"So, that's why you allowed Amia to enter Lentinom?" Kelsey seems to have found a language loophole in the other side.

"Scavengers draw nourishment from war, and defeat only brings useless corruption."

"You still have doubts about whether the military council's resolution will bring victory to Sakaz."

"Nonsense!" The king of scavengers turned into a wind shadow and came to Kelsey.

Mon3tr: "(wary low roar)

" "King of the Scavengers, I am not questioning the commander of Sakaz's army. Like you said, I'm just talking to you as an old friend.

"The dukes of Victoria have laid siege to Lentinom, but Tracys can still gather kings in the city."

"This just shows that you and your army are guarding the secret route to Lentinom, and you are not blocking our approach."

"Until this moment, you can still kill me and then destroy Rhode Island, a few kilometers away."

"But you didn't. This is precisely because... Amia.

"Huh... Before I saw the black crown with my own eyes, how did I know if she brought new life or destruction? The King of Scavengers turned and prepared to leave.

"This is the end of the conversation between friends, the immortal lord, the maverick blood demon, the out-of-the-line forgiver, the descendant of the Pegasus hero, the nightmare who walks alone in the world... See you in Lentinium. "


Isa, who had woken up from her slumber, came to the top of the villa and looked at the estate of Count White Wolf.

There's a strange smell there.

Isa slowly raised her hand, and the invisible tentacles only reached out to the White Wolf Count's estate in an instant.

High-level forces entering the city without Tallullah's permission - invaders.


The fierce wind set off by the air wave shattered the wall of the manor in an instant, and everyone was lifted tens of meters at this moment, fortunately, the surrounding personnel were evacuated in advance, and no deaths were caused.

Isha slowly fell in front of everyone from the sky, and the scepter of the king of scavengers was raised to block the invisible tentacles, and half of her body had been slapped into the ground.

The two sides looked at each other at this moment.

"The intruders ... When killed. "


Victoria Lentinium Edge

"Take the liberty of asking, are you kidding them?" Tianshuo was running out of patience, and Shenchi had been wandering between the Grand Duke's army throughout the day.

"I don't have that bad taste, the closer I get to Lentinium, the more and more cautious the Grand Duke's army becomes."

“...... Never mind. "It's Tianshuo who cares a lot, others don't have the space to unfold this kind of bug ability like him."


After many twists and turns, everyone finally came to the city of Lentinum.

"I... Can I go? "The cluster of shapeshifters is being erected in front of Mandra by the Deep Pool personnel.

“...... You guys! You cannot be faithful! Already to Lentinom! And I've already drawn all the maps of the Sadeon district for you!! The cluster of shapeshifters struggled in the hands of two deep pool personnel.

It's so hard... The corner of Tianshuo's mouth twitched, it was he who underestimated the acting skills of the shapeshifter cluster.

But...... Now you can let the space unfold to completely cover Lentinom, get the map of Lentinom from now on.

“...... Let him go. The

two Deep Pool personnel glanced at each other and finally let go of the cluster of shapeshifters, which ran towards the outside of Lentinium.

Mandra looked at the rushing cluster of shapeshifters, "Send one person to monitor the other party, and within three hours, the other party will return without a tip, and kill immediately if there is a similar action."


"As for you, put him in a dungeon and interrogate him later." After ordering Tianshuo to be locked up in the dungeon, Mandra continued to infiltrate the inside of Lentinium with the party.

"Let's go."

Two Deep Pool soldiers escorted Tianshuo to a dry dungeon, and they could tell that this dungeon was newly built and had not been used for long.

Perhaps Tianshuo was still the first prisoner to enter this dungeon.

Tianshuo did not rush to act, Lentinom was much more complicated than he thought, and the structure of the city defense cannon and the secondary gun in the tall city wall was enough to make his head explode.

At the same time, he also found two acquaintances in the city.

Logos and Askalen have arrived, each in charge of an area with a clear division of labor.

"Bang bang


The deep pool guarding the prison tapped on the cell door with sticks: "Don't shout, stay honest."

"Give me all to be honest. When the sir returns, we have reliable information, and you can be relieved. "Deep pool soldiers patrol the dungeon with weapons.

"To be honest, I don't want to point my weapon at you either. You have been a slave of Sakaz for so long, and you are no longer a soldier. "

This dungeon holds people in addition to Tianshuo, as well as Victoria's soldiers, officers and others.

"But no way. You can't squeeze out any useful information, and the sir won't want to keep you.

"I can't let you go either. What if you fall into Sakaz again, turn around and tell Sakaz about our plan?

"Alas... I said, or else... Join a deep pool? The Shenchi soldiers muttered to themselves, and none of the detainees responded to his words.

"Forget it, if you were Tara, the chief would have asked you to change your clothes a long time ago."

"Believe it or not. Rather than torturing you here, I want to go outside and kill Sakaz. The Deep Pool Soldier continued to sit in his chair after making a round.

"Look, Lentinom actually fell into the hands of the demon race. But who is to blame for this? Alas..." The deep pool soldier lay on the back of his chair with his feet on the table.

"Huh, dude, I heard that you didn't fight much at all, and all of you became Sakaz's prisoners." The Fukachi soldier said to the person closest to him.

And this person is none other than Tianshuo.

"Who made the Victoria Army, which once terrified all of Terra, so vulnerable?" The soldiers of the deep pool gently knocked on the cell door with their weapons, making one hollow sound after another.

"Where is your chief? Are you still wearing a general's uniform and calling you brothers and brothers with the Sakatz?

"The chiefs are right, Victoria is really decayed from the root. Without our ignition, this huge land would have collapsed into a mud that could not even be burned.

"You should rejoice, soldier, that you ended up dying at the hands of a former compatriot."

"You didn't let the stench of the Demon Slaughtering Knife tarnish your glory as a Victorian soldier."

"Can you shut your verbose mouth that explodes and the silent tapping in your hand?" Tianshuo was now blown apart by the complex structure of Lentinium.

That's just a quarter of Lentinium's data.

Now it is no longer possible to continue, and if it continues, there are likely to be signs of fainting.

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