This is the highest order from the trial court.

"Urbian, you stay and teach them how to deal with the dinosaur efficiently."

Urbian looked at Dario and Saint Carmen, as well as Alinie, who was most easily overlooked.

"I don't think our way of fighting suits them, Goretia, the Inquisition has their own set of tactics."

Goretia did not hear what Urbian said, she had already set off.

"Let go of those arrogances... Gobud... Tia. "

Unfortunately, Oletia did not hear the reminder from her comrades.


Victoria Lentinium

and Sakaz blocked Ishar-mla's advance, but was eventually dominated by the sea, and the marks did not spread much as Ishar-mla spread from where he came to where he stands today.

As the two of them advanced, Sakaz's encirclement gradually decreased until it disappeared completely.

Tallulah arranged the people of Rhode Island safely.

A figure appeared in front of the two: "Tianshuo... Are you Scati? "

Askalen no longer recognizes the current Scati, and the other party has changed a lot.

The iconic greatsword was also gone.

Ishar-mla didn't answer the other person, he just stared at a place, where the Doctor was.

"Askaren, we have something we need to see the Doctor."

"Doctor? A lot of things have made the doctor tired lately, and the doctor is still resting. Askalen didn't doubt Tianshuo too much, but focused on Ishar-mla.

Her instincts told her... Something is wrong with this Scati.

She watched Ishar-mla levitate barefoot, something Scati couldn't possibly do.

"Scati? Where did you go during this time?

Ishar-mla floated forward, not meaning to answer at all.

Tianshuo grabbed the other party.

“...... Tian-shuo, the Doctor is inside.

"I know, but... Come according to the rules. Tianshuo pulled the other party back to his side.

“...... Propriety? "Ishar-mla sifts through information" ... The burden of survival. "

Listen to me." Tianshuo could clearly feel Askalun's killing intent.

“... If you can return, so be it. Ishar-mla thought for a moment and quietly levitated to the sidelines, no more action.

"Rest assured, Askalun, we'll just see the doctor and leave."

"How do you make me trust you?" Askalon looked at Tianshuo, trying to explain.

“...... Kelsey will come and tell you that time is pressing for too much now.

Tianshuo didn't wait for Askalen to get out of the way, and Ishar-mla just waited.

He has a lot of time, his fellow citizens can return, and it doesn't matter, etc.

"You're hurt, Askaren, I don't want to fight you." The space of Tianshuo unfolded, and it was clear how deep the sword that was slashed by Tracys on the other party was.

"Kelsey gave me the task of protecting both of them, and you have been exposed to this task before, you can know it." Askalun's Hidden Blade is revealed, and Scati is no longer Scati.

She could be sure of that, then... Is Tianshuo still Tianshuo?

"You can come with us, we'll just meet."

Ascaron's clenched hand gradually loosened, closed his eyes, and the whole person disappeared and disappeared into the shadows.

"Let's go, Ishar-mla." Tianshuo led the way towards the place where the doctor rested.

It wasn't a luxurious room, or even a room, just a temporary space in the structural floor with some floor bunks.

"Doctor?" He called softly.

Tianshuo couldn't tell if it was Ishar-mla or Scati.

That kind of attachment will not be pretended, and Haiji will not pretend.

“...... I know now what I'm remembering, Doctor. (See Chapter 126: Unafraid of Darkness)

He only looked at the sleeping figure on the ground, and did not say much.

"I want to take the Doctor with me."

Tianshuo listened to His words, and Askalon heard it as well.

“... I'm afraid not, Ishar-mla? Still is... Scati? No matter who you are, the Doctor can't leave yet, the Doctor is needed here.

Tianshuo spoke before Askalon appeared.

“... Then I take another compatriot, Laren-tina, who is still suffering, who needs the help of the herd, the help of the herd. He looked at the Doctor's gaze without moving a bit.

As if this were eternity.

“...... These are two decisions, and I'll discuss them after I solve the catastrophe at the zenith. "

Formerly known as Scati

has now returned to the large herd.

Current Name: Scati Corrupted

Heart The four gods of the sea, migrating, existing, growing, and reproducing,

while Isamara Corrupted Heart corresponds to migration, the representative of struggle, his word is the language of the ocean, he speaks on behalf of the ocean.


"Catastrophe?" He looked at the ceiling, and even the thick stones that blocked him did not make him feel uncomfortable, he could see.

“...... We'll be able to get used to it very quickly, Tian-shuo, and it won't be long.

Tenshuo rubbed his somewhat aching brain, he was a little tired, Kaiji was able to adapt to anything that could pose a threat to their survival, whether it was a natural disaster or technology or... Person.

Tianshuo even felt that if his spatial power was judged by a large group to threaten the survival of the race, then... Even the space they can adapt.

“Ishar-mla?" Tianshuo called to the other party.

"Well, we're here."

"Time to go, we can't just stop here." The surrounding buildings have almost completely decayed by the influence of Ishar-mla.

“...... It's just that... So for a while?

"You're never short of time, are you?"

“... Well, when the ethnic group comes ashore, I will come in person. He looked at the Doctor who flipped on one side, who was still asleep.

Continuous command, constant rushing, and the wounds and sacrifices of the operators, Amia's sleep.

The other party was already tired, and in this rare quiet environment, the other party chose to supplement sleep.

So that in the future, the state of fullness can have a clearer mind to command.

"I will... Come in person and come to you. "

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