"Steltel? How is she lying here. Several people walked towards the structural layer passage that was sorted out and controlled by the integration movement.

"Steltel, long time no see." Tianshuo greeted Steltel, who was still sleeping in a chair with his eyes closed.

"Huh? Oh, oh my God, early. Stel rubbed her eyes and woke up from her sleep, she had been transferred to the structural layer by Tallulah early in the morning to guard this key position.


causes memory loss due to unexplained effects.

The captain of the third attack team of the integrated movement, with a huge two-handed sword, he has extremely terrifying combat ability.


"It's not good to sleep lazily when standing guard."

"Know know, get up." Salter stretched her waist, in fact, she had only been lying down for five minutes, and who knew that she would be checked.

After six months of wandering and searching, she also needs to rest.

"Gone." Tianshuo waved his hand, he also needed to bring the horn to the White Wolf Count to complete the task.


Ino and Sasha sat in the room sorting out their weapons, "Sasha, why did you say that brother Tianshuo didn't grow his eyes?" "

Sasha rubbed the hand of the crossbow for a while" ... Maybe there is something difficult, you can just ask.

"That will definitely be cleaned up by Brother Tianshuo, right?" Ino let the swarm move autonomously, and in Calaton he didn't need to be on his constant alert.

"Well, it's definitely going to be cleaned up." Sasha sighed at the surface of the crossbow and continued to wipe it.


"These two little ones..." Tianshuo shook his head with a smile, and the sound of Innova talking to Sasha a few hundred meters away was already in his ears.

In fact, he also tried to evolve vision, or taste and smell.

But unfortunately, it didn't work at all, Tianshuo couldn't find any reason, and finally had to give up.

Now I wonder if it was because of that transaction of the system that it was impossible to evolve the three senses.

Isa was conscious when he fed the blood.


[Transaction conflict, bloodline alternation failure] [Tampering successful, bloodline alternation]


This was the sound of the system, and he still remembers it vividly. (See Chapter 135: Him)

Alas... Forget it, it's too lazy to think about it, it's useless to think so much.

It's better to live well in the present.

Tianshuo sighed and walked towards the White Wolf Count's manor with the horn, he still had a lot of things to solve, and it was very likely that Victoria's waterfront would need him to go to the waterfront to be able to settle it.

"Sister Ta, people have brought it." Tianshuo gave up a position, and the body of the horn appeared in everyone's sight.

"Rita (horn)." Count White Wolf looked at the somewhat decadent horn in front of him.

“...... Father. "


"Honestly, what happened to Kaiwen County?" Tallulah pulled Tianshuo to her usual office and sat down.

After the two left the White Wolf Count Manor, they walked all the way back quickly.

"The appearance of that pillar of light has shifted the attention of at least the three Grand Dukes to that side now."

"Well, I really don't know about the final explosion."

"How many more explosions?" Tallulah looked at the information in her hand, and it didn't seem very accurate or detailed now.

"Twice? It should be twice, and if there is an explosion after I leave, then it is unknown. Tianshuo waved his hand and found a seat everywhere to sit down.

Pull a piece of spicy candy from your pocket and throw it into your mouth.

After all, he can only hear sounds within a kilometer range, and he will not use a large area of space to unfold all the time, which will only accelerate his mental exhaustion.


"That's the case, after that, I left Cavin County with the horn and collected the team and evacuated."

"How are you injured?" Tallulah looked at the arm without clothing.

Tianshuo moved his arm to prove that he was safe.

"Go and rest well." Tallulah waved Tianshuo out to rest, since there were no injuries, there was nothing to worry about.

"This may not work, I still have to go to Isa." Saying that, Tianshuo got up from his seat.

“...... Need any help?

"It's not necessary, after all, Isha has gone, but you can prepare me a suitable outfit."

After all, this dress is already tattered, and walking on the street, it is estimated that some people have already treated him as a beggar.

"By the way, Sister Tower, what is that huge stone statue in the center of Caraton?" Tianshuo noticed the thing while carrying the horn.

"Stone statues? Oh, that's something made out of mudstone, but it's still a half-finished product, you can expect it.

Tallulah finished tidying up her things and got up, "Let's go, go get you a dress." "


Victoria Calton White Wolf Earl Manor:

"Is there anything particularly important that my father called me back?" The horn looked at her father, who she might not have seen for a long time, but it was not that she did not want to come back to visit her father.

One is that there are indeed a lot of things in Lentinium, and there is... Both the Grand Duke and Lentinim were wary of her connection with Count White Wolf.

"I miss my daughter, do you need any reason?" The White Wolf Count beckoned and signaled the horn to come over.

“...... Is it true that nothing will happen when we meet? Horn walked beside Count White Wolf and stood looking at the man who already showed some signs of aging.

"Silly child, now that Lentinom is surrounded by the Grand Duke, the Grand Duke's attention is again divided between the Grand Duke of Normandy and the Lentinom, and no one will notice where you go."


Haven't you noticed something yet?" Count White Wolf took the tea made by Leia, "Why is it that no matter how your squad sends communications, Lentinium does not respond. "

“...... I thought about it, I mentioned it when I spoke with Colonel Hamilton.

Leah lifted the soft chair behind the horn.

"Thanks, Leah... We also haven't seen each other for a long time.

Leah simply did a ritual and exited the room, without speaking.

"Leia is still the same as before, didn't you tell your father not to be so strict?" Perhaps it was the reunion between relatives that made the horn fall into unprecedented relaxation.

"It's none of my old bones, you know Liya's character." Count White Wolf smiled and looked at the horn.

"Rita, then why are you still in a place like Hillock County, knowing that you have been treated as an outcast for those people's trades, and sent to death there."

"If it weren't for the fact that I asked Tallulah to ask Mr. Tianshuo to pick you up in advance, you would be a corpse by now, you know?"

“...... Father, I grew up listening to your heroic deeds, and you should know better than me why I insist on staying there.

Count White Wolf looked into the horn's eyes, "Hahahaha..." He

already understood, understood what he had lost, the most precious thing.

It has been rediscovered by his daughter Rita Scamandros.

"Because there are still civilians in Victoria there."

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