The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 28: Church in the deep sea

Sean frowned: What is this feeling?

"Mr. Dickinson, what are you talking about? Would you choose to warn that woman and then lose a piece of news for nothing?" Mark smiled, the kind of professional laughing at a layman, "Don't talk about it. The consciousness of practitioners, just because of your actions, I feel a little hypocritical.

"I believe that even if you kindly reminded the lady, things will not change - the masked murderer will change the victim, and all you have done is to make the target of the murder move..."

Sean planned to stop speaking, but the other party's question had already been thrown, and he had to answer.

Sean had already noticed that the atmosphere of this church was a little strange, and his instinct made him want to leave here, so instead of refuting it at length, he directly stated his thoughts: "I will indeed choose to save that woman."

Hearing Sean's answer, everyone around started shaking their heads slightly. Seems disappointed with Sean's professionalism.

Sean continued: "I think the reason we made different decisions was maybe because we were journalists for different purposes.

"You're a journalist for breaking news, or for a paycheck.

"And I do it for the peace of conscience.

"For me, being a person is more important than being a reporter.

"If I can't save someone in distress because I'm a journalist, then I'll consider the title shameful and throw it away forever.

"This is a very simple multiple-choice question for me."

"Moreover, none of the outstanding people I know are tired of their identity or profession-they just try to be a good person before they do their part.

"Before being journalists, what were we? I don't think we're on the same level talking if we can't even answer such a simple question."

"Gentlemen, let's talk, that's all I have to say."

After hearing what Sean said. The people around couldn't help but let out a breath of admiration - they have never heard such a profound understanding of their career and their own identity after working in the industry for many years.

Mark's expression was also a little dazed, the frenzy in his eyes subsided, replaced by a moment of confusion...

But soon, he returned to that confident look, and he didn't seem to take Sean's words to heart.

Sean turned around and walked into the crowd, and Jim followed: "Mr. Dickinson, I'm so sorry, if my friend offended you..."

Sean turned his head: "No, he didn't offend me. It's just that everyone has a different opinion."

"Are you going back?" Jim's face was a little embarrassed, "but the service is about to start, why don't you wait a little longer.

"The faith gain given by [Melinas] is very suitable for us - he will occasionally tell his believers where there is news worth spreading... Moreover, we are blessed by him and can always catch up as soon as possible. to the scene of the incident..."

"Do you have the ability to predict news in advance and run fast?" Shawn shook his head in his heart, "But I have no intention of becoming a news headhunter...

"Also, it's really a bit strange here." Maybe because the mental shock of reading those two books is still there, Sean is a little suspicious now.

Sean was still thinking about how to tell Jim when someone suddenly shouted from the pulpit, "The priest is on stage!"

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at the pulpit. The church suddenly became unusually quiet.

An old man in a white robe with a double snake stick in his hand walked out from the side door of the pulpit. He has snow-white temples, a gentle smile on his face, and looks very friendly...

He stood steadily on the stage, glanced at it with loving eyes for a while, and then said aloud the philosophical words about faith: "In this new era, people are increasingly connected with each other.

"Believe and belief, between God and God, are also learning to coexist!"

"As I said at the previous meeting, [Melinas], who blesses our gods, blesses postmen, travelers, and reporters, is stepping into an ideal country..."

The voice of the missionary seems to have a strange power to **** the soul, which makes people want to listen carefully.

Sean, who had already wanted to leave, seemed to be attracted by something, and began to look at the pulpit intently.

"In the Utopia, [Melinas] will be served more devoutly, and our brothers and sisters will increase day by day..."

Part of Sean's consciousness remained awake. As if breaking free from a nightmare, the part of his lucid consciousness pulled himself, allowing Sean to escape from the psychedelic feeling.

Sean felt a burst of heart palpitations, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead: "It seems to be a hint of language just now! This priest should have used some kind of magic to make people focus on his speech! Fortunately, my mental strength is back. When you grow up, you get out of this control.”

