"Tianshuo... The disabled in the North. The newspaper man hung his head and rested his hands on the edge of his chair.

The light gradually shrinks until it disappears completely.

Tianshuo walked to Da Suo's side and leaned on the other party's huge body, wiping the blood blade in his hand.

"Big lock, your wish has been fulfilled."

No one responded to Tianshuo, there were dolls everywhere, all dead people.

For a long time, Tianshuo's body got up from the body of the big lock and walked towards the exit in the distance.


A light shone directly from the ceiling illuminating Tianshuo, and the audience watched the actors leave.

When people went out and closed, the scene erupted into amazing applause, no one cheered loudly, the applause overwhelmed everything, and the crowd got up from their seats.


"Finally there is a decent drama." The playwright stood at the end of the audience and looked at the stage, the newsmaker sitting quietly in his chair.

"Is that actor really trained by you?" The head chef and playwright stared side-by-side at the stage, the silver fork in their hands spinning.

Originally, he just came to clean up the crappy playwright, that is, the newsman on stage, but everything in front of him was appreciated by him.

"No, it seems to be the person brought by the theater director (Dionysus)." The playwright writes on the notebook he carries with him the inspiration that explodes at this moment.

The gaffer also came to the two after manipulating the lights, "It's a perfect show."

"Your lighting level is still that good." The playwright looked at the gaffer and smiled softly.

The prop artist poked his head out of the ceiling and looked at the entire stage: "Whose show is next?" "

The first performance of Blood Diamond (Puppet Shadow), the troupe leader, Shadow, Dao Dance, and Bai Yinghua are already guiding him." The playwright closed the notebook, and at this moment the applause had calmed down and people were looking forward to the next performance.

The playwright turned and left the scene with the head chef.

"The opening of the grand drama has been perfectly unfolded by the reporter, look forward to the drama brought by the blood diamond (puppet shadow)."


After leaving the stage, Tianshuo came to a dungeon-like place, where all kinds of people were imprisoned.

The most conspicuous is the girl chained to a pillar.

“...... A sakaz? "Tianshuo is a little uncertain, but the information feedback from spatial unfolding is somewhat similar to Sakatz's.

"Can you... Give me some of your blood? The girl flicked her arm, and the chains struck on the stone pillar with a crisp sound.

Very delicate, very cute, very beautiful, no one will refuse to save this maiden.

But it's a pity that she met Tianshuo.

Tianshuo squatted down, not far from the girl.

"Blood Demon? But it's not like ah..." thought Tianshuo holding his long hair.

The other party's information with Warfarin was too far apart.

"I'm sorry, I can't bleed." Tianshuo refused the other party, it was quite normal for the blood demon to need blood, at least when Tianshuo was still in Rhode Island.

The vampire (the blood demon, aka Warfarin) spent all day thinking about his blood.

"Northern Realm Remnant, why are you here?"

The unknown voice obviously startled the girl in front of Tianshuo, and her legs shrank reflexively, she was afraid of this person.

The driver took a long whip along the road where Tianshuo came.

"There's no inspiration you need, there's just failure, there's just people who don't have it, it's just... The dying. The

chaser slammed his cell with a long whip, causing the wailing prisoners to stop shouting, as if no one wanted to provoke the chaser.

Even the prisoners who were dying, and the girl of unknown race in front of Tianshuo, no one wanted to.

"Just lost." Tianshuo got up and turned to the direction where the chaser came, a little strange, the long whip in the other party's hand was not a magic unit.

There was also no residual information about the source stone technique in the opponent's body.

A person who can't source stone skills?

"If you get lost, you should go high, so that you can open up your vision and see the whole picture, and if you go low, you will only see more clutter and narrow vision." The driver dragged the long whip to Tianshuo's side.

He had just returned from outside when he heard the playwrights talking about Tianshuo.

"Go up, go high if you get lost, that's the right thing."

Tianshuo knew that the other party was deliberately driving him away, this blood demon... Have a question?

However, this was the first time that Tianshuo was able to return the same way after entering this strange space.


In reality, Victoria Claybrathon Crimson Theater (abandoned state) Note: The Crimson Troupe in which Tianshuo is in is the Crimson Troupe before it was destroyed by the puppet, and the time between the two is causal The

puppet looked at the castle in front of him, and he returned here.

Original name

: Lucian Codename: Puppet

Crimson Troupe Title: Blood Diamond

Troupe Disaster Lucian, once the troupe's most watched new star, the troupe's unfinished proud work, even if he is in opposition to the troupe, Now in the deep madness, the title of blood diamond is still reserved for him.

The Assassins operating alone in Victoria and the surrounding area are now under contract with Rhode Island to be its Operators.


"Meow." Christine jumped from the ground onto the puppet's shoulder and rubbed his face.

"Let's go, maybe you can know more clearly after entering."

You can also find people who understand the inside of the troupe, and you can understand where the person who performed with him on stage in the first place went, or... Did it die at the hands of the head chef.


The chaotic Space Crimson Troupe (in perfect condition)

heard an extremely panicked roar when Tianshuo was about to step out of the dungeon.

The voice was familiar, it was the strange blood demon girl who opened her mouth to him before and wanted his blood.

Tianshuo's steps retracted, and a surprising thing happened in front of Tianshuo.

The delicate facial features of that strange blood demon disintegrated into three petals, like a blooming flower, and its fangs and sharp teeth were exposed.

"You damn it! Rusher!! You damn it! You damn it! You damn it..." The girl was beaten by the long whip in the driver's hand, and her body could not stop trembling.

The chains were pulled and straightened by the girl, and her body twisted to try to avoid the long whip of the chaser, but that was only in vain.

Tianshuo leaned against the stairs, he didn't meddle, just listened here.

He doesn't understand the process, and he doesn't know anything about it.

Just listening to someone whip the girl and step forward, that's just (foul) behavior.

The frequency of the whipping sound gradually slowed down, and it could be heard that the driver was tired, or... Lost interest.

The chaser rolled up the long whip, and the girl no longer had the strength to shout, allowing the chains to pull her body up, scarred, covered with whips, and the skin and flesh were extremely matched.

The long whip of the chaser did not even make the girl shed even a drop of blood, but it was literal, and the skin bloomed.

It was incredible to Tianshuo.

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