"Haha... That's ugly, Your Excellency, Plastic Knight. Flametail looked at Serkiak behind him without mercy.

"You can't do it to the extent of the integrated movement in the distance... We are all garbage dumped here.

"Don't say such demoralizing things, there is still some hope from the point of view of the situation, isn't it?" Flametail scratched her red hair to ease the embarrassment.

"Shhh I can't wait to get out of here now, God knows when you'll pass on the ore disease to others. "

The Invisible Alliance... The inferior minions of the Federation, one day I will make them regret. Serchiak gritted his teeth and said, "Then again, if you dare to go against the Infinity Alliance like this, there will always be a bit of a hole card, right." "


"There are fewer and fewer people... Snow rabbit, just a few people, we occupy four, will it be too abrupt. "Tianshuo found that after a period of time, there were many fewer people, and they were basically gone, leaving only a few people.

"It's okay, I investigated, Red Pine Knights, we have no problem joining, they are fighting for the infected."

“...... I didn't investigate that in depth. Tianshuo was ready to lie flat, it seemed that the snow rabbit was completely prepared, and he didn't have to worry about it.

Several people on the other side were arguing about something, and from this angle they couldn't see it with their eyes, but Tianshuo didn't have eyes.


"Plot Zero, or the medical department where the infected are concentrated by the Grand Knight, is a multi-enterprise joint responsibility for the reception of infected people." Far Tooth tells Serchiak about that special place.

"So what? Aren't you, the Knights of the Infected, a regular there? What secrets does the Infinity Alliance have there?

Ash stopped Yuanya from continuing, looking at the plastic knight, "Wait a minute, Serchiak, of course, we have some means in the face of the Invisible Alliance, but it doesn't mean that we can give you it all."

"If you really think so, the infected, you should leave me in that damn hospital and wait for the Invisible Alliance to torture me instead of saving me." Serchiak said unceremoniously to Ash.

"Don't talk to me like that, we all stand here according to our own needs, just based on your worth, do you deserve to talk to me?" Ash?"

"Or will I be grateful to you if you take me out?"

“...... Arrogant aristocracy. Ash Mo was silent after facing the other party's words.

"Okay, okay, I'm not against you guys fighting now, it's better to fight now than to stab in the back when facing the Wuxun Alliance." Flametail separates the two.

"We've been doing this for a few years... We know some government channels. "

You know what Casimir hates the business federation the most, except for the poor and infected who can't get by all those days... Is there anyone else? "


Serchiak couldn't help but laugh at himself, unable to believe what the other party said.

"Either I'm crazy, or Casimir is crazy... Shouldn't you say that a group of infected people are making deals with the Supervisory Council in order to crack down on the Federation?"

"Hahahaha, don't tease..." Serchiak's voice grew smaller and quieter until it disappeared.

Flametail looked at Serchiak, who didn't look very good, "Look at your current situation, look at the knights, maybe..."


"I can't hear clearly, I can only hear scattered words." Tianshuo sighed.

"I couldn't hear what they were saying at all." Frost Star looked at Tianshuo, and she found that the person next to her seemed to be a little too much of an ordinary person.

"It seems to be saying that the prison will be a matter of something... They're coming. Tianshuo pulled Isha and Enoch to his side.

"You can stand here until the end, I think the determination is very strong, so welcome to join you."


After a series of ore disease tests, everyone arrived at the tournament site.

During the examination, everyone even met with Rhode Island's medical operators.

However, Tianshuo had a code to make the other party pretend not to know.

"I didn't expect Rhode Island to be involved in saving people as soon as it came." Tianshuo led the two children behind everyone.

"Your children... There will be a good childhood, and when we finish these things, we will have a legal identity. Flametail looked at Tianshuo with two children.

"Uh, quasi-exactly..."

"Thank you." When Tianshuo stuttered, Frost Star had already thanked Flame Tail.

Tianshuo picked up the two children and walked towards the front.

"Dad, your face is so hot." Isa's voice came from the front.

Flametail looked at the three people in front of him and smiled, "Very interesting person. Everyone

entered the scene and came to the spectators, where Wildmane was cheering up the infected knights who were ready to play.

"Is this the tournament?" The space of Tianshuo unfolded, and there were many knights on the field, all making preparations.

There were not many infected people at the scene, except for the infected knight.

"Hey! Sona. "Wildmane came to the spectators from the field.

"Looks like we're just in time." Flametail and Wildmane high-fived each other.

"Those guys actually let you in?" Wildmane sat down next to Flametail.

"Suspension doesn't mean you can't watch the game, they set rules that if they target this kind of scene, they will lose face."

"These are..." Wild Mane looked at Tianshuo and several people.

"A new member of the Red Pine Order." After Flametail introduced Wildmane, there was already a fight on the field.

"Is that Jamie on the ring now?" Flametail recognized the infected knight.

"Well, an interesting guy has agreed to drink together when he wins the battle, you guys, don't accompany me." Wildmane watched Jamie's bravery on the field.

"Hey, hey, who has the heart to drink now, Avona (Wild Mane's real name)." Flametail poked Wildmane's forehead with his finger.


Jamie is in the split, avoiding all kinds of knights.

"Try to stay in the split coil and try to avoid conflicts."

This was what Flametail said to him, and it really helped him not to get too tired from the battle.

Some newcomers came on the field to perform, constantly competing for points, and finally tried to fall off the stage.

This will not happen to him, but he used to be a knight...

Just because of an accident, all the honor, wife and daughter, dissipated away from him like a cloud of smoke.

A somewhat small knight slowly touched behind Jamie and suddenly rushed with a knife in hand.

Jamie turned and resisted with difficulty, creating a gust of wind on his blade to pick the other away.

"You infected!" The diminutive knight rolled on the ground and stood up to stare at Jamie.

"Get out, this is not for you."

"At least pull you out of the scoring circle!" The diminutive knight pounced on Jamie, flying him a few meters away from his original zone.

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