"Never seen... But I've heard one of them. Tianshuo reached out and blocked the stones that fell from a distance.

“...... Let you help His Highness Tallula? Kelsey guessed, because it was Tallulah who held the breath of kings at the moment.

"Well, Dr. Kelsey, you really know everything." Tianshuo patted the dust on his body, and this time he did not allow the battles to tear his clothes.

“... Tianshuo, I am not an all-knowing and all-powerful being. Kelsey did not agree with what Tianshuo said this time.

"Yes?" Tianshuo was a little surprised"... And that before?

"That's omniscient based on the cognitive category of the person I'm talking to, and it's clear that you're beyond that category, and I can no longer be called 'omniscient' before you."

Kelsey's arm was bruised by rubble, and Mon3tr was unable to block all the attacks for his opponent.

“...... But you do know a lot of things, there's no denying that. Kelsey

didn't speak this time, just looked at the airship in the sky that was out of control by Ishar-mla.

Her lips trembled softly as she uttered a passage, but made no sound.

Kelsey's gaze no longer looked at the figure on the airship, but turned to look at Tianshuo: "Tianshuo, I beg you, buy me a little time."

"You saved my life, there is no need for this, Dr. Kelsey... It's so much unlike you. Tianshuo could hear the emotions in Kelsey's mouth.

They are all working hard for this land, the only difference may be that... Tianshuo has selfishness, but Kelsey does not, because that is her mission.

"Last time you paid it off."

"But even if I didn't save you, you could handle it, wouldn't you? Doctor Kelsey, my time spell knows very well. The golden lines on Tianshuo's arm attracted the other party's attention.

"You have no past, and you have no future, you... It is eternal.

"Doctor Kelsey, I want to save this land because I have selfish intentions, I want to save Yelena, I want to save Tallula, Bodrokasti, Ino, Sasha them... And what about you? "

“...... It's just my mission.

"You're alone?" Tianshuo did not hear Kelsey speak, only the wind was blowing in his ears, perhaps the other party was alone since ancient times.

"That's too unfair." Tianshuo complained for Kelsey.

"I don't have time to complain, Tianshuo, ahem..." The aftermath of the threesome's battle eventually wounded her, despite Mon3tr's best efforts.

Golden light flew out from Tianshuo's palm, through Mon3tr, towards Kelsey.

"I'll help you, and that's helping me too." Tianshuo manipulates the golden light to heal Kelsey's injuries.

"In the past, both you and I walked alone... Kelsey, how about we fight together this time?

"I pacify the ocean, and you watch over the earth."

Brilliant golden light surrounded Kelsey, forming streamers that swirled around her limbs and also attached to Mon3tr's body surface.

Kelsey looked at Tianshuo, who had invited her, the second person who knew and knew something about her.

“...... I watch over the earth, and you pacify the ocean. After

receiving Kelsey's promise, Tianshuo's figure disappeared, and the next moment came to Ishar-mla.

The Blood Blade blocked the concentrated attacks of the Scavenger King and the Shapeshifter cluster at this moment.


The ground cracked at this moment, like a broken spider's web.

Tianshuo gritted his teeth and his arm sank, and the power of time repaired the broken bones for him.

[Pain Reduction Level 10 is On]

"Tian-shuo?" Ishar-mla looked at Tianshuo in front of him suspiciously, although the state was not as good as when he first came out of the ocean, but it was enough.

“...... Yes, five minutes have arrived, you come and tell me the answer.

Ishar-mla raised his hands, and the currents flowed around them with his song, and the staff converged on the palms of his hands.

Tianshuo felt that the tide was giving him strength, and the infinite ocean current shared his injuries at the moment.

As sea water gushes out of the scars, they will roll up the sea tornado from the ground, penetrating the two of Tianshuo and Ishar-mla, and impacting the Scavenger King and the Shapeshifter cluster.

“...... With an avatar, it can be like this on land without a drop of seawater..." Tianshuo thought silently in his heart.

"How terrifying is it if you are in the ocean?"

Tianshuo slowly unloaded his defensive posture and listened to Ishar-mla... Or Scati's singing.

The penetrating singing voice caused the King of Scavengers and the Shapeshifters to cough up a mouthful of blood, and Kelsey was no exception.

“Ishar-mla...... Can I stop singing? Tianshuo

didn't know why the singing didn't have any effect on him, and the sea water that surrounded him, and even distributed the healing of his injuries and helped strengthen all his movements.


With Ishar-mla's response, the song disappeared for a moment, and the voice buried by the song returned to Tianshuo's ears again.

The cry of the feather beast returned to the ears of Tianshuo, and the cannon fire and the sound of the trumpet came together.

The silence disappeared completely at this moment.

"Ahem... Cough..." Only

the constant coughing of the crowd remained.

"Tian-shuo, your answer is."

“...... I respond to you by going to the nest to share the fruit.

Ishar-mla was about to speak, but was preempted by Tianshuo.

"But I have the conditions, I can take you to the Doctor, but the next action is at my command, and after that, I will return to the ocean with you."

"Yes, as long as you agree to return to the lair." The staff in Ishar-mla's hand dispersed, turning into seawater and scattering over the scars.

"Large groups ... Did it say anything? There was no sound from the system, which meant that the group did not continue to try to contact him.

"The big group told me that you have the same existence as the big group, but it's a pity... None of us can connect with it. "

Kelsey has the power of time and has recovered from her injuries in a short period of time, with Mon3tr guarding her.

“...... Scati, think about it, think about it with what little humanity you have left.

"What kind of disaster your so-called comfort zone in relationships can bring."

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