"It's admirable to remain calm in such a critical situation, Mr. Anthony." Jaston looked at the mountain surrounded by prisoners.

"You know what I want, and you know I can't suddenly move my compassion and let you go." Therefore, please abandon this young lady, abandon your upbringing that has been disguising yourself, and come and fight me.

Jeston looked at Robin, who was standing beside Kafka, "And Miss Robin, please kill Mr. Anthony and complete your unfinished task."

"I don't care what agreement you reached with Anthony before this, and what kind of state of mind you have."

Jeston took out a Columbia gold scroll from the pocket of his prison guard's uniform and placed it in front of Robin.

"If you want to get this money, if you want to save your father, then this is your last and best chance."

Robin looked at the thing in front of him, and his body trembled slightly.

"What are you hesitating about? Is it because Anthony promised you some empty promise? Or have you relented by now? "

Hey, this prison guard is so uncomfortable, he is constantly using other people's weaknesses to induce....

Tianshuo moved quietly above everyone's heads, without making a single sound, and the entire prison rioted, and the largest prison escape in history was launched.

Instead of meeting as usual, Area A and Area B prisoners began to beat each other, but cooperated at this moment.

Various life-incarcerated repeat offenders from Mansfield Prison Area C were present.

Things get out of hand, and they walk towards the morgue where Tianshuo is, and the intersection where Celaea is will face the entire Mansfield prison alone.

Celeya this guy....

"This is your only chance, Miss Robin." Jaston looked at Robin, who was trembling and tangled.

"Think of your father, think of your life that has become a mess, think of your future, think of your dreams, and I would not hesitate if I were you."

"I, I..." the dagger in Robin's hand fluttered.

"Jaston, what exactly do you want to do?" Mountain looked at Robin, who was tangled on the side, and then at Jaston, who was enjoying it all.

"Me?" Jaston pointed at himself with his finger, then burst into laughter, "Isn't it obvious what I want to do?"

"If I just wanted to kill you, there would be too many opportunities in prison."

Jaston smiled almost morbidly, "No, no, that's too boring, really, Mr. Anthony, that's too boring."

"Killing people isn't much fun for me."

"The most interesting part for me is change, the moment when people have to leave behind the faces of the past when faced with a choice."

"That's why I led Miss Robin away, longing for her to change, longing for her fall."

Then Jeston's finger pointed to the mountain surrounded by prisoners.

"I also long for your change, for you at this moment, for the sake of your family, for the sake of purpose, abandon the reserved you have always been, and show your fangs!!"

"Ahhh... Mr. Anthony, seriously, stop pretending. Think of your family, think of your senseless calamity, think of your burden of humiliation, think of the goal of your escape.

Jaston's expression gradually distorted, and his voice grew louder, shouting at the mountain, "Are you willing!!"

"Willing to die for a woman who has known her for a few years?"

"Anthony, stand up! Push Miss Robin away, forget Miss Duma, pounce on me, and kill me! "

Is this a madman? Tianshuo raised a question in his heart.

Prisons still accept madmen as prison guards? Or is it that as long as you give a lot of money, anyone can stuff it in?

There was still some distance to go, and he could come to the sky above Duma, and Tianshuo was still slowly advancing, but it was better that he hoped that this person would say more now.

After all, then his odds of winning will be greater.

Sereya had almost put down everyone who tried to get in here.

What a fierce ...

Wait, what is Duma going to do? The other's hand was slowly approaching the blade against her neck.

Don't... If you hold on a little longer, I can save you, but don't think about suicide.

Tianshuo's movements had to speed up under the pressure of the situation.

"Don't think of everyone like you, Jaston." The mountain didn't move, he didn't fluctuate because of Jaston's words.

"Don't think you're different, Anthony." Jaston's expression gradually became gloomy.

"I'll give you five counts, Miss Robin, and I'll do it myself, and you, I'm afraid, will have to die here."

No, you say more, I'll do it! Tianshuo was anxious, and there was still a considerable distance from Duma.


Jeston began to count down, expressionless: "Miss Robin, your father's surgery fee is still much shorter, and Mr. Anthony is now penniless. "


"Mr. Anthony, your parents are having a very bad time because they were ostracized in prison."


Jeston had already begun to count down, Duma's hand had already touched the edge of the blade, and he was going to try to commit suicide.

"Anthony, leave me alone, you can't die here!" Duma's hand gripped the blade and slashed hard at his neck.

But things didn't go as she wanted, and the prisoner who was watching over her quickly reacted and avoided the point, only to cut a bloody mark on Duma's shoulder.

The prisoner kicked Duma, who fell to the ground, "Stinky woman, actually wanted to commit suicide while I was not paying attention." Then

he pulled Duma by the hair and lifted her up from the ground and re-erected her.

"Luo... Guest...... Don't..." Duma endured the pain in her shoulder and the pain of her hair being pulled and made a final moan.

Jaston's eyes moved from Duma's side to the mountain, "Wow... I didn't expect Miss Duma to be even stronger than I thought, and she was really a respectable lady.

Jeston spread her hands, "It's a pity that things didn't go her way. "

Jay, S, Don!"

"Oooooh, Mr. Anthony, your expression is awesome now!" Jaston's eyes glowed as he looked at the mountain.

"Looking at what you look like now, I'm curious, what makes you so determined? Are principles so important to you? Or is there something behind it?

"It has nothing to do with principles, I am not willing to sacrifice the Duma for my own ends, it's as simple as that."

"Even if your family is still waiting for you? Even if you still have something to avenge and figure out?

"It's not more important than a friend's life."

Jaston looked down and was silent, "Even if, these will kill you?"

"Even if it will cost my life."

Robin looked at the mountain, and the big man in front of her recalled what Anthony had said to her earlier in the ruins.


"You have to think about everything yourself, make every choice, and take responsibility for every choice. Otherwise, you cannot control your own destiny. "



Jeston shook, "that's a shame. "


Tianshuo has come above Duma.

Robin also took her steps and came to Anthony.

Robin waved the dagger in his hand, and then the dagger came out of the air, and her target was not Anthony but one of the three people watching over her by Duma's side.

At the same time, Tianshuo hung upside down on the pillar beam, slit the throat of the prisoner who held Duma, and Kafka touched the other man's side at this time and flipped the other over.

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