"You..." Shining looked at the two in front of him, and the thousand words in his heart seemed to be stuck at this moment.

Linguang handed the food to the Shining, they had been on the road for a long time, and even the Shining would be a little tired.

"Here you are... Family, Liz also needs to get back what she lost. Linguang handed the food to the Nightingale's lips.

“! Linguang... I can eat it myself... Not.

"We'll find it, and then, get Liz well." Linguang smiled and looked at the nightingale whose face finally had some polishing.

“...... Well, let's go together. The Shining lowered his head and ate the food that Lingguang had brought.

"At that time, we will go to Casimir, Linguang, if you want to go back, we will accompany you, Rhode Island can also go, we will go wherever you want."

The Shining could see Lingguang's heart, even if the other party covered it, Casimir no longer existed, but it was her home.

“...... Good. "


The lines of the sea of flowers

are on the swaying flowers, and the familiar feeling cannot be wrong...

But he couldn't remember who.

Time here is always fixed, always on the first day.

"To get out, one more thing... Wait for me. "The lines float slowly, hurricanes arise around Him, and there are no chains imprisoning Him.


Victoria Lentinium

Tianshuo kept thinking about the wrong demonstration when he used to perform the source stone technique in the past.

The reason why he endured that indescribable mental pain was because he never used consciousness, but directly applied to a certain part of his body to perform the Source Stone Technique.

While the control is difficult, it will also greatly damage the body, causing the power of time to passively repair the body, thus being tortured by those chants that he does not understand.

Now after the physical fitness is improved, the power of time is no longer passively repairing the body.

Well...... Having someone to guide is different.

The old man taught him combat skills and tempered his will.

Askalen taught him the purest killing techniques and the art of concealment.

And now, Theresia has taught him how to properly perform the Source Stone technique.

Tianshuo quietly followed behind Theresia, neither of them spoke, just quietly walked forward.

Tianshuo was two positions away from Theresia's steps, and these distances were enough for Tianshuo to perfectly reproduce every place he heard Theresia's feet step on.

This would allow Tianshuo to stop using spatial unfolding frequently to probe where he should go.

Rhode Island is arguably not in the same direction as where they go.

This Highness in front of Tianshuo is destined to be empty.


Victoria Lentinium Sadion District

"That direction..." The cluster of shapeshifters looked at the place where the golden light flew to, which was the direction of the Shard.

"Already started?" The cluster of shapeshifters ran in the direction of Theresia.

Mandra, who had fallen to the ground, looked at the departing cluster of shapeshifters and was stunned, then stood up and left.

She had nothing left.

Mandra walked towards the dungeon, where there were also Tara and Victorians imprisoned.

"Killian, let's go home, go back to us... A home that no longer exists. "

No one is going to respond to Mandra.

It's like embarking on a new journey, but it's like returning to square one.

Like Manfred said, everything she did didn't make sense.

"Haha... There is no point..."

Mandra couldn't help but laugh at herself, looking at the ruins in front of her, where her warriors were buried, where the Tara people were buried.

The belief of sustenance turned into soot, and drifted into the distance with these gunsmokes.

But as she responded, she didn't make sense in itself.

...... Then do something meaningful.


"Shapeshifter cluster, you're back." Theresia looked at the leader of the royal court standing in front of her.

"Your Highness, you..." the shapeshifters clustered to look at Tianshuo behind Theresia, "... Was it just our miscalculation? "

You... Already met Amia? Theresia walked forward again after a short stay.

"See, it's a little more immature than we thought."


Why did His Highness come out?" The cluster of shapeshifters stared at Tianshuo's body, strange... The state of the other party has changed again.

Maybe... Forget it, they don't want to probe and simulate for no reason.

"I want to meet everyone in Rhode Island."

“... Probably going to disappoint His Highness, they have already left. "


"Report on the state of the city defense system." Manfred looked at the wounded and remnants of the land, and more and more Sakaz gathered above the ruins.

It was the people who heard the movement and rushed to help.

"Report to the general, the city defense system is still operating, and the people who destroyed the city defense secondary cannon have been taken away by the king of scavengers."

"King of the Scavengers... Even he was far outside the city, was he alarmed? Manfred pondered.

"Gather the remaining manpower, report losses, prepare to activate more city defense secondary guns, it is necessary and even ... Start the main gun. "

Report! The people of Rhode Island have left, they have fled into the structural layer, and we have no way to continue the pursuit. "

The structural layer... No problem, the Blood Demon Lord is hunting inside, what about Hedley? "

“... He was seriously injured and is now being treated.

"Manfred, don't blame yourself too much, you've done your best." The three of Theresia, who came from behind Manfred, were under the gaze of all Sakatz.

"Why are you here..."

the Sakatz all turned their heads and looked in the same direction.

Watching Theresia walk into the ruins, this was someone they rarely saw than the leaders of the royal court.

All the smoke seemed to dissipate under her feet, and all the fireworks seemed to soften around her.

Only the wind is blowing stronger.

Ashes were blown all over the ground, partly stained her dress, partly stained her gray hair. She didn't seem to mind, just quietly stared at a ruin.

It used to be part of the city defense gun, and it was destroyed by Tianshuo not long ago, and fell from above with the city defense secondary gun.

I don't know when a pitch-black feather beast flew in, standing on the warm muzzle.

Her face was so gentle, but her eyes were full of sorrow.

So much sorrow may not come from herself, but also from the people who are watching her, and the emotions of the Sakaz who are watching her flood into her heart like a monstrous flood.

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