"We can't kill him, but we can stop him before the other awakens."

"Now He is awake." Saint Carmen listened to the slight gasping of black light, and the tide outside stopped lapping the shore.

The howling of the wind also disappeared from their ears, and the unknown twisted swallowing sound of the dinosaur fish also disappeared.

The whole heaven and earth were silent, and there was no sound.

The scars gradually spread throughout Iberia, using the land as their nest for them to move around.

“...... Great silence. The

four spoke at the same time.

Only Alini and Black Light were still puzzled by the expressions on the faces of the four seniors.

They've never experienced it.

"This is just a precursor, we still have some time, Your Excellency Carmen, can you have the means to contact the outback." Curetia reacted quickly, and the great silence was approaching, reminding them once again that time was running out.

Saint Carmen shook his head silently: "If I had, I would not appear here, but would directly contact Wang Cheng to bring the news out."

Urbian looked slightly sideways at Goretia: "You want to contact the outback?" Who has achieved the trust of arrogance as you have? "

“...... She hasn't achieved it yet, but her approach has asked me to work with her for the time being.

Coloria avoided Urbian's scrutiny: "Kelsey, she... Saved the shark.

"Laurentina? How is her doing? "

The situation is not very ideal, and I am currently in a coma and lost in myself." Goretia turned to look at Black Light and Alinie.

"We need to know how you hunted Him, and we need to be prepared."

This time it was not Saint Carmen who spoke up, but Dario, who had been choosing silence.

"As the basis for cooperation, we will tell you about the current situation of Agor, which is well documented in the hands of the Bishop of the Deep Sea, and they have infiltrated Agor more thoroughly than you think."

Saint Carmen's lantern had always been held in his hand, and it seemed that this was the only way to make him feel more at ease in such a situation.

"When we hunted four teams of deep-sea hunters, we did enough pre-war simulations and investigations, but when the real battle happened... The reality is brutal.

Geretia only had to glance at Urbian to know what the other party was trying to tell her.

The former battle together made the deep-sea hunters have a soul, even now Urbian voluntarily disconnected from them.

"The first and fourth teams, who died on the way to that battle, one head and one tail, created a breakthrough opportunity for me who led the second team and Urbian who led the third team."

"The three teams were beheaded, while the second team led by me remained near the lair. Hold off endless dinosaurs and sea heirs for them..."

"That's hard to describe as 'nest'." Urbian corrected Goretia's mistake.

“...... How is it different from a regular lair? After the great silence, dire fish suddenly appear from some caves from time to time. "Saint Carmen speaks of the ordinariness of Iberia over the years.

"As inquisitors, we're in charge of cleaning up, but that's a veritable lair."

Urbian shook his head, thinking back to the scene when they had entered.

"You can't compare the dinosaurs attached to land with the dinosaurs in the ocean, or even the gathering place of the sea, that's even more... Where Ishar-mla is located. "

It felt like we were entering a huge whole, and we ... It's a small germ. "

Germs can also kill a healthy person." Dalio wiped down the cannon, and the cleaning just made it a lot of fresh scratches on it.

"So we succeeded... We thought we had succeeded. Urbian chuckled, the mask covering his face making it unclear whether it was self-deprecation or how.

"In the decisive battle over there, I was badly injured, I just... Sleeping with His corpse, I landed in the body of Ishar-mla.

"That blood, if that glowing fluid was blood, spilled all over my body and enveloped me."

"I just slept well with His corpse. I hid in His empty shell, leaning on His flesh and blood until the voices around me were all quiet. "

The sea water rushed through the corpse towards his corpse, and I heard the pulse beating again, and I didn't know if it was mine, or... This giant called the corpse was emitted.

"It was Scati, it was she who fought to the last moment, it was she who raised her sword and gave him the final blow."

"But all I can say is that unfortunately, it was not a normal 'kill'. It's not for us to 'hunt,' to hunt. It was a 'feeding', a feeding of the population.

"Ishar-mla possessed Scati, his body fed the dinosaurs, and the huge corpse did not sink to the bottom of the sea, as we know, but floated around in the ocean."


to Urbian's narration, everyone fell silent, as if the great silence was about to come, no different.

"What about you?" Goretia searched many places over the years and did not find a single hunter.

"Me? I stopped in the middle of that journey, the sound of that pulse getting louder, and I was guessing... Maybe the huge 'corpse' is still alive.

"You can't imagine how many dinosaurs that corpse was fed, and he even grew on his own while feeding."

Even... Feeding Urbian himself.

"I was parading in the sea, and Ishar-mla's 'death' really calmed the sea, and I had a lot of time to look for what I saw on the corpse, something I had never seen before."

At this, Urbian stopped, and he looked at Saint Carmen and Dario in silence.

The intention is obvious, the whole process of the hunt has probably been briefly described, and now it is the turn of Saint Carmen to have the news of Agor.

“...... Tian-shuo, uh... Ahem, the crowd is calling. The tentacles formed by the black light sprang up, and the tentacles were rooted in the cave, and the marks extended towards them from the bottom of the cliff with the other party's connection.

"Tianshuo?" Oledia's figure flickered, and the tentacles of black light had been cut off before the other party arrived.

The crowd did not see clearly how Goretia wielded the long hammer, not even Urbian in this sudden situation.

The figure of Goretia came to the black light.

"You just said... Who is the flock calling? "

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