The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 131: Holy Judgment Shooting

With the accompaniment of Moonlight 1902, Olivia's dance of the golden wind becomes more poignant, flamboyant and... brutal.

The bright marks drawn by the carving knife in the air are like the ubiquitous moonlight in the moonlight.

The fragments of Naia were exposed to the brutal moonlight, and seemed to be unable to withstand it, and began to retreat.

Strong voice!

Stronger voice!

Smash the air piano wantonly!

The majestic music led Olivia Wind Chime to dance amazing moves.

At this moment, Xiao En and the others almost forgot that they were in a dangerous situation, and they stared at the poignant dance in front of them, as if it was a catharsis of the girl after enduring a hundred years of loneliness.

Proclaiming with dance, here I am, I have returned...

The final movement sounded, and before the dance like the wind, the terrifying wounds on the bodies of the arthropods, the splattered juices were like splashes of ink...

The little spiritual power that Moonlight had just returned on the way was about to bottom out.

He did his best to strike the final strong note.

Olivia leaped high, as if still in the air, and drew a slender silhouette in the illusory full moon.

The elbow was bent, revealing the muzzle hidden in the elbow.

The muzzle of the gun was against the head of Naia Fragment.

"Spiritual shell flint hair."

At the same time as the last strong sound, a loud noise and flashes erupted from Olivia's elbow, like a timpani in the final scene, and the flintlock gun hidden in her arm hit the head of Naia Fragment.

Huge, flexible, like the head of the tentacles pointing directly at the gods, the smoke of gunpowder was entangled and poured down, accompanied by a whistling sound that made the scalp numb.

The tentacles of the Naia fragments twitched and fell to the ground, black ink surging on his body.

Olivia seemed to have reached its limit, and when she landed, the girl stumbled slightly.

Moonlight, who had just woken up, forcibly played a piece of music, and became even more embarrassed. He fell to the ground, leaning against the wall and gasping for breath: "Do you still have smelling salts? I have to take a sip!"

Sean shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief: "No more!"

Moonlight had to take out the cigarette in his pocket, light it, and take a deep breath.

Olivia turned around and walked towards Sean wearily: "Reader, the risk has been..."

Before she could finish her words, the tentacles of the things behind her suddenly began to move, and a scalp-tingling scream erupted.

A black tentacle, which solidified into a black thorn, plunged directly into Olivia's waist.

Tiny, precise reeds, gears, and hedrons spewed out of the wound, shimmering in the air...

Sean rushed over, and the holy pattern dagger pierced the part of the tentacle that was not crystallized.

The holy pattern on the dagger burned the monster, and the black tentacle shrank back angrily. The other tentacle, like a vine whip, slammed on Sean's body, causing him to roll back several meters.

The clown hermit, who had been calculating the odds of winning, suddenly fell into despair.

"All the explorers present have lost their spiritual power.

"The only alchemy doll that can be relied on was also hit hard."

Turning his head to look at Curator Turan behind him, the latter was already so frightened that his face turned pale...

Shards of Naia still have the last energy.

But we don't have any fighting power anymore...

When Evan and Doug were about to go all out with their mortal bodies, everyone suddenly saw that Sean stood up...

There seemed to be spiritual energy surging in his body.

On the sacred dagger deeply pierced into the tentacles of Naia's fragments, there is a primary "Ningling Sacred Pattern".

At this moment, the filthy energy from the nameless, faceless, and invisible **** is being transformed into a little spiritual power and supplied to Sean's soul.

With spiritual power, there is possibility.

In the desperate situation, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Sean's mind.

He took out the sanctioned silver coin from his pocket.

With a flick of the thumb, the silver coin was bounced high and spun in the air after a sound like the twinkling of stars. .

Sean lifted the m1920 and aimed the revolver's crosshairs at Naia Fragment's head.

He poured the remaining spiritual power into the spiritual bullet that was about to be fired.

The power of that psychic bullet will increase a lot - and the psionic energy infused into it will change with the change of psionic energy attributes, doubling the effect attached to it.

The fire will be more violent, the frost will be more cold...

In Sean's sight, the holy silver coin that bounced high reflected a little light in the air.


The hammer hits the fuse of the psionic bullet, and the special gunpowder shoots the reinforced psychic warhead. The purple gun flame is like a poignant flower that only exists in an instant in front of Sean.

