The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 98: spiritual ceremony

After the inquiry, Sean found Austin and learned that Catherine was not in danger, but he was relieved after it took a while to wake up.

Sean and Moonlight still needed to go through the "observation period" and moved into the Association Building again.

After the "Gemini" symbol was assimilated last time, Shengen has undergone a huge change, from a plane to a three-dimensional.

After obtaining the shard of the Lord in Red this time, Sean could clearly feel that the root of God would change again.

Since he didn't know what effect this change would bring, Sean, who was worried that the secret might be exposed, planned to spend three days of observation and leave the quest center before triggering and exploring the change in his divine root.

When the two were having breakfast, they chatted about possible quest rewards.

Yueguang was in high spirits, and after putting the sausage into his mouth, he waved his fork slightly: "Even if it is folded in half, the reward for expelling a fallen person is quite high." He blinked and spread his five fingers, "It is very likely that this number."

"In this case, your 'Heart Chakra Fund' should have a big income." Moonlight was beaming, and he was always excited when talking about mysterious things.

Sean swallowed the scrambled egg and asked in confusion, "Heart Chakra Fund? What is that?"

Moonlight wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Dude, don't pretend to be stupid. Heart Chakra Fund, the deposit prepared for the spiritual ceremony of the Heart Palace Wheel. This is what everyone who has entered the industry is doing in advance, okay? "

Sean realizes that the knowledge about souls in The Quest's Handbook and Book of Souls is not enough. He put down the cutlery. "No, Moonlight, seriously. I really don't know what you mean by spiritual ritual."

Yueguang smiled: "Don't be kidding, you can see spiritually again, and your spiritual mass is bigger than mine. You must have gone through the moon wheel ceremony."

Looking at Sean's confused eyes, the smile on Moonlight's face disappeared, replaced by surprise: "Are you saying that you haven't performed the Moon Wheel Spirituality Ceremony?"

Sean shook his head.

"Then how did you elevate your soul?" Moonlight's voice rose a little, causing the whispering colleagues to glance over.

Sean said as a matter of course: "Meditate..." And absorb the angel's spiritual power - of course he won't say it.

Moonlight's expression was as if he had heard something incredible, as if he had heard that someone was planning to swim across the Atlantic Ocean by hand.

"No, Sean." Moonlight blinked and sorted out his thoughts, "Did Catherine tell you about the spiritual ritual that can significantly improve the soul?"

Sean raised his head thoughtfully: "Catherine said that my soul is inherently strong, maybe she thinks that I don't need to do spiritual practice for the time being, so she didn't mention it."

Moonlight suddenly got up: "Let's go, man. You need to make up an important lesson!"

Following Moonlight, they took the elevator down to the sixth floor of the Explorers Center.

After the elevator door opened, Sean felt something new and strange when he saw the scene on the sixth floor.

The sixth floor was also given some kind of magic. The space looked very vast, and walking into it didn't feel like entering the room, but rather like stepping outside.

Behind the gate of the "Explorer Spiritual Abbey", Sean saw a majestic temple that seemed to be carved out of black basalt in the center. Six windows were open on the black basalt, and golden light shone from them.

Sean could feel the strong sense of oppression emanating from the temple, similar to the feeling of facing Ace-level in the fog before.

Seeing Sean's gaze, Moonlight introduced, "The name behind the black door is the Sundial Stone Palace. This stone is used because the senior King-level Sun Wheel Ceremony has special environmental requirements."

On the right side of the Sundial Stone Palace, there is a path made of vines and ancient trees. The reason why Sean feels that the six-story spiritual house is like an outdoor is because of the scenery on the right side, it seems that someone has cut a piece of rainforest and placed it on it. indoors.

Looking through the path, you can see that it is raining in the "forest". The light of a bonfire penetrates the wet mist. It seems that there are people sitting in the woods. Sean can feel the strong spiritual power emanating from it.

"Rainlight Camp." Moonlight pointed to the direction Sean was looking at with his chin, "It belongs to the location of the senior Queen-level heart chakra spiritual ceremony. The natural environment is the most suitable for the heart chakra ceremony, so it uses magic to create out of this field.”

Moonlight patted Sean on the shoulder and led him to a building in the corner.

Sean saw the small three-story building with constantly flashing neon lights hanging on the outer wall.

"Hundred Years Tavern..." Sean frowned, looking very confused, "Isn't this a spiritual house, why is there a tavern?"

