With a thud, Moonlight sat down in the wet sewer.

The lights flickered in the dark sewer, the pants were soaked in the water, and the moonlight didn't care.

His right hand was pressing **** the gun wound on his neck, sweating profusely from the tension and pain, panting heavily.

"I'll take a look." Sean clamped the flashlight between his cheeks and shoulders, and carefully removed the hemostatic powder bandage on Moonlight's neck.

The bullet pierced Moonlight's neck, but...

"It's half a centimeter away from the artery."

Sean and Moonlight were both relieved. The pianist smiled, sweat dripping down his forehead: "Just now... I thought I would never see Winnie again."

Sean patted the pianist's face: "Don't be stupid."

He walked beside Evan Burns, and the light of the flashlight illuminated his cheek.

Some gray feathers grew out of the gun wound, which not only pushed the bullet out, but also stopped the bleeding.

Evan leaned against the wall, panted slightly, and waved to Sean - indicating that he was fine.

Then, Sean walked to Alicia, who was far away from him. The hemostatic powder had already covered the wound on his abdomen, and the blood had stopped.

Sean took out a bottle of first aid carbonated syrup, opened the lid, and handed it to Alicia.

The female chess player raised her eyes and looked at the "supply officer" in the team, she really couldn't see where he took out the ammunition, holy light bullets, and syrup.

She gratefully took the syrup and took a sip.

The first aid carbonated syrup contains spiritual power, which can quickly relieve some trauma.

At this moment, Wright was half-kneeling beside Wendy. Wendy's head was pressed against the wall of the sewer, her face was twisted in pain, and she was sweating like rain.

Sean, who had sniffed the spiritual power and smelling salts before, finally regained a bit of spiritual power. He carefully picked up Wendy's hand, and the turquoise "spirit mist" wrapped the wound.

The wound stopped bleeding, the redness and swelling dissipated, and Wendy's breathing also stabilized.

Everyone in the team has a look of lingering fear...

If it wasn't for luck, someone would have already died in the city.

Above their heads, the furious madmen could still smell the scent of flowers remaining in the air. They collided in the alley, attacking each other, looking for Alicia's whereabouts.

Looking at the golden paint on the female chess player, Sean lifted the moonlight and said to everyone in a low voice, "Let's go deeper."

The firelight illuminated Kate's shiny black eyes. She and a few friends led Sean through the complicated maze-like sewers.

"Kate, how did you discover us?" Sean asked with his head lowered.

Due to professional habits, Sean has been wearing the mask of "Unknown Sea".

Because of the similar body shape, and Kate saw Sean wearing a mask in the mansion, so he recognized him as "Mr. Wuyou" himself.

The Dirty Face Princess raised her head: "We hid in Uncle Rum's flower shop, and then heard a voice in the Fisherman's Restaurant...

"Huan has the best eyesight. He saw you and the people he saw in the mansion that day."

The barefoot scout Juan wiped his nose proudly.

"So we're going to help you...

"As a result, I met you as soon as I climbed out of the secret passage."

Sean sighed slightly in his heart: It seems that when the luck is bad to a certain extent, the situation will change.

"Where are we going?" As he asked, Sean looked back at the conditions of his companions-the injuries were all stable.

"Go to Uncle Rum's flower shop."

"But she has... a scent on her body, I'm afraid it will attract those lunatics." Sean glanced at Alicia. She was still in a trance.

Kate shrugged: "The flower shop is already very fragrant - they won't find it for a while."

After walking for about ten minutes, they came to the bottom of a water well. Billy, the little fat man in a sea soul shirt, climbed up first and tapped the well cover regularly with a wooden stick.

After a while, the manhole cover above his head was opened, and the warm light came down.

Sean looked up, the lights outlined a person's head, and a magnetic voice with an Apennine accent came from above: "Come on up."

Everyone helped each other and climbed up.

Sean discovered that this was a closed inner courtyard garden.

Mr. Rum, a black-haired painter wearing a beret, looked at Sean and his party quietly.

His wife, who had brown hair and looked thin and beautiful, took a blanket and put it over Alicia—perhaps to ease the eerie floral scent.

Mrs. Rum took two steps back. Seeing Alicia covered in blood, she covered her mouth and said, "Are the people in the city crazy...?"

"It's getting crazier every year." Mr. Rum shook his head reluctantly.

Sean, who has been secretly observing the Rum couple, has been holding a revolver in some weak spirits.

"Come in quickly..." Mr. Rum opened the door, "You can all hide with me until everything is over."

After entering the room, Mr. Rum first made sure all the doors and windows were closed again, and then began to help Sean to further treat the wounds of the injured.

Mrs Rum was in the kitchen preparing food.

Their home was at the back of the store, not facing the street, so the scent of Alicia could not escape for a while. Those crazy citizens are still fighting in that alley, and they won't doubt it for the time being.

After Sean took out the deformed bullet in Alicia's abdomen with the elixir, he used the mist of elixir to further heal her wound.

The four children in Wild Dog Park have been helping out.

After Mrs. Rum brought the heated food out of the kitchen, Sean's guard against them was completely put down.

"My husband and I are vegetarians, so there is no meat, sorry..."

Sean sighed: "No, you don't need to apologize for this.

"Your eating habits saved our lives."

The Rums looked at each other in confusion.

Sitting in the living room of Rum's house, Sean suddenly remembered Tesler's instructions: If Verne is not resolved, this nightmare will not end.

They can't hide here forever, those madmen will rush in here sooner or later.

Thinking like this, the exhaustion that was surging up on his body was forcibly suppressed.

Swallowing the toast in his mouth, Sean asked, "How far is it from the Ecstasy Building?"

Mr. Rum took out the wooden pipe in his mouth: "About five hundred meters."

Sean walked around the hall, thought for a while, and stood up: "Olivia and I will go to the building."

Olivia is already standing beside Sean~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What, Sean? ! Are you crazy? ! "Moonlight looked at Sean in disbelief. "The streets are full of lunatics now!" "

"If you don't 'talk' to him, this matter will not end." Sean sighed, and didn't say it all in front of outsiders.

The room fell into silence.

"That's it." Sean changed the Mauser rifle in his hand.

"I'll go with you." Moonlight covered her neck, her face was pale, and she wanted to stand up.

Sean pressed him on the chair: "Come on. The more people there are, the more dangerous it is. I can handle it alone."

The pianist understood Sean's eyes and could only look away boringly.

Standing up straight, the New Testament reporter said, "However, I need your help."

Knowing what Sean meant, everyone extended their spiritual essence.

Contacting everyone's spiritual substance, Gaynor's power moved up, and the weak spiritual power merged into his soul.

Even so, he only raised one-fifth of his spiritual power.

He took a sip of spiritual power smelling salt: "Enough."

Sean picked up the gun and walked to the door.


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