Morning Lu carefully comforted the girl who was only seventeen years old in her arms, she didn't say anything, just patted the other person's back over and over again with her hand.

She believed that in her dreams she would also comfort Vika as she did now.


The rhythmic patting of the morning dew slowly stopped, and she looked down at Vika, who was already sleeping in her arms, and shook her head with a faint smile.

The other party's nerves are too tight....

Zao Lu gently picked up the other party and tried her best not to disturb the girl.

But there is also a downside, that is... After this, Vika, who opens her eyes, will once again question where she is.

No one can give her an answer, and they can't help her, what she faces... It's the most real world.

Whether in reality or in a dream.

Morning show the other person on their bed, cover the quilt and adjust the room temperature to the most comfortable degree.

Bang bang!

Zao Lu was slightly puzzled, the number of knocks on the door today was not much different than usual, a month combined

, usually if someone needed to find her to explain something, someone would inform her, and she went to the council chamber, not in her own home.

Zao Lu gently closed the door, came to the gate and opened the door, and the cold wind greedily penetrated into the house.

“...... Are you? Zao Lu looked at the dragon woman standing in front of the door.

The floating ball in the room was silently activated, and the source stone altar outside the room also spread out ripples at this time, resonating with all the altars in the entire room.

“...... Under Chen Huijie, came to ask Miss Natalia some... Old days. With years of experience, Chen was sure that she was locked up with no less than thirty deadly weapons.

As long as you dare to do something exciting, the end can already be imagined.

The hands that were exposed on the door inadvertently waved when they pulled the door, removing the disposable weapons from the room.

"How come Officer Chen of Longmen has time to come to this cold house."

Although these weapons can only be activated once, they are powerful enough, which is why the Patriots and the people of Talula did not even assign a guard to the early dew.

“...... Ahem, this time I am not carrying the identity of Officer Chen. Chen coughed awkwardly, such an unannounced official entry from a fundamental point of view... It is not allowed.

She took out the letter signed Natalia Andreevna Rostova (full name) from the inside of her clothes.

"I have come to inquire about this envelope only on behalf of a person."

Zao Lu frowned slightly and stared at the letter in Chen's hand.

She knew very well that she had not sent this letter, or that she had never sent a single letter from the beginning.

Chen keenly sensed the abnormality of the early dew and inferred the result.

“...... It seems that the water is still very deep. "


"Boss, the police of the dragon gate went to Miss Zaolu's manor."

An intelligence officer came behind the broken bones to report something special.

"Dragon Gate?" Broken Bones stopped the trivial things in his hands.

“...... The three squads sent additional personnel to patrol according to normal, and the phantom crossbowmen observed the movement at a fixed point. "

Broken bones are simply ordered a few orders and then no more action.


“...... The inner guard did not dare to say that he could dare to attack Miss Zaolu in that manor. Broken Bones shrugged, and all the weapons of destruction studied by the Chernoberg Institute in the past two years were placed in the estate.

Bones doesn't know how many deadly things there are and the weapons that protect the target.

"Alex (original name of Broken Bones)... Ahem. Misha hurried in from outside the room, and the heat rushed towards her to make Misha cough.

"I said brother, your temperature has also risen too high." Misha waved her palm.

"Sister, you just came back from outside, this damn weather." Bone Shattered slashed the altar device in his hand.

"Hey, be careful, Mr. Patriot is not here." Misha hung her coat on the hanger, reminding her of broken bones.

"How can it be so easy to break..." Broken Bone muttered, but the movement in his hand slowed down.

"That's not for sure." Misha put down the ingredients she had purchased, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to cook dinner.

"Do you want to ask your fellow citizens to eat together?" Broken Bone raised his head to look at Misha, who was washing vegetables.

Mr. Patriot asked him to ask Vika to help him find his sister, but sure enough, with Vika's help, he soon found his sister Misha in a relatively remote village outside Chernoberg.

"I knew you guy would say that." Misha shook her head and smiled.

"I bought enough ingredients, let them eat together... How is the water blocked. Broken

Bone listened to his sister's doubtful voice and came to her side with the altar device and looked at it.

“...... Frozen, hot as soon as the tube is hot.

Misha activated the casting unit and looked at the broken bones that were still reinforcing and modifying the altar device.

"How long until you finish it?"

"Hmm... One week away. Mr. Patriot ordered to finish it early. "Broken bones are only half the story, after all... Misha is not part of the integration movement.


"Place these altars in Natalia's manor according to the portrayal I taught you."


These are the words of the patriots.

Although some do not understand why it is placed in the manor, the patriot must have a reason for saying so.

All four supreme commanders left Chernoborg, which made Broken Bones a little unaccustomed.

Tianshuo who rescued him at the Usas Ice Field. He was never seen again after the Chernoberg incident.


The Killer stood on the roof of Rhode Island's office in Chernoberg and stunned.

"Miss Lyudmila?"

She listened to the voice of the Rhode Island operator below who was looking for her: "... Over here.

"Alas, I came down for dinner, and if I didn't come again, I was eaten up by Mr. Compass."

The monarch killer looked at the operator who beckoned to her, and after a moment of stunned, she jumped off the roof: "Let's go, go and see what this compass guy has left for me." "

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