In the linear trajectory of bullets and Naia's fragmented heads, the reinforced esoteric warhead will meet another exorcism—

Holy Silver Coin.

The silver coin will change the properties of the esoteric bullet and turn it into a bullet that contains the power of the Holy Judgment.

Not only that, because of the additional spiritual power, the original Holy Inquisition effect will be doubled.

The bullet hit the silver coin in the air, and the silver coin that lost the power of the Holy Judgment instantly shattered like a water droplet that was hit.

The bullet hit Naia in the head.

The spiritual substance shattered, and a colorful diamond halo bloomed on Naia's head.

Holy Father Keen's ruling power has a strong restraining effect on the old master whose divine power is declining.

When the diamond-shaped halo exploded, the head and whole body of the Naia fragment began to disintegrate.

Black limbs and tentacles writhe in the air in vain until they turn to ashes...

Sean slowly lowered the revolver with smoke wafting from the muzzle.

On the disintegrating black body, a somewhat messy asymmetrical symbol mark appeared like a piece of black grass.

Sean's pupils flashed, and the black grass-like symbol reflected in his eyes.

In the Shengen space, next to the "City of Two Suns", a new symbol appeared.

Above the symbol is a black grassland with chaos in the sky, and there seems to be something in the chaos in the distance.

That thing may just be the shadow of a cloud. If not, its posture is enough to make people mad-the figure is hidden in the chaos, standing upright, completely different from the size and power of the fragments...

Sean narrowed his eyes: "The ancient **** who is in charge of oblivion, the nameless, faceless, invisible god, Naia."

"My second divine feather, the Forgotten Wasteland." Sean secretly said.

At this time, there was no spiritual power and no suitable target. Sean temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​trying the power of the new **** feather.

The black meteorite behind him made a crackling sound, creating a crack.

"It's safe for now." Sean let out a breath and walked to Olivia, who was the most seriously injured.

"Reader, don't worry about me." The Seiko-constructed girl was crawling on the ground, her eyelids made of mysterious metal closed, her lips moved slightly, as if she was muttering something.

The eyes opened, and one of the ruby ​​eyes with a hole in the pupil lit up slightly. Those tiny parts that were splashed out and hard to find seemed to have their own consciousness, as if going back in time, they returned to Olivia's wound and repaired the mysterious metal composition. 's body.

"Mysterious metal made by alchemy..." Sean looked at the whole process in surprise.

Then, he came to Moonlight and carried the long-lost teammate over.

Moonlight seemed to be very surprised by what had just happened, and kept saying: "When I woke up in the oil painting exhibition hall, I found that the surroundings were messy.

"I don't know why I fainted on the way to the museum and I can't remember what happened.

"You can only find it all the way.

"Then, I found that almost every exhibition hall had traces of changes, and I knew something was When I came over, I happened to see this..." Moonlight looked completely recovered, The ingenious girl who was sitting quietly on the ground with her eyes closed at the moment, "The lady is fighting, I think you all have no spiritual power, so you mustered up the last bit of strength to assist her..."

Moonlight has always been fascinated by mysterious things, and the living alchemy dolls are even more attractive to him.

He squatted directly beside Olivia, and carefully observed Olivia Wind Chime, who was fighting fiercely just now, but was extremely demure at the moment.

The metal eyelids lifted, the red eyes looked curiously at the moonlight, and the string sounded in the mouth: "You are the reader, partner?"

Yueguang's expression was fascinated, and he nodded again and again: "Yes, yes! My name is Yueguang, what's your name?"

"I'm Olivia Wind Chime. The reader's candle holder." Her expression and tone had a natural alienation and indifference, but it was not mechanical, as if she had her own soul, "Thank you for playing for me. dance."

Moonlight smiled, his eyes shining like a child seeing something magical: "You're welcome... You're welcome!"

Evan and Doug also came over.

"If it wasn't for your reminder..." Sean nodded towards the clown hermit, "We would become the second team that went missing because of the investigation of the Arkham Museum.

"Other than making this mission a high-stakes queen, and turning Arkham into a lair for the rise of Naia, we're going to be meaningless missing.

"Gustav Burns is your father?"

The clown hermit nodded: "I took this mission to search for his whereabouts."

Sean turned to Doug: "And what about you? Why did you take this mission?"

Doug's face is always calm: "Money."

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