If you have a way to treat her, please also take the trouble to let Tora follow behind you." Tianshuo acted in the moment of locating the communication base station.

Carrying a gust of wind towards the destination, Logos and Tianshuo galloped back, and the two moved in different directions.

Outcast looked at the dead arsonist not far away, and a large part of the reason she came to Hillock County was because of these six people.

Accountant, prisoner, arsonist, poison scholar, robber, orator.

"Accountant," who has carefully calculated the possible gains from this war, is trying to find a way to turn more lives into numbers on the books and extract huge amounts of wealth from them.

"Prisoners", who escape from prison again and again, are only to be able to commit more serious crimes, so as to enter prison again and complete the next cycle.

"Arsonists" have long been unable to be satisfied with destroying only one house, one family ... Soon, destroying a city could not fill the emptiness in his heart.

The "Poison Scholar", who considers himself a scholar, does not hide his nature of immersion in brutal murder and repeated intrigues, and his next betrayal will result in the death of several cities.

The "robber" is a complete predator, eager to snatch everything from others, not just money. What he wants to take away more is their dignity, and his desires will drive him to ravage a country.

The "orator", intoxicated by his art of speech, eagerly wants to use it as a political weapon to incite one open and secret struggle after another, and greater wars will arise because of him.

Outcast came to try the six of them, to try them for their crimes, and she pursued them for years.

She judged others with gunfire, and she always knew that at the end of this road, at the end, the person waiting to be judged would always be herself.

To digress

from the topic, I had a dream when I slept, it was a dream that the wedding of Tianshuo and Frost Star was

a sunny day

, I saw a giant sea of hundreds of meters cruising around Lentinium, drones flying overhead, announcing

that the red carpet continued from the gate of Lentinium to the palace

, and people from all over the world entered the city from various entrances and exits of Lentinium, carrying gifts

Frost Star appeared in a wedding dress

and then

I **woke up!

Woken up by the phone!!!!!!!

Woooo X_X oo

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