"No, the researchers kept it a secret with their lives, and Usas has not been able to parse the device inside the sarcophagus to this day." Kelsey took the source stone device away from Lyudmila.

"They abandoned and sealed the sarcophagus and the research facility. Only a trace of energy is now recycled to power the core of Chernoberg.

Kelsey looked at Lyudmila, "But what about you? What are you doing all for what?

"I..." Lyudmila bowed her head, like a child receiving criticism.

"Usas purged the entire institute, slaughtered the rare and precious compassion of the scientist nature, and the real betrayer was the insatiable empire itself."

"You returned to Chernoberg, killed Sergei, killed someone who could not even protect his own daughter."

"Killed an Andrei who was looking forward to the future, a good father."

"I... I do not know.

"Think of your father, think of Ilya, of his education of you." Think about who exactly you want to take revenge on.

Kelsey got up from the edge of the bed and walked outside the infirmary.

Askalun at the door hadn't left yet, her back against the wall, "She's in pain now, maybe it would be better if I killed her directly."

"We don't represent the law and we don't have the power to judge others." We have the ability to kill others, but we don't have the power to claim that killing is justified.

Askalun fell silent, "Forget it, Your Highness, you still have the Doctor." I just need to know you're right.

"Askalun, no one dares to say that they are absolutely right..."

Askalen interrupted Kelsey, "I don't care, you will correct your mistakes, there is no need to doubt that."

Saying that, he turned to leave, "I believe you, whenever you are..."

Kelsey looked at the departing Askalon and did not continue.



"Anyway, no one will use that sarcophagus, whoever gets it is just a particularly hard stone, and it can't be opened." Tianshuo quipped.

"Sir? You're back?! "Early dew is still dressed in white.

"Long time no see, Natalia." Tianshuo waved his hand at Zaolu.

"By the way, I still have urgent matters, let's catch up next time, see you sir!" As if remembering something, Zao Lu hurried out.

"Natalia... Did she join the integration movement? Tianshuo sensed that the early arms also had armbands.

"Well, she's in logistics now." Frost Star took Tianshuo around the old mansion and met the fighters of the integration movement.

"However, Miss Natalia really knows everything, not even the siege weapon on the city wall." Froststar recalled the time when Morning Dew taught them to use that thing.

"Without her, perhaps the integration movement would have been defeated in the war with the Third Army, and she and Tallulah have been presiding over the situation in Chernoberg ever since."

"Now that Tallulah is heading to the Imperial City, the city is all on her."

"She said this was the only place she could repay you, and you gave her hope, so... Can Mr. Pervert tell me what happened?


good, I don't mind as you go."


"Just these things, after that, I saved you, although in the end I was saved by you."

Tianshuo didn't hear Frost Star speak, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... Thankfully you didn't go with W. Frost Star exhaled, "Welcome back."

"It's time for me to deal with things too, you big idler, keep going." Frost Star got up from Tianshuo's side and left.

"Big idler?" Tianshuo smiled and shook his head, it was because of his eyes that Frost Star and Tallulah did not arrange anything for him.

After the strength went up, he slowly had a task, and Tianshuo sat on the roof and let some dry breeze blow on his face.

"It's still the same as last time..." Tianshuo suddenly startled, and after carefully perceiving it, he found that the air flow was rising.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong..." Tianshuo jumped down from the roof.

Space unfolds

"What about the snow hare? Got it. Tianshuo ran in the direction of Frost Star.

"Snow Hare! Start Chernoberg. "

Huh?" Frost Star looked puzzled, "What happened?" "

Catastrophe ... There may also be natural disasters. "

“...... Xiao Tian, you know, this can't be a joke, the Third Army is just outside the city, and any movement we have will alarm each other.

"That's right, that's what I felt last time in Chernoberg."

"I... Things to consider.

"I understand, there is no basis for what I said, but..." "

I believe..." Frost Star interrupted Tianshuo's statement, "I need to contact the Third Army."

Frost Star's footsteps were very fast, and it could be seen that she was in a hurry.

"Heavenly disaster..." Tianshuo came to the city wall to feel everything around him, trying to integrate himself into it, which he had practiced in that place after he fell into a coma.

Let down all guards, greet it, join it, blend in with it.

He heard the roar of the air rising and the tearing sound of longing to destroy everything.

Tianshuo could obviously feel that he was floating towards the zenith, and countless air currents were converging upward, and Tianshuo, who had withdrawn from the fusion state, sat on the ground and gasped.

"It's a natural disaster, there's nothing wrong with that." Tianshuo understood Frost Star's concern, and now could only pray that the other party would not be too rigid.

"What to do." Tianshuo has not yet returned to the state, and the physical strength required to release the integration state is too much, making him tired all over his body now.

Tianshuo simply lay on the ground, "Who might have a way..." Tianshuo didn't know why a name appeared in his mind.


This is a person that he can't even explore in space.

"Go and ask?" Tianshuo muttered to himself.


"Dr. Kelsey." Tianshuo finally chose to get in touch.

"You don't look good over there, Tianshuo."

"Dr. Kelsey, you know?"

"A natural catastrophe will destroy all traces of civilization on this land, the leader of the Third Army... Moisture... Multiply. "

The signal was jammed ... Wow! Tianshuo broke his mouth and cursed, "The leader... Didn't Viscount Kirke go to the Imperial City? Who else can be the leader of the Third Army. "

Duke Baikal? The name came to Tianshuo's mind, but it was quickly vetoed by him for the simple reason that he died before the war began.

This is what Frost Star told Tianshuo.

In case of...... Not dead?

Tianshuo unfolded the space and gradually checked every place, although this made his mind explode, and the long-lost chant began in his head again.

Got it! This guy actually faked his death.

Tianshuo leaned against the wall, supported his head, tried to stabilize his body, and did not fall.

Walking down the street, Tianshuo saw infected people and civilians in Chernoberg conducting the most basic transactions.

He also saw entertaining raffles.

A young infected teenager smiled when he drew ALL on the turntable.

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