"I had thought about the Tower of Babel without the Doctor... Or Rhode Island, in what way it will proceed now.

"What do you say we're going to do?" Amia and Kelsey will decide to bypass Usas, we can't touch the emperor's blade, will the situation be better than it is now? "

Well," Lucille was like a deflated balloon, "but realistically, in those years without a doctor, we did have a much harder time than we are now, didn't we?"

"Kelsey is a devil! You also know how miserable I was when only Kelsey was there, holding me to work all day, and the two of us were like machines that operated 24 hours a day, without thinking about rest! "


but Lucille touched his hair and exhaled, "I almost felt like my hair was going to fall out. The

"PRTS" real-time recording is on, and the above statements have been entered into the database. "

Huh?!! No, you don't have to! You don't have to record everything! This must not be known to Kelsey..." But

Lucille sat down in a chair next to the fluorescent screen, "Hey... Kelsey, she's fighting harder than me... I'm not saying it's bad, we all got here because of Theresia's wishes, her ideals. "

It's just..." Lucille looked out the window at the yellow sand, "After Theresia left, it took us a lot of time to get used to it, and there are still people who are confused."

PRTS: "I rarely hear you elaborate on such an idea. "

But Luhill" Haha, do you always think that I am a person who only watches from the sidelines.

Isn't "PRTS"?

"Remember the first time I met the Doctor?"

PRTS" data has always been intact. I remember when you first came here was different, when you still had the Doctor by your side.

"It sounds like the Doctor is like the guardian when we both meet."


Sometimes you suddenly fall silent, and I'm curious why."

PRTS: "A lot of times I don't know why I'm silent.

But Lucille waved his hand, "Forget it, your system and program are a mystery, don't worry, I will try to understand you."

"Shortly after I started working on engineering in Rhode Island, the Doctor and Theresia came to me and gave me a weapon I'd never seen before."

"The doctor asked me if I could read the firmware inside and restore its original function."

"Just kidding, of course it's okay for me, although it's a tough process."

"Later I learned that the Doctor used the data I provided to reverse understand the activation mechanism of the device and use it for us. Directly reversed the situation at that time. The rash use of unauthorized devices by

"PRTS" may cause information mismatches or be monitored.

But Lucille jumped up from his chair, "Yes! I noticed something was wrong when I was researching, but the Ph.D. told me that I didn't have to worry about it. "

He was like he knew everything, even the probability of me cracking it he calculated, ACE they all had no hope for that war, but the reality is that we won."

"However, seeing the Doctor again felt different."

PRTS: "Judging by the combat record, it is true, and the combat style has changed a lot compared to before. "

You finally didn't say 'it's possible for people who look alike.'" But Lucier points out the key point: "That's how you differ from other programs.


"Forget it, I'd better continue to check on you, I must know you better before Kelsey."



"Xiao Tian, you seem to have something on your mind." Frost Star noticed Tianshuo's abnormality: "In the past, you would sleep directly or talk non-stop. "

Do you want to tell the snow rabbit....

"Or that the coma hasn't eased up for a month..." Frost Star said to himself.

"Nothing, just thinking about something." Tianshuo got up from the sofa, "Then I'll go to sleep first." Frost

Star watched Tianshuo enter the room, a little worried, this was too abnormal.

"You didn't tell them..." Tianshuo, who was lying on the bed, heard Alina whisper in his ear.

"Frost Star, they are working hard for the infected." Tianshuo sat up from the bed, "This kind of natural disaster that there is no way to stop it, don't need them to be distracted."

"I'll solve it and do my best."

Tianshuo got up from the bed, opened the window, and walked in the direction of the city wall.

"Xiao Tian, are you sleeping?" Frost Star's voice sounded outside the door.


Pushing open the door, the room was empty, only the curtains fluttered in the wind because of the open window.

"Not there... Finish? "


To figure it out, you have to come up with it.

Can't let everyone die in this city, everyone has worked hard for so long, only now here, Sister Ta and the old man have also gone to the Imperial City, and everything is moving in a good direction.

No...... Ruined here.

Tianshuo stood on the city wall, and the wind in the night was more violent and manic than during the day.

"Whew..." blends into them in order to understand them.

No wind does not make waves, become the wind, and observe them with the wind.


That might mean he never comes back... Always be part of the wind, just like the line says.

"Whew..." Let go of all guards, tolerate, accept, blend in.

Tianshuo felt himself floating, the wind wrapped around him, dragged him up, embraced him, and lifted his whole body.

Rising with the wind, through the source stone dust, he saw those who survived the natural disaster, became infected, became the people they hated and feared.

They became infected people who were spurned by their former despis, lost their homes and had to wander, had to be spurned by people like themselves before.

Finally, quietly in the corner, in the regret and hatred, turned into source stone dust and died.


Rhode Island Honship

"Kelsey, how long was the last time so many infected people died?" Askalen and Kelsey stood by the window looking in the direction of Chernoberg.

"It's been a long time before Usas was founded."

"And after that?"

"An unprecedented natural disaster has broken out."

"That's why Usas treats infected people like this? So it evolved to what it is now? "

Kelsey"..." "

Forget it, if you don't want to say it, don't say it." Askalun looked at his expressionless face, "Hey, hey, don't show this scary expression."

"That prison will eventually stop its movement on this land."

"Don't you have to tell the integration movement?"

"They have sensed and acted in vain, albeit in vain."

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