
Welcome to the city of Xista, where there are green mountains, green waters, sunshine and breeze, and our enthusiastic citizens of Xista.

"Many tourists who are not familiar with the volcano may have questions about this, but don't worry, Xista Volcano is different from the volcano that everyone remembers."

"It doesn't have so much mystery and danger, it's a friend of Xista, I can vouch for this with my identity as a messenger of natural disasters, please rest assured..."

The integrator who reported earlier cursed.

"Commander, don't believe it, this volcano will definitely erupt, at most... At most, well, I say more, three weeks at most, absolutely. "

A catastrophe messenger lied...," Tianshuo mused.

Xista Super Large Broadcast

Kronin: "It was because of this volcano many years ago that the natural disaster that passed by Xista was isolated, so that Xista was not affected. "

Radio" So speaking of which, Xista has something very special - obsidian. It is believed to have the effect of inhibiting ore disease, so it has been widely popular in recent years. "

Kronin" Yes, the number of ore disease infections in the city of Xiesta is the best example.

"Although you may hear rumors from the outside world, so-called scientific theories, but in any case, the current situation in Xista City is the best evidence."

"But unfortunately, obsidian mining will cause damage to the natural environment of the volcano for some reasons, and the city hall has issued a mining ban."

"However, at present, we still allow obsidian trading, so if you are interested in obsidian products, you can pay more attention to the market conditions..."

Conductor, is this true?

"It should be fake, maybe it is a special marketing tactic in the tourist area?" If there really was, why didn't Rhode Island know. Tianshuo analyzed, if this kind of thing is really useful, then Kelsey will not have studied this thing long ago.

The next broadcast didn't have what the trio wanted to hear.

"Moreover, obsidian mining is clearly prohibited, but trade is allowed. This...... It's hard to say, there must be cats in it.

"Forget that, when will the snow rabbit come over?" Tianshuo opened up in space again, and still did not search for the information he was familiar with.

"Uh... Snow hare? Oh – the three days that Froststar told us before directing her should arrive tomorrow.

"Anyway, aren't you hot? Today it is 36 degrees hot, not to mention the higher temperature near the volcano. Tianshuo looked at the two of them covered tightly, and they could compete with the doctor.

"It was Commander Frost Star who let us wear it, and now it seems that it should be for the commander to find us."

"Okay, you guys go change your clothes." Tianshuo walked towards the volcano.

"Hey, Ram, you said how the conductor sees things."

"How do I know this, the Fourth Supreme Command is rumored to be old and mysterious..."

"Will there be trees and jungles around the volcano?" It was lonely, and I thought it would be a wasteland. "

It's a wonderful feeling to be walking through the forest, baking in the dense forest at super high temperatures.

[Anti-heat level 6 has been turned on]

"It's really good." After the system was triggered, Tianshuo felt much more relaxed.

"Huh?" Tianshuo Space unfolds and discovers the operator with a super tail that he told the doctor to go to the foot of the volcano.

Although he knew that this was very rude, Tianshuo really wanted to take a beat, and this idea was quickly dispelled by Tianshuo.

"Go check it out, and by the way, let them pass the news that the volcano is about to erupt to Rhode Island." Tianshuo walked in the direction of the two.

As for the city....

Who would believe the words of an ordinary person? Not to mention the words of an infected person.


Approaching the foot of Mount Xista

, "This is already your tenth complaint in an hour, Miss Skyfire." Provence turned to look at the one who had been thinking and wondered if he could burn this weed.

"You don't have to come here with me to suffer." Provence cut the weeds that entangled the feet of the heavenly fire and pulled the heavenly fire in his arms.

"No, I don't worry about you messing around, although you are a natural disaster messenger, you can't guarantee that you won't have any accidents in the flame environment."

"It's true, but... Hey, forget it, anyway, be careful, try not to cause any trouble for the doctor, after all, this time we are only here for vacation. Heavenly

Fire, who was fearful in Provence's arms, looked at the messy branches and weeds in front of him: "Well, for the sake of the Doctor and Amia, there is nothing wrong with patience. "

Provence, the detection rune that Ayaphara gave me has reacted..." said Skyfire as he looked at the forest in front of him.

"It seems that if I don't need to do anything, after a while, this place will also become a sea of fire."

"Collect some sample data and send it back to Rhode Island, Miss Ayafara should not be out yet, she will make the fastest follow-up data analysis."


"Big-tailed wolf!" Tianshuo's voice came from a distance.

Provence did not react, Tianhuo patted Provence "Big tail, big tail, someone called you, it seems to be the Tianshuo of integrated movement." "

Huh? Call me?

"Come on, Big Tail, your tail is really big and big, and the whole of Rhode Island is your biggest tail!"

"The volcano is about to erupt! Contact the Doctor..."

Tianshuo was halfway through speaking, when he heard a scream not far away.

The space unfolded

, and at the moment of information feedback, Tianshuo shuddered, the source stone worm, and some of the new varieties that he had never seen before.

Attacked by the source stone worm is a woman wearing a dress and boots.

Although I don't want to face these bugs....

"Let's go... There are twelve source stone worms in total, and I solve the four red ones. "


In the end, Skyfire still did not strike, and Provence tried his best to stop her from casting a spell.

Tianshuo touched the blood blade, "It's much easier than last time, sure enough, having a good weapon is indeed very important."

The woman who had fallen from a little panicked got up from the ground, "Uh, thank you for saving me, stranger."

Tianshuo leaned against the tree on the side, wiping the strange corpse pieces on the blood blade.

What he brought down when cutting the source stone worm before, if Tianshuo could see it, he could obviously see that the corpse was still wriggling.

"You're welcome, but you, why did you come here, if it's just a walk on the beach, it may be a little far." Provence looked at the other man wearing a skirt and carrying some tools.

"Big-tailed wolf." After completely cleaning up the blood blade, Tianshuo continued the previous topic, "Contact Doctor, this volcano is about to erupt. "

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