"Take the liberty of asking, Miss Rabbit, are you from Rembito? It would not be surprising if it was a Rem Pito person. "

These are all taught to me by the Doctor, a few years ago..." Amia looked at the Doctor without responding, lowered her head and continued to stir the lunch box, the smile on her face seemed to be more lonely.

Amnesia, Tianshuo still has many questions to ask the doctor, and since he learned that the other party has amnesia, he dismissed this idea.

"Ahem, speaking of this camp, this camp is well chosen, even if it is a fire, it is not easy to be discovered." Cannott watched the situation move towards something wrong and changed the subject.

"There is never a shortage of trouble in this area, friends, fortunately we have not met any gangsters, bounty hunters, rusty hammer organizations and the like at the end of the day."

Tianshuo smiled and didn't take the words of the iron bucket man, but he knew it all clearly, there are not so many lucks in the world, well... Except that he had previously encountered snow rabbits in the tundra.

The group of people who were watching had hunted down the people around them, and none of them were left behind.

Although it is not very clear why this iron barrel man helped their group so much.

But it is likely to know Dr. Amia and Rhode Island behind him.

"The Rusty Hammer Organization ... I remember Dr. Kelsey saying it was a scattered and vicious group of robbers? "Amia separates the non-toxic and toxic mushrooms and prepares them to be cooked separately, and this trace amount of toxin mushrooms can also be used for emergency after cooking.

"In fact, this statement is not very rigorous, strictly speaking, the Rust Hammer Organization is composed of a variety of small groups, like the Demon Gang composed of all Sakatz, and a group of weirdos who regard natural disasters as gods, called... Catastrophe followers or something. "

Worship the natural disaster?"

Amia and Tianshuo said in unison.

"What weirdo would worship a natural disaster?" Tianshuo found that he couldn't understand, did he think he didn't die fast enough to follow the natural disaster?

"The world is not at peace, friend, from the mountains of Usas to the Colombian wasteland, you can meet any weird and bad things." Cannot took out the food and didn't know how to eat it.

"Give, Doctor, dinner." Amia handed the lunch box in her hand to the Doctor, burying her head again and stirring another bowl.

"What a heartwarming scene." Cannot couldn't help but speak, greeted by Amia's eyes glaring at him.

"Uh... I'm talking nonsense, sorry, don't take it seriously. "


Everyone gradually fell asleep, and Tianshuo lay on a high place so that he could cope with all the crises that arose.

Cannot goes under the rock where Tianshuo is located after Amia falls asleep with the Doctor.

"Friend, get some sleep, rest assured, there will be no danger around." Cannot leaned against the rocks and looked at the black-pressed sky.

"Don't worry if I go to trouble those guys, after all, you and I trade, as long as they don't threaten the safety of Amia and the Doctor, they are strangers in my eyes."

Cannot leaned against the rock for a while, and finally returned to his original position and slept.

Tianshuo has already given the piece of paper to the doctor, and he doesn't have to worry about the rest, the doctor will arrange everything.

"I didn't expect it to be a super detailed map." Tianshuo muttered softly.

This iron barrel man really has a lot of good things, perhaps... The corners of Tianshuo's mouth were rising wildly.

What is it? Tianshuo Space unfolded and found a fist-sized metal thing.

Jump from a rock to a corner.

"This is ... Bomb? Tianshuo felt that this thing was a bit like the bomb used by the group of mercenaries before.

"Put it there first, and when the Doctor wakes up, ask him what this thing is." Tianshuo put the metal ball back in its place, who knows if this thing will explode in the next moment.

Tianshuo, who was afraid of the W bomb, now has an inexplicable fear of bombs.

Tianshuo once again entered the sleepy alert state that he once had been resting in the tundra.

There was a little abnormal noise around, and Tianshuo could respond with the fastest movement.

At the moment, only Askalen and Alina he could not guard against, because they did not have any sound at all, not even the most basic heartbeat.

Early in the morning, Tianshuo was awakened by his biological clock.

Red light slowly emerged from the horizon, and the darkness left by the shadow moon gradually faded.

A slightly biting cold wind blew across his face, and Terra once again ushered in a new dawn.

Tianshuo tightened his black fur coat, he hadn't experienced such a bad environment for a while.

"You woke up so early, friend." Cannot was preparing breakfast.

The Doctor also woke up from his sleep, but his face was not very good.

Because Tianshuo heard the doctor talking in a daze many times last night.

"What about the bunny?" Cannot handed breakfast to Tianshuo and the Doctor, "Short-tailed feathered beast, although there is no meat, it is still quite good as a hungry breakfast." "

Short-tailed feathered beast?" Tianshuo took a bite, and the sparse pieces of meat on it also appeared very hard, and Tianshuo felt that he was eating the stones of the mud.

"This is a specialty of Colombia's specialty wasteland, rest assured, this meal does not charge money."

"Let Amia sleep a little longer." The Doctor looked at Amia who was still asleep leaning against the rock on the other side.

"Good morning! Friend. Cannott handed the Doctor a little watery mouth, "You were still talking in your dreams last night, and your mental state is not very good."

"What did you hear?"

"I'm an honest person, I said that if I didn't listen carefully, I wouldn't write it down, but the little rabbit cares..."

Tianshuo got up from the ground, and he found an infected person, smaller than when Sasha and Ino had been found.

He didn't know if it was some kind of so-called trap, at least no one was found around after his space unfolded.

Further away was the group of people who had been watching them, and Cannott didn't seem to hurt the Doctor and Amia at the moment.

Tianshuo jumped above the rock wall and walked towards the child.

The child was curled up and slept on the yellow sand, her lips were chapped and she looked like she hadn't drunk water in a long time, her hair was disheveled, and her body was only covered by a dress that was too big for her.

He didn't even have pants, and his feet were cuffed with chains, quite like when Tianshuo was handcuffed and treated as a dangerous person.

Tianshuo crouched down to block the wind vent and ruffled the hair that blocked the source stone crystals on her face.

The child shuddered, woke up from his panic, and looked at the blindfolded man in front of him who was pulling her hair and gently stroking the source stone crystals on her face.

"Good morning." Tianshuo greeted with a smile.

The child's mouth fluttered, but finally decided not to make a sound.

"Can you tell me why you're here? Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Tianshuo lifted his black leather coat to reveal the source stone crystals on his chest.

"I'm also infected."

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