Amia stood firmly in the open space with the support of the two, her right arm, which was covered by the source stone crystal, trembled slightly.

The cyan anger was held tightly by her, so as not to slip out of her palm due to the discomfort and detachment caused by the source stone crystal.

Amia took a deep breath, she was adjusting to the feeling of being back to reality.

After thousands of years of indoctrination in the long river of memory, she has almost been unable to distinguish between reality and memory.

"Amia? How are you? Askalun was a little worried, and the other party had been standing like this since he woke up.

The girl shook her head to indicate that she was fine.

The currents inspired by Ishar-mla fell from high in the sky and dripped onto her long stray hair, wetting it.

"That was... Operator Scati? Amia saw Ishar-mla suspended in the air, and the currents formed vertical whirlpools that converged around him.

Lightning slashed down from the destroyed cloud of natural disasters, and a white arc of light stood between Ishar-mla and the Zakaz.


The thunder of the explosion finally reached everyone's ears through the ocean current on the sky dome.

"No, he doesn't feel the same way to me, he may not be Scati... But... Forget it, I can't tell.

Askalon couldn't describe the weirdness.

Ishar-mla's gaze fell on the Doctor, who had woken up.

Vertical whirlpools are inspired by the trend, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and layers of water ripples.


Ruins Casimir

roar!! (Extremely violent roar)

The sword pierced through the huge body, stirring the organs-like organs, and the sound wave of the sea broke through the clouds, breaking it through a hole, and then quickly covered and closed by the clouds.

Russell's small figure penetrated from the first speaker's body, and fluorescent blue blood stained its whole body.


The speaker's huge and powerful long tail shot down from the sky, struck Russell, fanned it thousands of meters, tumbled on wet land, and grazed extremely deep ravines.

(The sound of muscle tissue stirring and healing)

The first speaker's body tore out multiple holes, revealing an aura that was enough to produce a storm, and the wind stirred up the rubble produced by the ground that had been smashed to pieces by both.

"Russell... Fellow citizens, Ishar-mla is calling us to gather, our fellow citizens are well nourished, we do not have to fight anymore. The

original dull blue body of the speaker highlighted the fluorescent low light, scanning the entire area like thousands of eyes.

His body was suspended on land at a low altitude, his huge body twisted, and the body that seemed to be the head at the front end was torn, like a huge mouth of the abyss, and the weak light became more and more intense, blooming with extremely brilliant light.

Russell crawled out of the ravine, his sword broken, his arm turned into tentacles and trembled and stretched, picking up the broken sword again and stitching it together with his flesh.

“...... Ishar-mla? "



From Russell's mouth roared out his name, with anger, with the anger that Russell himself did not understand why at this moment, its speed became faster and faster, and finally like a beast.

Running on all fours.

From its back, two newborn arms were broken in a split second, each holding a weapon, the knight's sword and the knight's shield.

It jumped up to meet the beam of light released by the first speaker, and the shield expanded rapidly in front of it, Casimir's strongest shield today.


Only the picture of the beam washing the earth, divided into two parts by the shield, washed the ground on both sides.

Gravel, black water, waves, blood...

The picture moves frame by frame, but it is always silent.

Russell raised his sword, and it broke through the impact of the beam and came to the head of the first speaker, if the other party had a brain.


- the long sword tore a ravine-like wound on the opponent's huge body, and fluorescent blood spilled from its wound.


Russell fell from a high altitude and hit the ground hard.

Blood spilled and dripped to the ground, hot liquid embedded in it, and a pungent smell emanated.

“...... Good strong signal frequency. "The first speaker recovered from his injuries, there was no point in fighting at this moment, and none of them could help anyone.

Russell hurts him, he hurts Russell.

He will recover from his injuries and so will Russell.

The struggle between the kaiji is fundamentally meaningless in its actions, and if there is, it is only a disagreement in survival, and the large flock will choose.

"Goretia is so similar to you, and her signal frequency is extremely strong."

The speaker suddenly raised his head, as if receiving some kind of frequency signal.

Whether it is a dire fish or other sea heirs standing in place at this moment, on the ground or in the water, or in the deep sea.

Russell was also stunned at this moment, as were the silver spear pegasus who were smashed into the ground and could not move.

The crowd is receiving the call of the flock at this moment.


"Absorb nutrients and return to the nest."

"Gather nutrients, share."


Victoria Lentinium

"... It's time to go. Ishar-mla spat out the words, and the waterspout swelled in front of him.

His figure suddenly appeared behind Tianshuo, and all the water droplets solidified in the air at this moment.

"Tian-shuo, it's time to go."

"I thought you wanted to fight with Sakaz." Tianshuo was dressed in a long coat, and Froststar and Tallulah looked at Tianshuo and Ishar-mla.

"Useless move, I'm here, just because fellow countryman you are here, that's all."

Ishar-mla remembered something, and he turned to look in the direction of the Doctor: "Or maybe it's because of the individual named the Doctor." Frost

Star squeezed Tianshuo's palm, and Tianshuo naturally knew what the other party was worried about.

"Don't worry, just go out and talk again..." Tianshuo raised his other hand and pointed to the ice ring.

"If only you missed me, call me."

“...... I miss you now. "

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