Moonlight shrugged: "Jack-level can only do the spiritual practice of the moon wheel. This kind of spiritual ritual can be very effective if it is assisted by alcohol, so the spiritual masters simply opened a tavern...

The pianist smiled happily and patted Sean on the shoulder: "Let's go, let's drink and talk slowly..."

Whenever he goes through a dangerous mission, in order to soothe his tense nerves, Sean will have a good drink. So when he walked into the Centennial Tavern with Moonlight, he was in a good mood.

The decoration style of the tavern is quite classic. The green wallpaper is illuminated by warm yellow lights, and the vinyl jukebox in the corner is a fashionable new invention, and melodious old songs are being heard.

Sean felt as if he had walked into a pub with a long history in New York City. He did not expect such a place in the Explorer Center.

At this moment, there are some guests sitting in twos and threes in the tavern. A slight difference from the tavern outside is that the guests here are wearing various explorer masks.

Sean and Moonlight were sitting at the bar, and the bartender in a casual suit quickly walked over. He had puffy eyes, a slightly hunchback, and a very friendly smile, as if he had seen an old friend: "What to drink?"

Moonlight smiled and said, "Long Island Iced Tea."

It's a cocktail that's not a spirit at all, and it's usually popular with ladies.

Sean looked at his friend with incomprehensible eyes, as if he had just ordered a carbonated drink in the bar.

Moonlight laughed dryly, as if the prank failed: "Okay, okay. Whiskey, tequila, brandy, whatever, see what my friend drinks, I'll accompany him."

Sean nodded with satisfaction: "Whiskey." He looked at the moonlight: "Today is yours?"

Moonlight nodded.

"A better brand, preferably single malt." Sean added.

Moonlight smiled and sighed, as if there was no way to meet the creditor.

After two glasses of whisky with ice, Sean felt warm all over.

"When you mentioned the moon chakra, the heart chakra and the sun chakra, you were referring to the three major soul chakras in our bodies, right?"

Moonlight nodded: "That's right, the Chakra of the Moon Valley below the navel, the Chakra of the Heart Palace in the center of the chest, and the Chakra of the Sun Dome in our forehead - the anchor, core and source of our soul."

Sean is very interested in spiritual rituals that are much more efficient than meditation: "The three spiritual rituals, the moon wheel of the Centennial Tavern, the heart wheel of the Rain Lantern Camp, and the sun wheel of the Sundial Stone Palace, are for three Is the development of chakras understood in this way?"

Moonlight nodded: "That's right, as I said before, it corresponds to Jack level, Queen level and King level respectively. It is not only a method of spiritual practice, but also a threshold for improvement.

"Of course, there are many strong people who do not need to rely on spiritual rituals to improve their level. However, it is undeniable that there are also many strong people who are promoted because of the success of spiritual rituals."

"That means spiritual rituals may fail?" Sean asked, "How much does the ritual cost? What is the pass rate?"

"Because of the need for some precious materials and the operation of spiritual masters, the cost of the ceremony is relatively high.

"The cost of the Moon Wheel is 600 New Zealand dollars, and 60% of the explorers who can develop the Moon Valley Wheel can pass this elementary spiritual ritual.

"The Jack-level who has passed the Moon Wheel Ceremony will have a relatively large improvement in spiritual qualities and functions, so I mistakenly thought you had passed."

Sean took a breath and felt a little annoyed in his heart: "My strengths are originally soul and psychic abilities... If I had known about this spiritual ritual before, I would not have spent so much money on equipment..."

"The cost of the heart chakra is 3,200 New Zealand dollars, and an uncontaminated C-level mysterious heritage needs to be consumed. The pass rate is about 30%."

Sean clicked his tongue: "So the 'Heart Chakra Fund' you said was prepared for this."

"That's right, 3,200 New Zealand dollars plus a mysterious legacy is a considerable amount of money for a Queen-level explorer." Moonlight drank the wine in the glass, "and through the ceremony, you can get the One of the most effective ways to promote King-level strength, so except for some geeks or geniuses, most junior explorers will start to accumulate their own heart chakra funds from the very beginning.

"The success rate of successfully developing the heart chakra through spiritual rituals is about 33%."

Sean's mood was a bit complicated: he was still complacent about finding a way to make a living, but when he learned that spiritual rituals cost such a large sum of money, he felt a little... indescribable.

He sorted out his mood and continued to ask, "What about the final spiritual ritual of the Wheel of the Sun?"

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