Note: In the Crimson Theater (that is, the castle and meat pigeon) where Tianshuo is located, the space and time of each room and each character will not be uniform.

The time and space of the Crimson Theater (Castle) are chaotic.

For example, what the god of wine said in the room before was said in that room before Tianshuo came, and when Tianshuo came, it overlapped with the point in time and space where the god of Dionysus existed before.

As a result, Tianshuo can hear each other speak (because Dionysus is something that has happened in the past), but cannot talk to the other party, and Dionysus cannot hear or see Tianshuo (because from the perspective of Dionysus, Tianshuo is the future),

and it is also possible that the past time and the time of Tianshuo coincide, so that people at different times exist in the same space at the same time.

That's probably it, explain it here)


The kitchen knife sharpened by the head chef of the chaotic time and space of the Victoria Crimson Theater

did not stop because of the arrival of Tianshuo, and the sound of sharpening the knife was repeated over and over again.

"Bloody... Another failed actor? The head chef lifted the lid and put in the cut meat.

"It's not time for dinner yet." The head chef raised his head and looked at Tianshuo, who was standing still.

“...... Troupe members who haven't seen before, newcomers? The head chef walked towards Tianshuo, who was covered in plasma, with a kitchen knife.

"The taste of the newspaper is still as bad as ever."

"You said (Leitania foul language). Don't think I can't hear in your kitchen. The voice of the announcer came from the radio at the top of the room.

"How many times have I said this? Dinner is prepared by me, I don't allow any flaws on the table, and you throw the newcomer in more or less the head rests on the neck for a long time. "

Newcomer? What newcomers, don't talk about this, blood diamonds (the title of puppet in the troupe) are physically extensive, you prepare more food. With

that said, the radio no longer made any sound, and all that remained in the room was the rhythmic tapping of the lid of the pot because of the steam.

"So whose actor are you?" The head chef walked past Tianshuo, removed the ingredients and returned to the pot.

“...... I don't know. Tianshuo originally thought that this time would be like before, and the other party was not at the same point in time as before.

The head chef obviously moved: "Who brought you into the troupe, don't you remember?"

Tianshuo pondered, he was wondering whether to report the name of the god of wine.

"Forget it, it's no wonder it's a failure." The head chef picked up the silver fork placed on the wall and walked towards Tianshuo.

"Do you want to start fighting without saying a word? Are there all the crazy people here? The blood blade inserted in the scabbard around Tianshuo's waist was taken out by him in an instant.

When ——!!

The shrill sound shattered part of the plate, and the sound of shattering continued to sound.

He actually didn't cut the fork, and Tianshuo was a little shocked.

The two distanced themselves, and the head chef looked at the blood blade in Tianshuo's hand, he actually did not shatter the weapon.


"This pair of silver dinner forks is used to deal with failed actors, one for crappy playwrights, and one for those in need."


That's what the man gave to the head chef, and he did deal with a lot of failed actors and some trash playwrights.

There is no weapon that can leave a trace under the attack of the silver fork.

The head chef slaps his palm on the stovetop, shakes up the beating lid, pours the water prepared in advance, and flickers on and off the fire, looking for the best heat to prepare the stew.

The head chef cannot tolerate anyone making mistakes at the table – including himself.

"I'm not here to fight, if I can, I'd like to clean the plasma from my hair." Tianshuo was not a battle maniac, and the stickiness on his body did make him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"You don't look like a failure, maybe a little cultivation will be..." said the head chef and looked at Tianshuo, stirring the soup with his palm, "So... Be my guest. "

Thank you very much."


Tianshuo removed the ice ring, because of the plasma that was almost solidified, the long hair did not spread out.

"Even in the troupe, there are few long-haired men like you."

"Well, I've heard this many times." Tianshuo gently rubbed his hanging hair with clean water, as for the body... He didn't seem to particularly care anymore.

At the very least, keep your hair clean so that the ice rings don't get wrapped in plasma.


"Whew..." Tianshuo wrung out most of the moisture on his hair and draped it over his back to dry.

Washing your hair is such a strenuous job... Next time, the whole person will jump into the water and swim a few laps.

The head chef did not know when all kinds of dishes had been prepared, and the puppets of the newsman were mechanically brought to the table.

He left the kitchen with the puppet, and did not call Tianshuo, an actor without a title... I am not eligible to go to a restaurant.

Strictly speaking, the head chef should deal with the "failure" of Tianshuo, but he sees the potential in it.

The head chef took two silver forks, leaving one in a compartment on the wall.

“...... Forget it, I don't want to eat those things, I'm not hungry anyway. Tianshuo took off his coat, and now the coat is full of plasma and can no longer be worn.

But the fork had piqued his interest, and the head chef had left one.

Tianshuo raised his head and took off the fork and held it in his hand, and as he expected, the fork was a casting unit.

And the material is not top-notch, if you use this fork to collide with the blood blade, you will definitely be cut in half by the blood blade.

"Three different forks, each with a different use?" Tianshuo touched this silver dinner fork, and the smooth body surface was no different from the fork in Tianshuo's impression.

Tianshuo was spinning at his fingertips with a silver dinner fork, and now there was nothing to do in the kitchen, and the god of wine did not appear again.

And the only place to get out is the door where the head chef left before, and the door where he entered.

"Strange... This door. Tianshuo came to the door and pushed it open, this time it did not have a huge suction force like before, and gently pushed it open.

Outside was a dark corridor that wasn't particularly wide, no longer leading to the room full of artifacts.

Tianshuo stepped out of the room and walked in the quiet corridor, and sometimes a little music entered Tianshuo's ears, and Tianshuo could hear him unable to distinguish the direction.

The spatial unfolding can only cover this corridor and cannot extend any further.

"What the hell is this place... Dionysus, what are you going to do when you come out for me and somehow pull me here? Tianshuo spun around the silver dinner fork and muttered to himself.

He didn't expect Dionysus to answer this question either, he just wanted to vent his emotions.

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