The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 298: "Children of Big Dreams" Project

"So, what Judas Ring did was out of human righteousness?" Sean's eyes were cold.

Tesler still looked a little tired: "In order to resist an enemy that is almost impossible to defeat, some people choose to go to an extreme..."

Tesler's meaning is obvious - no matter what the motives of Judas ring, he does not agree with their actions.

"So, what exactly are they doing?"

The mystery is about to be revealed, and Sean feels calmer than he imagined.

The new mayor said slowly: "To explain their purpose, we must start from the time when the gods sailed away.

"Before the gods sailed away, the powers of the old masters such as Kluwitan were severely damaged by beliefs that symbolized tradition and nature.

"They can only hide in their own kingdom of God, or completely retreat among the stars."

"Looking back, when civilization developed to a certain level, the gods sailed away and their spirituality gradually subsided. This kind of thing seems to be a natural law..."

"Just as the flood will eventually recede, the land will become fertile.

"When mankind has gone through the wilderness and savagery, traditional beliefs will sacrifice themselves and perish together with evil superstitions...

"Give the stage back to humans." Sean answered.

Seemingly agreeing with Sean's metaphor, Tesler nodded slightly: "...give the stage back to humans.

"This may be the meaning of 'Gods Voyage'."

"However, the arrival of the 'false god' interrupted this process.

"Because it sits on the throne of the Holy Father Keen, the spirituality and mystery of the whole world not only fail to disperse, but also grow stronger day by day.

"Human history has entered a maze - just like when the sky should be bright, the fog is still shrouded.

"And in the age of mystery, the evil beliefs that should have disappeared along with the voyages of the gods also remained in this world."

The Lord of the Red Clothes, the Nameless, Faceless and Intangible God, the Lord of the Great Dream, and the Mother of the Black Sheep...etc.

It is already dawn, but human beings are still roaming in sleep.

The nightmare still lingers.

"So, Kluwitan, who was hiding in Lalaiye, did not perish, but he suffered heavy losses.

"So, every once in a while, his power will periodically escape.

"When the escape occurs, with Lalaiye as the core, a huge mental wave will spread across the world.

"Such fluctuations will cause similar nightmares to psychic people all over the world.

"They will dream of Kluvitan, of Laleiye, of the time when the evil gods were popular on the land..."

Sean frowned.

He knew what Tesler said was true.

First, he once saw this illusion in the battle with the "Scholar of Epiphany"——

The symbolic scene of Kluwitan sending out "The Big Dream Wave".

Second, as a sensitive person, he did have nightmares about Lalaye.

It was an underwater city full of green slime with various megalithic buildings...

He didn't know what that dream meant before, but now he fully understands it.

Tesler's voice continued: "And in the fluctuations of this big dream, a soul with strong spiritual power will be born in this world.

"These children are called 'children of big dreams'."

Moonlight 1902 frowned: "In other words, in the previous time, Kluwitan, who was severely injured, couldn't help losing his power...

"And these powers will not only cause nightmares for mentally sensitive people all over the world, but also make some newborns have some of his powers?"

Nikolai Tesler nodded: "You can say that.

"If Kluwitan's deity is likened to a painting, then the children of big dreams scattered all over the place are the puzzle pieces that can make him complete."

"So, my sister, Arya, is one of the children of the big dream?" Sean asked.

"That's right." Tesler turned his eyes to the window and seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, "The children of the big dream have a distinctive feature-they are prodigies in art."

The girl poet, Alia Dickinson; the violin genius, Benjamin Button; the genius singer, Neil Gate...

"Not only that, there are some magical techniques that can determine their identities...

"Anyway, what Judas Ring did was to collect the sons of the Great Dream."

Moonlight asked inexplicably: "Why do they want to collect the Son of Dreams? They want Kluwitan to regain his full power?

"Isn't it very dangerous to let an old master restore his power?"

Looking at the neon flashing in the sea, Tesler said, "In order to fight against that 'false god'."

Hearing what Tesler said, Moonlight laughed dryly.

In Moonlight, trying to restore power to an old master in order to fight false gods is ridiculous.

It sounds like someone was locked in a lion's cage and introduced a tiger to make sure he wasn't eaten by a lion...

Sean frowned.

Unlike Moonlight's idea, Sean is not completely incapable of understanding such an idea.

However, this is a plan with too many uncontrollable factors.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" Tesler turned his face with a wry smile, "I think it's crazy too.

"Unfortunately, when they developed Ocean City, they concealed something from me—

"At the beginning, I really thought that Lalaye was an endless source of energy that could benefit all mankind.

"I didn't know until the completion of Ocean City..."

The wry smile on Tesler's face disappeared.

"I just realized that I was used by a former comrade.

"Milton, Susannah, and Kennedy knew from the beginning that it was Laraye where Kluvitan was.

"In order to be able to get close to him and to implement the Son of Dreams plan, they supported my construction of Ocean City."

"Later, after Ocean City was completed, I discovered something was wrong and questioned them before I learned their real plan...

"It's to restore Kluvitan's power to fight against 'Kean'."

Sean frowned: "How can they be sure that Kluvitan will fight against that false **** according to their wishes?

"What if Kluwitan unites with false gods?

"Didn't that accelerate the destruction of mankind?"

Tesler shook his head: "It's about I can't tell the details, but I know that the Lord of the Great Dream and the Salvation Religion are mortal enemies - as long as he can obtain the ability to compete with the false gods He will definitely find a way to seize believers and theocratic power.

"It's like when a tiger wakes up, it won't give priority to harming the ants under its feet, but will find a way to kill the enemies that threaten it..."

"Dominate by the old days and fight against the main gods of the present..."

After working with female chess players for a long time, Sean's way of thinking has also changed a bit.

Although emotionally he could not accept the Judas ring's approach, although he thought it was an absolutely dangerous move, but from a strategic point of view, it was beyond reproach.

"The key to this strategy is to find the point in time when the two tigers are at their weakest after the battle..." Before he knew it, Sean entered the thinking of "slaying the wings and slaughtering the lions".

Sean's thinking not only analyzed Judas Ring's strategy: "However, the old master and the contemporary master god, if the human world is regarded as a battlefield...

"Although they are likely to lose both,

"But humans will still suffer."

Two evil tigers are fighting in the cage, how could they not hurt the ants in the cage?


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