On the desert, several huge construction vehicles and armed off-road transporters formed a circle, enclosing several makeshift shacks in the middle.

The noise of the generator and the resonance of the operation of the source stone boiler can be heard far and near, mixed with the loud conversation of passengers and messengers.

The messenger site, an oasis of civilization outside the wasteland ecological oasis, is also the destination of several people this time.

"Finally, we arrived safely, there were no major troubles or natural disasters along the way, and you are lucky, friend."

Cannot celebrates the safe arrival of the crowd at the messenger site.

Ah, yes, yes, this is something that Tianshuo wanted to say very much, but he still held back.

He couldn't remember how many gangsters and bounty hunters had killed by that group of people... The shot is fierce, the arrows are deadly, and there is not a word of nonsense.

As for natural disasters, maybe they are really lucky.

After all, no one can say this thing.

Cannot pointed to the car over there and said, "The third car from the left is the messenger contact station, where you can find a way to contact your people, and the messenger fee here is quite cost-effective."

Amia looked in the direction Cannott was pointing "... That has John's mother mark on it, is it really okay? "

As long as you keep a low profile and don't get into trouble, there will be no problem, this is a messenger site, and even in Colombia, few companies take the initiative to offend the messenger."

"Doctor, I'm not as conspicuous as you, I'll go talk to the messenger liaison station." Amia came to Tianshuo: "There are many people here, Mr. Tianshuo be careful."

Tianshuo nodded, and he felt the little girl on his back wake up.

"I... You can go on your own. The little girl was lying on Tianshuo's back and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Is it? What if you fainted again? "Tianshuo put the little girl off her back, perhaps... Should I ask Cannot for a well-fitting outfit?

“...... I'm sorry, but the most useless person among everyone is me.

Cannott looked at Amia who ran out, "Don't worry, friend, I'm good at hiding people from curious eyes, there will be no problem." "

What's that?" Tianshuo pointed in one direction.

"That's a couple of anti-armor ballistae, believe me, it's safe here."

This is indeed the case, after all, the group of people who were watching did not continue to follow, but watched from afar, and did not dare to continue to move forward.

Cannot took a bottle of drink from his magical black fur coat.

"Take it easy, come, have a drink together, it's a specialty of a small local workshop."

Cannot poured a small cup for Dr. Tianshuo and the two of them, and looked at the little girl who pulled the corner of Tianshuo's clothes, "The child may not have a share."

"But... You can try this. Cannot held out a candy.

The little girl did not reach out to take it, but just buried her head in Tianshuo's black leather coat.

Cannot looked at Tianshuo, who sighed and took it, "I won't pay."

"Don't worry, I invite this glass, it is said that the owner of the small winery that produced this bottle of beer is still an infected person, even in Colombia, which is a great thing."

"Now is not the time to celebrate with beer." The Doctor, who had been silent, made a noise after taking the glass.

"Okay, okay, friend, be optimistic, then listen to the news and relax." Cannot turned on the radio on the side and debugged.

"You know, the best thing about Colombia is that they have radio stations for each one, and you can hear the news on the radio everywhere."

Broadcast news ".... The armed conflict in the northern district of Tikalendo has gradually subsided, and the police have found a large number of traces of crossbow fighting at the scene, but no suspicion of crime has been caught...

Tikalendo police announced that one of the parties to the conflict is a member of the foreign enterprise "Rhode Island", and this station does not yet know the specific situation of the organization....

... According to sources, the foreign company had certain commercial conflicts with local enterprises, but the spokesperson of the local company declined to comment on this.

The police believe that this may be a terrorist attack against Tikalondo, and the specific details of this armed conflict need to be further investigated..."

..." The three fell silent together.

Cannot turned off the radio awkwardly, "At least your friends managed to retreat, which is a good thing."

"But John's mother probably got what they wanted, very sadly."

Tianshuo handed the wine to the doctor, he would not want to drink this thing again.

"We are victims, and now we have become the subject of investigation, and in this conspiracy style scheme, we are quite similar to Casimir."

The Doctor finished a drink just in time to see Amia return.

"That... Just a drink? "


After being taught, the Doctor obediently stood behind Amia and returned the wine that Tianshuo handed him to Cannot.

"It really doesn't seem like it's time to celebrate, friend."

Tianshuo tore the candy open and handed it to the little girl, "Taste, it's sweet, maybe it's sweet." The

little girl put the candy in her mouth without hesitation.

"Mr. Jack of All Trades, can you answer for me why they went to great lengths?"


The Rhode Island ship

Askalon once again spotted warfarin on the bridge.

"As usual, Mr. Blood is doing well." Askalen leaned against the wall and looked at the shaky warfarin.

"How did you get caught up by Kelsey again."

"That guy in Tianshuo's blood is like a bomb!" Warfarin said very excitedly: "Askaren, you don't know at all, I refined a little of the elements inside, and then !!

"My lab is gone." Warfarin's whole body was deflated.

"It turns out that yesterday's explosion was heard by you, and I thought it was Miss Ceylon's movement." Askalen has recently been troubled by the sound of an unknown explosion on Rhode Island.

At first, there was only Warfarin, but now there is the little one in Ceylon, and the Sasha who can hide when playing with a crossbow.

When there was no explosion that day, Askalun wondered if there was a problem with the three of them.

"Is it? I thought I was the only one going to have an accidental explosion, hahahaha.

"It's not been peaceful lately, you know what happened on the Lentinom side." Askalen put Warfarin down, and the two leaned against the wall to talk together.

Warfarin fell into a rare silence and did not answer.

"Amia they're planning to enter Lentinum, you won't keep up, right." Askalon looked at the blood demon who did not speak on the side.

"I'm here to study medicine and save people."

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