The unease came again, and Sean activated the candlestick symbol...

The scene in front of him changed.

At this moment, the church seems to have sunk into the deep sea.

The sea is flooding the surroundings, it looks like a prehistoric relic hidden by the vicissitudes of life, and Sean looks like an explorer who accidentally broke into this place in a diving suit after a thousand years...

The seawater has eroded the tables, chairs and steps, and can only barely discern the outlines of those things; the standing priests and believers have turned into stone sculptures in the deep sea, covered with parasitic barnacles and seaweed.

The double snake stick sign hanging on the wall slowly fell like a broken anchor...

"Mr. Dickinson!" Jim shouted in front of him, "Are you all right?"

Sean woke up. The church is still the same church, and the priest is still preaching something in a rhythmic voice.

"Like the last time I saw a fire in a textile factory, this is another metaphorical revelation..." Shawn thought in his mind.

He shook his head, determined to leave quickly, and said to Jim, "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, I have to go."

"Church sinking under the sea? Burial believers? Falling double snake rods?" Sean thought quickly, and he realized that he sensed that this traditional **** named [Melinas] seemed to be very uncomfortable. wonderful influence.

"People will become corrupt and so will gods." Sean thought coldly, "The original simple and good faith has been distorted by some force. Even his followers will suffer in the future."

Thinking of this, Sean pulled Jim out: after all, he was someone who had a relationship, so he decided to persuade him.

Sean expressed his feelings and hoped that Jim could quit this church.

But Jim didn't take his warning seriously. While saying that he would know the difference, he glanced at Sean and walked towards the church.

Sean looked at the flickering candlelight in the church, and cast the priest's shadow on the wall, like a wobbly giant ghost.

He turned and left.

On the way back, Sean pondered what had just happened: "Choose a belief, although you can gain the benefit of belief, it also means tying your destiny to the **** you believe in.

"If the gods become evil, believers will inevitably go astray.

"[Melinas] is a minority religion approved by the divine court, and it must have been healthy and harmless before.

"The gain he gives is most useful to messengers and those who spread the news, and the teachings he spreads are also in line with the ideas of these spreaders.

"However, [Melinas] must have suffered some kind of unknown pollution, and this pollution has also affected his followers. Their excited state and somewhat distorted moral values ​​should all be because of their souls. Contaminated by...

"If this continues, the believers of [Melinas] will fall into madness sooner or later, until they are recognized as evil beliefs by the divine court!

"This kind of belief seems to be happening all the time.

"The gods that the minority believe in are more likely to be polluted...

"It seems that I still have to be more cautious in choosing beliefs. Not only do I need to have doctrines that fit my own ideals, and belief gains that suit my needs, but more importantly, I need to be able to eliminate the risk of contamination...

"If you can't ensure these three points, I'd rather not choose belief."

When he returned to the room, Sean was a little tired and was about to lie down and take a rest. The phone rang and Sean answered, "Hello, this is Dickinson."

Opposite is Dyson Lauer's voice: "Sean, I have solved the secret of the record." Although there was good news, there was no joy in Dyson's voice, but a kind of depression. fear……

"Actually, the process of cracking is very simple - you only need to increase the playback sound.

"I've already figured out a way to widen that track on the record, and now I can hear the real content on a normal record player.

"Sean, I followed your advice and didn't finish it. But even if you didn't remind me, I would never finish it.

"Because, no normal person can finish listening to the content there."

"Sean, I don't know what you were involved in.

"But the 'thing' on this record..." Dyson tried his best to restrain his complicated emotions dominated by fear, and his voice was suppressed to the point of trembling, "I can only describe it as crazy.

"I need you to take this evil thing away as soon as possible.

"I don't want to see you for the time being, so I put the record in the mailbox outside my lab.

"If you're wise enough, you shouldn't play it, you should just destroy it!"

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