"You said Xiaotian was in a volcanic cave? The entrance is still blocked? "

Sister Frost Star... I'm a little cold. Enoch said, pulling on Frost Star's gauze robe.

"Whew..." Frost Star closed his eyes and let out a breath, "I'll rush over right away." "

What about Ino? Is it here or with me. "

Ino goes too, Sasha will protect Ino." Ino showed his white teeth and smiled as he pulled the air aside.

The originally empty place revealed Sasha, who was wearing black short-sleeved shorts, still holding the crossbow in his hand, and his appearance had changed a lot since the last time.

There was a small vial of potion on it, and the specific effect was probably known only to Sasha himself.

"Go find Brother Tianshuo, Sasha will protect Ino." Sasha disappeared again after speaking.


Outside the cave of Mount Shista

, "When are we going to dig this?" Skyfire watched as Provence was clearing the rubble blocking the entrance to the cave.

"If Miss Tianhuo also comes to help, maybe you can hurry up for a short time."

"You can't use the Source Stone technique..." Tianhuo sat on the side and looked at the big tail wagging in Provence.


that it will cause a second collapse, you have said it six times."

"Fry it." Froststar's voice came from a distance.

"The one... Is it the frost star of integrated sports? Tianhuo looked at the two people walking towards him.

"The Doctor contacted us before." Provence also stopped the movement in his hand and looked at the frost star coming.

"Blast it directly, and I'll leave the rest to me."

Skyfire and Provence looked at each other.

"Is it okay?"

Provence fell into deep thought: "I read the combat records, and the report of Miss Frost Star froze the entire natural disaster storm..."


Inside the cave of the Xista volcano

, "I'm exhausted." Tianshuo leaned against the hot wall, and the clothes on his upper body had been completely torn.

"Fortunately, the blood blade is sharp enough, and it can directly cut through these source stone worms, even if it is not dead, it will be killed in an instant by the special poison made by Askalun."

Fortunately, this time there is a corner of the cave wall, and Tianshuo only needs to watch out for the enemy coming in front of him, and does not need to be distracted to care about the behind.

It's just that using super acceleration can barely hold on for Tianshuo now, and the chanting in his head is not as strong as before.

"Let's rest for a while..." Tianshuo sat on the ground against the wall, "The back road is blocked again, go forward?" "

The temperature here is getting higher and higher, even the system can feel the heat after it is turned on to resist heat, it won't be about to erupt..." The

communication equipment was also lost on the way near the wall in Tianshuo, so that he could not contact the Doctor and them now, and there was no one outside the blocked exit of the space unfolding.

"It's not here yet..." Tianshuo got up and rubbed his uncomfortable brain.

Walking deeper, he always felt that the reason why this volcano would erupt was the source of the earth-shaking roar before.

Only the faint magma seeping out of the cave illuminates the cave, although all this is the same for Tianshuo.

It seems that the wave of source stone worm tide just now is all in the cave, and no creatures have been found in the spatial development area controlled by Tianshuo.

"This cave is really deep... It won't be the center that leads to the bottom. "

Tianshuo came to a cliff, and there was no way down here.

"Oh, it's so deep..."

By constantly expanding the space, Tianshuo found that the cracks on the cliff became larger and larger the lower they went, and magma flowed down from the cracks.

“...... What kind of monster is this??? "

An oversized source stone worm, like a small mountain, constantly bursting out magma from its top, and the surface of the body is also flowing with dazzling magma, completely unaware of where the head is, like a moving small volcano, the kind that is still erupting.

This is the Source Stone Worm King???

The previous roar couldn't have been from this thing....

"This kind of thing, I still don't bother, and..."


A heat wave came from below the cliff, blowing Tianshuo into the air for a few turns before he could barely stand on his feet.

Magma erupted from below the cliff into the sky above Tianshuo, dripping on the surface of Tianshuo like rain.

"Me! I'm not playing! "Tianshuo was burned by the dripping magma and rushed in the direction it came from like a bullet.

Halfway through, I found that the back road had been filled with magma and turned into a small magma lake, except for the wall above the head, there was only a small amount of dripping magma, and there was no place on both sides of the rock wall that did not drip magma.

The heat wave behind him is getting stronger and stronger.

"It's over..."

"Roar!! Along with the roar of the giant source stone worm, there was also a huge explosion of heavenly fire exploding the cave.


"Roaring !!" outside the caves of the Shista volcano

As soon as Frost Star froze the mouth of the cave that was about to collapse, a loud roar came from inside.

"Go, something happened inside." Everyone came to the cave where the wall was already oozing magma.

"Provence." Ayafarah's voice came from the communication equipment.

"I've come to the foot of Mount Shista and observed new data. The frequency of the volcano is climbing, the speed is reaching an unprecedented level, and the volcano is about to erupt.

"Now there are minor earthquakes all over Shista, Miss Ceylon and the mayor and Dr. Amia are evacuating citizens and tourists, and they are rushing in your direction."

"Is there a way for you to stop it?"

The four people in the cave were heading towards the depths, and they could probably guess what caused the eruption.

This has to start with the ecology of the source stone worm of this volcano.

Although their body surface is basically similar to that of ordinary source stone worms, they build their nests in volcanoes and eat obsidian, which is specially produced here.

There is usually a large amount of obsidian around their nests, and they are entrenched here until they are discovered.

Use their tracks to unearth this hyped obsidian that suppresses ore disease, thereby destroying their nests.

Over-mining has led to an extreme reduction in obsidian, which is already in limited quantities.

This is a fatal blow to the source stone worms, who begin to stir, begin to open new nests, begin to find new food, and begin to seek the help of their king.

The movements in the volcano are estimated to be caused by them.


【Heat resistance has reached level 7】

"System! Open pain relief! Open it for me!! "Tianshuo sheltered from the raining magma in the cave, and at the same time fended off the magma source stone worm that was as tall as a hill.

"I can't stand it anymore."

Space forbidden, super accelerated

Tianshuo came to the top of this giant source stone worm in an instant, and the blood blade easily cut into its body.

Space distortion


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