The cold condensed around Frost Star listened to her.

“...... Indecision. The Blood Demon Lord changed his previous smiling face, and all the blood broke out of the ice.

Although the opponent's spells are born to restrain themselves, spells that cannot be fully cast are no threat to him.

"Your father would never be like you." The blood of the Blood Demon Lord swept like a tidal wave.

The bone pen in Logos' hand shone with golden light, and the invisible force resisted the sea of blood.

"Even in the face of the coercion of the royal court, in the face of the coercion of the hero of Sakaz, in the face of the demon king, he still led Wendigo to leave."

The Blood Demon Monarch stepped forward step by step, and the sea of blood squeezed the spell range of Logos.

The Blood Demon Lord came to Frost Star and looked at Carters in front of him.

"You and him... Far from it. "

The Blood Demon Lord neither released coercion on Frost Star nor attacked her.

Just standing in front of her.

“...... I know the gap between me and my dad, and I've known it since I was a child.

"You're as indecisive as Theresia, I thought it would be different under Wendigo's upbringing." A thick mist of blood began to appear around the Blood Demon Monarch.

"So is Wendigo, and so are Banshees... What are you doing? The Blood Demon Lord waved his hand and collected the sea of blood in the palm of his hand.

The blood spread out from the back of the Blood Demon Maharajah, covering the sky and stretching towards the frost star.

"With the witchcraft that your father taught you, with the witchcraft of Wendigo, release me."

The figure of the Blood Demon Monarch appeared incomparably small under the background of blood.

"Face me the way Wendigo does!! They never care about that!

"They use witchcraft to extract life, immortal and invincible!"

"On the battlefield, one of them is a fortress, and one is a frontier!"

"This is Wendigo!"

"Wendigo has disappeared from the eyes of the people of Terra for so long that they have forgotten, where has Wendigo gone!?" The Blood Demon Lord looked at Carters in front of him, and he tried to see a trace of a patriot figure from the other party.

"Blood Demon, it's you who are really lost."

The tip of the Logos stroked, and the golden streamers wrote one spell after another.

"Banshee, how long will it take for you to hide in a shell called Rhode Island? I could sense that the Demon King was here, and she didn't even dare to meet me. "

“...... There is no point in meeting you, there are more people who need Amia. "

After the Logos bone pen falls, the runes of the last spell are embellished.

"From the moment I decided to come to Lentinium, I put down my elite operator uniform in Rhode Island."

"I am the Lord of Banshees."

"My words are the court of the death knell."

Logos walked over to Frost Star, and the golden overflow spell he wrote set up a frame around him.

"I am not following the crown of the demon king."

"It is the ideal of Her Highness Theresia that has brought me here, and you have taken her life without being able to extinguish the torch she has lit before our eyes."

"How can a man who has seen the light of dawn return to the eternal night?"

"Dawn brilliance? Ha ha... Hahaha-" The Blood Demon Lord couldn't help but laugh wantonly.

"You call that Dawn Radiance, banshee, have you ever seen the real Eternal Night?" The blood of the Blood Demon Maharajah spilled and dripped on the field built by the Logos.

Volatilize, condense, bounce off....

"When I stood on the back of the canyon and stopped the thousands of troops against Sakaz, where did you see such a sea of blood?"

"When the scavengers were running on the earth and refining the entire battlefield, where had you ever seen such a mountain of corpses?"

"Those Sakaz . . . Where have you heard the dull sound of Tikaz's immature warrior swinging his sword and shadow at the enemy's head? "

Wendigo, Lich, Stonewing Demon... And banshees. "

The rain of blood trapped the four in the field built by the Logos.


Look at what you look like now, old-fashioned, standing with a high sound, banshee, this is so unlike..."

"The years irresistibly wash the earth and shape the life on the earth." The field of Logos is being eroded by the blood of the sea, and it will not be long before it loses its effect.

"Why don't you look down at yourself? You have also long lost your original image.

"Oh, why should I care about a pair of skin bags? Tell me, Banshee, why is Sakaz dying?


Tell me why everyone wants Sakaz to die?"


monster who called himself Kelsey two hundred years ago, with steam knights, tower warlocks, Gallic cannon fire... When she led everyone to break through Kazdale, on what basis could she conclude that Sakaz deserved to die?


Just because we have different origins?" Just because this land can no longer bear Sakaz's resentment, Sakaz dies? "


me, Banshee."

The blood of the Blood Demon Lord stagnated in the sky above, and the thick blood floated in the sky.

"Who made Sakaz's resentment so strong?"


Victoria Lentinium

"Quick, over here." Not the voice of Sakatz, but the voice of the Victorians themselves.

Tianshuo clings to the wall to hide his figure.

Victorian soldiers surrounded Victoria's teachers and children.

Leto came to the soldiers and looked at the school.

“...... Goldin. "

Lieutenant Colonel Leto." Golding walked out of the school alone to greet the lieutenant colonel who had come from afar.

Leto looked at Golding for a long time, and neither of them spoke first.

"Alas... Take the kids and walk, five minutes. Leto turned away, and he saw the determination in Goldin's eyes, if she could be convinced.

Joining the city defense army so early revealed the direction of the rebels.

Ralph and Anna and the students hid next to Jasmine and looked at Goldin who walked in the door, "Are we leaving?"

"I'm afraid so." Goldin looked at this group of children, where can he run?

The capital of Victoria, the mighty Lentinomes, didn't even have their stay as Victorians.

“...... You guys clean up first, and I'll go talk to him. Golding

ran out of the school, Leto hadn't gone far, he was standing in the distance, looking at this school, the school his father had been funding.


"Running out of time?"

Leto shook his head: "This time it is not me who leads the team, I am only as an assistant." "

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