"Xiaotian, thank you."

Kelsey took out a green gemstone from his pocket, "The last one." "

It can withstand your normal use of the Source Stone technique." Kelsey hung the gem around his neck to Frost Star.

"Kelsey, the knife has been found." Askalon appeared to the side and handed Kelsey a bright blood blade.

"This is ... Small Heaven's weapons? Frost Star looked at the blood blade that impressed her, it was a weapon given to Tianshuo by the patriot.

"The natural disaster flew that kid thousands of meters away, but I searched for this wasteland for several days to find this knife." Askalen hugged his hands in a somewhat complaining tone.

In addition to watching Kelsey rest these days, she is looking for this bloody blade in the wasteland.

The blood blade was not found before, but many strange devices that were rolled out by natural disasters were found.

Askalon would never admit that she dragged on for a few days because she was curious and tinkered with those strange devices.

She even "invited" the doctor from her office, only to be examined for a while.

In the end, it was determined that it was a training machine, and the training effect was achieved by constantly tapping things that constantly emerged from more than a dozen holes in the mechanical device with the attached hammer.

+1 point for each tap to the fluorescent screen.

The highest record holder is LeaderOne with 99,999 points.

Surpassed the second place Askalon by more than 40,000 points.

"The blood blade will be kept by me first, and when he wakes up, I will personally give it to him." Kelsey wrapped the Blood Blade and placed it in the box.

"You can go with Amia and them when the time comes, if you are willing to go together." Kelsey walked to the door and suggested and left.

Askalun took Frost Star to Tianshuo's medical room, "This is?"

Froststar saw a strange machine by the doorway.

"What is it?"

"This is a training machine that I brought back outside, which is quite interesting." Askalon introduced nonchalantly.

"But that guy Luhill, she actually hacked into the system and changed her own rating to 99999."

"The most infuriating thing is that I am only 51419 points."

Frost Star looked at the third place on the fluorescent screen with only four digits, and his long ears couldn't help but twitch.

"Just look outside, Kelsey said you can't go in right now." Askalon stopped Frost Star's footsteps.


Tianshuo came to the border he had reached before, and the last time he jumped up, he could vaguely see the outline of the building.

In the last natural disaster, Tianshuo took advantage of the moment when space was forbidden to step on the object to achieve a second jump.

He wanted to see beyond the boundaries in the same way.

The flower returns to its original shape in an instant after being torn off, so his movements must be fast.

Squatting down and grabbing the flower with his right hand, the moment he jumped "Whew~"

, the flower pulled down by super acceleration was thrown in the air by Tianshuo.

Space ban.

The flowers freeze at this moment, and it is forbidden to lift after Tianshuo's second take-off.

Looking at the cliff through the second jump, Tianshuo could vaguely see the sharp corner of some giant thing below, as for whether it was a creature or a building, Tianshuo could not tell.

Tianshuo stopped for a moment after being able to reach the highest place for a short time, and then began to fall, landing steadily on the ground.

"A horn ... Nothing else can be seen. Tianshuo leaned against the wall of air.

"Twice here, should it be some building?"

After repeating this conjecture countless times here in order to verify this conjecture, Tianshuo basically confirmed that the corner was a building.

"That is, I'm on top of a building right now??" Tianshuo felt that his head hurt.

The surroundings were so quiet that it had begun to produce ultra-high frequency white noise in his ears.


The main ship of

Rhode Island was jointly discussed by Tallula, Frost Star, Kelsey, and Amia to continue to place Tianshuo in Rhode Island, who was still in a coma, and Lyudmila established the Chernoberg office in the city of Chernoberg.

The events at Chernoberg ended once and for all.

Chernoberg, currently managed by the infected and the new nobleman Rostov, will be monitored by part of the Fifth Army of Usas and Wei Yanwu, the governor of Longmen of the Yan Kingdom

, and the Third Army has suffered heavy damage due to natural disasters, and the relevant personnel behind it have repeatedly questioned the reliability of the natural disaster messenger ability inspection.

Finally, an unknown film secretly mediates the question of the messenger of natural disasters that first appeared in this land.

Four months have passed since Tianshuo fell into a coma, and Rhodes Island has sailed out of the range of Chernoberg and is about to reach Casimir through Usas territory after receiving the passage of Usas.

"Ahem..." A rapid cough sounded in the medical room.

Tianshuo, who woke up suddenly, felt an indescribable feeling of discomfort in his mouth and coughed continuously.

That dead line suddenly appeared and sent me straight out without saying anything.

Why is it so uncomfortable....

The sound of coughing overshadowed the sound of someone pushing the door in.


The person who came in handed Tianshuo a glass of water, and Tianshuo, who was obviously improving after drinking the water, heard the sound of dialogue.

"Scati, what are you doing here?" Askalen appeared in the room and looked at Scati, who was carrying a large sword.

“...... Nothing, I didn't find the Kelch.

"She sorted out the materials with warfarin at the blood bank."

Scati crossed the door and left after learning the news.

"So what... Ahem, thanks. Tianshuo's voice reached the other party's ears before Scati closed the door to the room.

"It's been four months, you can really sleep." Askalun looked at Tianshuo, who was still coughing, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Four... Months? Ahem..." Tianshuo covered his mouth, his whole mouth was wrong, and his tongue was numbing uncontrollably.

"You look bad..." Askalun's figure disappeared and came to Kelsey's side, "Tianshuo woke up.

"Well, I know."

"Aren't you going over? The situation does not seem to be good.

"He needs to adapt to his body."

Askalun spread his hands and came to Tianshuo to look at the somewhat funny Tianshuo.

"(foul language) What the hell is going on here." Tianshuo's tongue always made him feel uncomfortable.

"Kelsey says you're adapting to your body."

Adapt? Yes, what did the system exchange for me?

Tianshuo now except for the feeling of weakness brought by lying for four months, only his tongue is wrong.

"Need another drink?" Askalon shook his cup.

"Trouble." Tianshuo had already begun to stick out his tongue and try to touch the strange feeling with his hand.

Tianshuo finally didn't have such a strong strange feeling after drinking several large cups in a row.

"Looks like you're much better." Askalun looked at Tianshuo, who gradually calmed down, and put down the cup in his hand.

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