"Sorry, the situation forced me." Tianshuo picked up the reed, he didn't want to be involved with an entire army in this situation.

Or a hostile relationship.

"Ahem... Uh, you... Light... Dot. Reed Grass was pulled to the wound by Tianshuo's big movement, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Shhh Why didn't I see you screaming so fiercely when you were in a coma? "Tianshuo's speed has not slowed down, he doesn't want to fight with Frost Star's level of combat power.

Although it may not be impossible to fight, but now he will definitely not be able to fight with such a burden.

"Uh..." "

If you make another noise, I'll stun you immediately."

“...... Dizzy... Me, ahem..."

I've seen the other Draco, and if you make another noise, I'll immediately turn around and throw you there. "

The detection craft of the Grand Duke's army came in this direction from a high altitude in the distance.

"How is (foul language) so fast." Tianshuo subconsciously scolded.

Tianshuo suddenly stopped and turned to face the direction of the detector.

"Poof... Ahem, uh..."

Sorry, a little anxious. Tianshuo sensed Draco in his arms faint.

Tianshuo placed the reed grass on the ground, and the blood blade was already in his hand.

"Whew... Burst those two detectors a thousand meters away and you'll be fine. Tianshuo let out a breath and tried to get himself into the best shape.

Sasha told him that the general maximum detection range of these detectors is a kilometer radius.

Although this will also be noticed by the other party, by the time they react, he has already left here.

Now he can barely use the power of time to flicker at a distance of four hundred and fifty meters in one second.

The space forbidden is enough to hit those two detectors.

Think back to what Askalen said.


"Lower the center of gravity, concentrate the force at one point, and burst out in an instant. Little apprentice, the gap in your physical fitness can only be made up in this way, there is only one chance, he dies, or you die, this is assassination. "


"Whew..." The

two moons broke free from the clouds and met above Tianshuo's head, and the moonlight shone on his white bandages.


The ground has sunken into a small pothole.

"My body is not that weak now..." Tianshuo spun in the air, his blade cutting a silver glow under the reflection of the moonlight.

With a silver glow, it pierced the two detectors in an instant and landed lightly.

"Whew..." Tianshuo let out a long breath, perfect, he was not detected, turned and walked in the direction of Reed Grass.

"Within the realm of my time and space, even the sound of self-explosion cannot be transmitted." Tianshuo fell two detectors behind him, silently.

Tianshuo put away the blood blade and picked up the reed grass again and ran towards Connorshire, where he could no longer stay.


"Captain! This is it. A Victorian soldier reported.

The man known as the captain picks up the discarded detector on the ground.

"One blow destroys without even being detected..." the captain looked closely at the scratches on it.

"That's not right! Run! Withdraw..."


The two detectors exploded in an instant, and the violent sound buried the captain's words and devoured all the creatures around it.

By delaying the explosion with the force of time, the force of space compresses the heat generated by the explosion in order to explode more gorgeously.

And this opportunity is that someone has upset the original balance of the detector.

The moment they approach and pick up the detector, this end is preordained.


"Exploded..." Tianshuo walked on the desert, and for the first time he felt tired.

"Why is Draco so heavy?" Tianshuo was puzzled.

It's all one person, why is the gap so big?

Shirogane he remembers well, not so heavy at all.

"Alas... The muscle pulling hurts a little. "Tianshuo has not used the power of time on himself to restore his physical strength for a long time.

Since becoming a sea heir, he has not used it very often.

"I want to throw her away..." Tianshuo sat on a rock, the night breeze crossing his face.

"Tianshuo, your state of mind is changing." Alina's voice came into Tianshuo's ears.

“...... Alina, how long have we not spoken? Tianshuo put his hands behind him, he liked the cool breeze.

"Forgot." Alina crouched beside Reed and looked at Draq.

"What are you doing after so long?"

Alina poked Reed's face with her finger, "Do what I can, do what I have to do, do what I have to do."

"Naw, Tianshuo, this Draco... Is it Tallula's kindred, if she blocks Tallulah from ascending the throne, will you kill her? Alina said, looking at Draco's face.

“...... Yes.

"Then what if, she didn't block Talullah's accession to the throne, but someone wanted to use her to block Talullah's accession to the throne?" Alina got up and looked at Tianshuo who was sitting.

"Then kill those who want to use her."

"What if you can't finish killing that group? Desire is terrible, the source is here, and everyone who kills her will have no more thoughts. "

“...... Alina.

"Uh-huh, I'm in."

"As many people as that group comes, I kill as much as I can, and I keep killing if I can't finish killing."

"Tianshuo, you will be murderous, you shouldn't do this." Alina came to Tianshuo and sat down.

"I won't go against the bottom line in my heart, Alina."

"You are still the same as before, Tallulah has stabilized, I can come out, and the next meeting may be the real meeting."

"Looking forward to meeting you again, Alina-sensei."

"Haha... I didn't expect anyone besides Tallulah to remember me, this feeling... Not bad, I thought you were going to forget me too.

Alina smiled and patted Tianshuo's shoulder, "Student, you should have the appearance of a student, Tianshuo little student!" "

“...... Yes, yes, Mr. Alina, I listened. "

Please don't stifle the 'good' in your heart, but don't stop the 'evil' in your heart either..."

Tianshuo turned back sharply, this sentence....

This sentence... Déjà vu.


"No, Tianshuo shouldn't kill his 'good' for this kind of thing, I won't stop your 'evil', because that's the path you chose, but losing goodness, it's not worth it."


This was what the girl he had seen in Erafia had said to him when he first entered that flower space. (See Chapter 3 for details)

"Alina!" Tianshuo got up and shouted.

No one responded to him, and the desert at night was silent.

"Is she you?!! Is that girl with antlers you? Tianshuo shouted to the desert where no one was. (See the end of chapter 4 and the beginning of chapter 5 for details).

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