"Sakaz's main forces probably will not arrive on time to join Trasis."

Tallulah got up and patted the dust on the hem of her short skirt.

"The Lich will be stopped on the journey by the Integration Movement and the Grand Duke (the Grand Dukes who support Tallula), as for the King of Scavengers..."

Frost Star took Tallula's words, and the two sang like double reeds.


Star's original name: Yelena

Race Carters, one of the Supreme Commanders of the Integration Movement, the commander of the spell force, and the leader of the Snow Monster Squad of the Vanguard Special Detachment.

The biological parents were deceased, rescued by patriots, adopted as adopted daughters, raised and raised.

Due to the strength of the Source Stone skill, as Carters, she could not bear the side effects it brings, and once became cold after over-releasing the Source Stone Skill, so that no one could touch her and taste any food.

During the Ice Fields period, nearly 70% of the battles were replaced by Tianshuo, which was able to alleviate the disease.

Subsequently, he received stable treatment from Rhode Island's doctor Kelsey for more than half a year, and obtained a staff sufficient to withstand his source stone skills, and his state is now stable.

Growing up has the potential to surpass patriots.

Now follow Tallulah and move forward step by step towards the ideal they set in the beginning.


"Kelsey...," muttered the captain of the parliamentary guard, where he seemed to have heard the other party's name, and he had heard the other party say her name during the previous battle with the Blood Demon Lord.

"Breath of kings, really has that power? Can cut natural disasters. The

captain of the parliamentary guard shook his head, "This can no longer be confirmed, but the breath of kings... It is indeed a symbol of Victoria. "

As for the Heavenly Tribulation, that's just a legend, but..."

said the captain of the parliamentary guard and raised his head to look at the ceiling, where he was looking at the Shard Building.

"Victoria has a shard edifice that controls natural disasters, and naturally has something to resist natural disasters, perhaps... The breath of kings does have that power. "

“...... Maybe you should take a trip. Tallulah touched the key in her pocket, the tomb of the kings.

"The Shard is almost completely completed, Your Highness, our actions need to be accelerated."

"Yelena, you lead the snow monster squad to thoroughly unfold the surrounding situation, the nobles will cooperate with you, the captain of the council guard and I will go to see where the kings are rested."

Frost Star nodded and left quickly, stopping at the door, "By the way, Tuola is covered in blood and converges with us... The bee hunter also came with him, and I didn't ask what the situation was when time was limited.

"I'll take a look."


The Demon Knight fiddled with his long-handled knife, the blood on his body all coming from the enemy, while the Bee Hunter untied the bloody bandage tied to his hand.

Glancing at the Demon Knight beside her.

This guy is outrageous, although there are his own reasons... After all, she swore that she was very good at finding her way.

The bee hunter sighed, who could have known that the section of the structural layer was so complicated.

After wandering around for a long time, I wanted to see it and was about to go out, but as a result, the shells of the city defense secondary artillery that flew from nowhere, directly blew them up again and could not find their direction.

This was followed by the Sakhaz soldiers, towards whom countless Sakhaz mercenaries and warriors flocked to them.

...... Then there was no then, they came here and joined the commanders.

"Thora, Shula (original name of the bee hunter), you guys..."

It's totally fine, leader, you don't have to worry. The bee laughed and showed his teeth and patted his chest as he said.

"Her right leg is broken, find a doctor to show her." The Demon Knight said as he wiped the blood from the long-handled knife.

"..." Shula's hand patting her chest froze, and the whole person froze in place.

"Shula." Talula poked the head of the beehunter with one hand, "Didn't you say that the injury must be said?" "

“...... I'm not... I don't want to cause trouble for you, the leader. The bee cocked his mouth, his eyes a little evasive.

"Leave it to us." Amia and the Doctor had also noticed the movement on this side for a long time, and they also knew the Demon Knight.

“... That's troublesome.

"Leader, Sakaz is just wandering around, I just cleaned up some." The long-handled knife of the chasing knight's shiny shining reflected dazzling in the dim light of this structure.

"What about the others?"

"We split into six squads, and the goal of the operation together is too big, I guess they are still walking around the structural layer..." The bee hunter sat on the side and was held by the Rhode Island medical operator, dealing

with the injury, "Seriously, this is too complicated, if it weren't for the fact that I could vaguely sense the leader with the source stone skill, Tuola and I would still be walking around the structural layer now."

The bee hunter said and waved his hand, shaking his head.

"I'm not... Did you have someone to pick you up? What about nine? Tallulah looked around for Nine's figure.

"Nine was discovered by Sakaz, and all of us retreated to the structural layer, and Nine should still be walking around the structural layer now."

“...... Can't the plan keep up with the changes? Talulah shook her head, "Thora, you and I will act together in a moment." "



Dionysus' alien space

: "This..." Dionysus exclaimed with little expression.

The blood demon girl he left behind was to add variability, but he never expected this to be the case.

"Save him..." Dionysian remembered what the line had said before and looked at Tianshuo.

"Did you mean that?"

"Changed two?" Tianshuo signaled all the sea heirs to retreat, without the power of time to bless, these false sea heirs were far less powerful than those sea heirs outside.

Is the news of Bacchus behind? This is the combat power of the Kaiji decades ago....

Tianshuo shook his head and sighed.

Now the Blood Demon Monarch did not move much, and the two Blood Demon Monarchs stood like that at the entrance of the ancient castle.

Tianshuo raised his hand, and golden streamers came out of his palm, flying towards the Blood Demon Monarch.

At the same time, the two erected a blood shield and opened it, blocking the golden streamer aside.

“...... Is this still conscious? Tianshuo pinched his chin in thought.

It is strange to say that Tianshuo himself is strange, he actually does not have a long beard, it stands to reason that he should have grown a long time ago.

“...... What was I thinking? "

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