"If you're not deaf, I think I made it clear in the first sentence." Tianshuo didn't rush to make a move, and it was dangerous without figuring out the other party's source stone technique.

"Now Casimir, there can still be people like you, such a strong person, who does not go to that pompous arena for fame and honor to compete in martial arts..."

A crossbow arrow shot through the darkness between Tianshuo and the Demon Knight, causing a huge explosion.

The old knight stood outside the darkness with a crossbow and arrow.

"Separate me all!"

The old knight's voice reached the ears of the two.

"Batbayar?" The chasing knight dispelled the darkness and looked at the old knight standing outside.

"I wanted to catch up and ask you something, who knows how long it took you to fight someone again, sorry this gentleman." The old knight came to mediate between the two.

"But I'm not feeling very well now..." Tianshuo told the truth, and the torture that chanting brought him was all the time.

"Uh, this... You can come to Martin's Bar to find me, everything is negotiable. The old knight made a suggestion.

"No need, Bad Bayar, I can fix it." The Knight's gaze kept looking at the gap in the blade.

"Solved? Don't you know that knights with titles who pick quarrels and provoke trouble on the streets will be denied the right to participate? The old knight stopped in front of the chasing knight.

"Right to participate? If those knights are as I see, what if this qualification is dispossessed? "

The knight touched the gap in the blade, and there was no slightest abnormality, so it was missing a piece, a piece for no reason.

"Chasing the Scourge ... This is the name that the slaves of the city gave me without permission, ridiculous, do knights need to care so much about names? The

Demon Knight looked at Tianshuo, who was blocked by the old knight, "He... Don't care, he lives in the moment, so he doesn't feel fear.

"The people of this city have lost their former sublime and glory. If there is anyone I deserve to conquer, then the champions who are honored by Casimir as the Great Knight are probably among them. The

Demon Knight looked at Tianshuo, "You... Count one, too.

"Of course, it's also possible that they're all disappointing, and that's all they qualify for me."

The chasing knight pointed the blade of the long-handled knife at the old knight, "Bad Bayar, give me the way, let me complete my heavenly path."

Tianshuo took a long breath, it seemed that he would not give up today, and the blood blade in his hand flowed a little blood attached to it.

He didn't know what his odds of victory were, he didn't know what the opponent's source stone skills were, and he didn't have too effective means of attack.

He will lose the war of attrition, he will lose very completely.

"Heavenly path?"

"Bad Bayar, have you forgotten?! When a warrior becomes an adult, he sets a goal and will go from the place where he was born to the place of trial.

"The land of trials is determined by them, and true courage must be acknowledged by themselves."

"The path of the brave spans thousands of ravines, while the cowardly dares to choose only the woods in front of his house."

"Whether the journey is long or not is not the only criterion, some warriors bring back the heads of their prey, some warriors cut off the ears of their enemies, and some warriors find nothing, but he is full of red gold and spices."

"The ancestors have never forgotten this tradition, which is a testament to the courage, and countless dream demon warriors have walked through the heavens as the starting point of their journey."

"Heavenly path... Wait, are you completing your rite of passage? What about your parents? The old knight found in his old head what he had forgotten, and he suddenly understood what the knight in front of him had done.

"For as long as I can remember, I've had no relatives."

The Knight of Chase looked at the former conquest knight, guarding Casimir's conquest knight.

"Bad Bayar, I'm not ashamed to admit that being able to talk to you, a blood relative, even a distant one, can give me a little relief."

"At least make people realize that in this era of distortion, the compatriots of the past are still alive."

"I crossed the whole of Casimir on foot, and I learned from the traveler that this is the center of the country of knights, the glory of Casimir."

"But now it seems that this is nothing more than a rotten castle, trampling on the glory that should be respected."

He...... In nostalgia for the past.

Tianshuo listened to the other party's words, and the emotional resonance was very similar to the years he had just crossed into this world.

He was confused until he was brought back to the Integration Movement by Tallulah and Frost Star, just alive.

The other party is also confused.

"Shhh It's all forced out of the world. Tianshuo spoke in a voice that only he could hear.

"Hey... Get out of the way and let me have a fight with him. Tianshuo's voice sounded behind the old knight.

"But... Right now? Daytime? Noon? On the street? The old knight said word after word to make the two realize what a bad decision it was.

"Then a quick victory, I also want to see his so-called heavenly path, or I don't want him to lose the competition, after all, I want to see how he conquers the great knights that Casimir worships."

"You two... Are young people crazy now? The old knight couldn't believe his ears.

"Batbayar, get out of the way, I don't want to use a knife on my compatriots."

The Demon Knight and Tianshuo each retreated and spoke in unison.

"One round."

Tianshuo drank the potion on his waist, and he saw in the other party that he used to be, the state that he couldn't get out of on his own.

It was Tallula, Frost Star, the Patriot who made him find his way, found meaning, and now, he wants to let the other party also wake up from the fantasy of the past.

"Let me beat him down, let me beat him awake, let me beat him out of the past, let him be beaten up one by one, that's all!"


Monique and Roy converge and act towards the next goal.

"I suddenly understood why I looked so bad at Tolan Cash." Monique spoke as the two walked.

"Oh? Is there anything unique?

"He's too much like you."

"Ahem..." Roy choked on the sudden words and almost fell to the ground, "It's not at all like a colleague can say."

"I'm just telling the truth, so what? What to stop me for? I have a hunch that if you don't stop me, it will be an unprecedented battle. Monique recalled that before, Tolan's action definitely touched the weapon.

"It's been too hard lately, isn't it okay to relax occasionally?" Roy handed Monique the french fries he had brought back before leaving.

"Come on? I think it's pretty good.

"I'm going back to work." Monique said and turned away.

"Don't don't, you've been looking more and more like a workaholic lately."

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