"Strange... This prison was truly built on the earth. "Tianshuo is a little confused, logically speaking, it should be a mobile city type.

"What, there is no underground pipe, Sasha is not there, how to get in."

After a brief period of decadence, Tianshuo patted his face to cheer himself up, no matter what kind of guard will be flawed, let alone in this world that has been completely rotten.

As night fell, Tianshuo continued to walk towards the other side of the prison after eating a little food, and after unremitting efforts, there was still the last area Tianshuo could piece together the complete information of this prison.

Except, of course, the central location area.

The mental damage caused by chanting cannot be alleviated by any means at present for Tianshuo.

As a last resort, Tianshuo didn't want that chant to torture him.

“...... Why do I feel the ground shaking. Tianshuo stopped running and felt silently close to the ground.

Tianshuo had also roughly felt it during the day, but he thought it was his illusion.

"There was a vibration, and it was getting stronger, something huge was coming this way."

Tianshuo got up from the ground, and after a brief hesitation, he was still ready to leave the place first.

A strong sense of crisis made him leave quickly, at least far from the prison.


Rhode Island main ship

"Kelsey, the doctor made a little too much trouble this time... Moreover, it happened to happen that Mansfield Prison came to Ti Calondo for supplies.

Askalun looked at the information in his hand, and his face was a little ugly.

"Sereya is also there, and it will be time to come back together." Kelsey took the information from Ascalon's hand and took a sip of tea.

"Uh... Celea, in prison? Why is she there? I was a little confused. "

“...... Get ready to pick it up. Kelsey got up and walked out of the office.

"Want to pick up the Doctor?"

"Pick up Margaret Linguang, the Doctor's side has his own plan to solve it, if things go well, they can be back in time before the Casimir Special Tournament, besides, I have already contacted Celea, don't worry."

"Doctor even counts Mansfield Prison? Wait, why did you contact Sereya in advance?

"Askalen followed in the shadow of Kelsey, the Doctor and her, these two people always planned everything perfectly.

Even Amia's experience is the same, Sereya and Anthony returning to Rhode Island together, and Froststar and Tianshuo, who represent the integration movement.

What is this going to Casimir for....

Askalen felt that he would be very busy next.

"As the first prison to move the size of a city, it's not hard to guess where Mansfield Prison will be next, and of course that's from the outside." Kelsey handed a copy of the document to Askalun.

"Rhein Life Energy... Well? That's how it is. Askalon emerged from the shadows and took the information that Kelsey handed over.

"As for why I contacted Sereya in advance, Askaren, shouldn't you be clear?"


As night fell outside the Columbia prison

, the double moon at the zenith did not give enough moonlight to see clearly, but this did not affect the fact that as a poor and helpless blind man, Tianshuo sped fast across the wasteland.

Coming to a commanding point, Tianshuo stopped and gasped.

"That kind of movement, what the hell is it..." Tianshuo connected to the communication device.

"Amia, is Cannot on your side?"

"Hmm... Yes, but Mr. Cannot is still sleeping.

"You give him the communication equipment."

Heck grandma's, yin me. Tianshuo secretly cursed in his heart, this kind of thing Cannot Cannot can't know, there is only one possibility, that is, the other party is ready to make him suffer a little.

"Friend, it's late at night." Cannott's voice came from the communication device.

"Mr. Jack of All Trades, it seems that you are not very well-informed."

"Friend, it sounds like you're not in a good mood, let me think about what important news I missed."

"Don't say these confusing words, just tell me what it is."

"It's a mobile prison, probably to Tikarondo to supply, friend, I can't blame me, the whereabouts of this mobile prison are erratic, even if you know which city it will resupply, you will not know its route."

"You're just sucking around here." Tianshuo hung up the communication and thought about what to do next.

Mobile prisons... What is the crime rate in Colombia? Not to mention the big prison in front of you, there is also a mobile prison on the scale of a mobile city.


"It looks like the blindfolded friend is in trouble." Cannot handed the communication to Amia.

"Mobile prisons ... Is it Mansfield Jail? I had seen the information about this prison before I came.

"But with that friend's skill, before being caught, escaping is like playing, don't worry too much." Cannot gave the communication equipment to Amia and went back to sleep again.

Cannott really doesn't know which way Mansfield Prison will go, but this time he can only turn his back.


Under Tianshuo's watch, many people came out of the prison, holding various equipment and making preparations.

It's still in the middle of the night, and the prison is already lively.

"Let's wait until tomorrow morning..." Tianshuo turned and lay on the ground, ready to sleep lightly to replenish his spirits.

A few hours later, Tianshuo was awakened by an increasingly strong shaking, and in the distance came a moving city, loaded with mountains and flowing water on huge vehicles, surrounded by tall walls.

"How did this (foul language) move an entire mountain up?" Tianshuo froze in place after getting the information.

It even has its own ecology, and in the mountains is the first mobile prison, Mansfield Prison.

"You have the technology to lift an entire mountain intact, but you don't have the idea of exploring the starry sky?"

Tianshuo found that the technology of this world was too weird.

But this is a mobile city, so there is a way to get in.

Because at this time Mansfield Prison was connecting to the prison in front of him.

Space unfolded

to cover the entire Mansfield Prison, and all structural information scrambled in Tianshuo's mind, making Tianshuo almost pass out directly.

"I... What is this? "Tianshuo rubbing his aching head" The structural complexity of this prison is really worthy of the word first. After

three hours digesting all the information, the two prisons were connected, and Tianshuo sneaked in on the periphery.

The black leather coat given by Cannot was flipped to a similar color to the wasteland landscape.

I guess it was also a spare clothes that he prepared for himself.

There is not much surveillance on the perimeter of Mansfield Prison, and it is almost all concentrated at the gate.

The huge high walls and the guards above are almost completely dead-ending.

Tianshuo quietly touched the rear, and in the information obtained, there was an uncommonly used pipe connected to the prison, which could avoid most of the surveillance and enter the prison directly.

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