"Don't worry, I took a picture of what you looked like before." Alina patted her chest, "Yelena, they can definitely see it." "

Actually... Not a big deal, Alina.

"But this is important to Xiaotian and Yelena." Alina leaned into Isa's arms, and it felt wonderful.

Some time ago the other party was leaning into your arms, but now it is the other way around.

“... Does this make any sense? Isha looked at her hands, he didn't understand.

“...... It's a big deal, you're their precious daughter. "

“... I don't understand. Isa shook her head and jumped off the wall with Alina in her arms, landing firmly on the ground.

Alina, who was frightened by Isa's action, was still a little uneasy, and Isa's slightly plump chest pressed on Alina's face.

"Ahem... It's much faster than taking the elevator, haha..." Alina broke free from Isa's embrace and got off the other side.

"Alas, the boiling area has not been very stable recently, and as soon as the stationed personnel left, it was only half a month, and they were about to return to their old business." Alina sighed, she had been worried about these things lately.

Tallulah and their patrol were fine when they were there, but now that the war has begun, the security in the city has obviously become much more chaotic.

This is obviously not possible, and if it continues, it will definitely cause trouble.

Isa followed Alina and looked at the melancholy woman, he couldn't help with these things, and he didn't need his help.

"Miss Momberland?" Alina saw a familiar figure.

"Alina." Skyfire noticed Alina while the other party called his name.

"Which two are the two next to you?" Alina pointed to Ceylon and Black beside Skyfire and said.

"They're operators returning from vacation in Rhode Island."

"This is Alina, who is now the head of the integration movement in Cratton." Skyfire is introduced for Ceylon and Black.

She was shocked to learn that Councillor Yatliya (formerly Tallula's pseudonym in Calaton) was the leader of the integration movement.

But after spending those months together, they cleaned up Calaton together, and she already had some understanding of this integration movement.

"Who is he?" Tianhuo looked at Isa with long black hair, a little familiar but not quite sure.

"Uh... Well, I'll talk about that later, haha. Alina slapped Tianhuo's shoulder.

"Miss Montberan, I need to discuss with the councillors about Caraton's recent affairs, and you have seen the changes in Calaton after they left."

The source stones cleared by the flames of Tallulah were refined and reused, and the abandoned marginal city was revived.

This has also led to investment and settlement by many, many outsiders.

There are more and more unfamiliar faces, but Caraton is a mobile city that claims to never close.

Fish and dragons are mixed, and now the problem is in front of everyone.

"Hmm... This is indeed a problem. Tianhuo thought at this moment, and forgot about Ceylon and Hei, who were still by her side.

The two looked at each other, smiled, shook their heads, said hello to Alina, and walked towards Rhode Island's office in Calaton.

Calaton hadn't done a source stone dust survey for some time, and Ceylon, as an expert in this area, needed to confirm the safety of the mobile city.

Isa went to sit on a bench by the side of the street, his thoughts about expelling the source stone had no clue until now.

Isha pinched her face, "Meaning? "

...... Meaningless, He still thinks.


Victoria Lentinium also

raised his head to face the raging wind after several people raised their heads, and he had sensed the natural disaster long ago.

And today, the disaster cloud is in the sky above them, overwhelming most people.

Theresia stood in the airship and looked down on the land.

The lightning bolt burst from the energy explosion was above the airship, and they did it, and Sakaz did it.

Take control of natural disasters.


"Your Highness Tallula, the Shard has been built by Trasis, and controlling the natural disaster is no longer a luxury."

An old man stood side by side with Tallula, his body only slightly retreated, so that the others could see more intuitively who was the leader.

“...... Act of God. "Tallulah looked down at the breath of kings in her hands, legend... The breath of kings can kill natural disasters.

But Tallulah doesn't think so, maybe it really has the ability to slash natural disasters, but she can't do it now, this sword is more important... Give hope to all.

A hope of peace.

"Your Highness Tallula, when did you begin your final operation?"

"It will take a while longer, the people have not arrived yet." Tallulah looked at the flying ship, in fact, she had no bottom, although she knew that the ten kings of Sakaz were not in harmony within, but... They are coercion.

Just standing here puts enough pressure on everyone.


"You don't have to do that level for them."


The voice of the undead black snake echoed in Tallula's mind at this moment, resounding like thunder.

“... Who?!! Tallulah held her forehead with one hand, a feeling that made her feel a little dizzy, that familiar accent.

The undead black snake looked at Tallulah on the screen, he could not transmit the sound again, the chains imprisoned him, and Alina's laxity gave him an opportunity.

"Your Highness Tallula? Except for the two of us... There should be no one else. The old man looked at the somewhat tired Tallula.

"Your Highness may need to rest for a while, you have been leading everyone to fight for the past three days, and there are some things you may try to leave to your subordinates to do."

"Among them, there are many capable people, and those squad leaders are all good players, and they trust your highness."

Tallulah shook her head back to her senses, perhaps she had misheard just now.

"How's the movement of the deep pool?"

"The old fellow of the Duke of Wellington has also begun to express his position, and His Highness Abrana, whom he supports, is in his domain."

“...... Sooner or later they will come here, without us having to intervene, and I wonder more than them what happened to the dukes who surrounded Rentinium? Tallulah put away the breath of kings.

She felt a slight tremor in the other party, perhaps the will of the kings, or the steam knight.

Whoever they are, they share the same belief, which is to defend Victoria.

"The three surviving steam knights appeared on the battlefield, and the harsh but familiar sound of steam made everyone stunned." The old man followed in Tallula's footsteps, telling the other party that she wanted to know all the information.

"But they took advantage of the Duke of Normandy, who also wanted revenge, and they ... Want to re-repel these Sakaz in the Lentinium on the battlefield.

Tallulah closed her eyes, the cry from the steam knights from the breath of kings.

“...... Even if Victoria betrayed them. "

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