The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 313: among the cruise ships

The mayor of Ocean City, Nicola Tesler, is standing in front of his office window at the moment.

Not long ago, a green phantom swept through the city like an uninterrupted tidal wave.

He knew what that symbolized—the fusion of the Son of the Great Dream and the Kluwitan dream was complete.

The gods who fell from the throne have been made up, and they have returned to the stage of the times.

He has left the material world and no longer dwells in the Wenlan Trench, the kingdom of God that had to be compressed.

The real Lareye also transcended the material world again and became a higher-level existence.

And the former hiding place of the Wenlan Trench is now empty...

However, the energy generated by the once captured soul has not been exhausted, and Ocean City can still use the energy provided by the "hypercube" before switching the energy back to the submarine volcano.

Nikolai Tesler's eyes were as calm as water, and he didn't care about the drastic changes that the outside world would usher in - all he cares about now is Ocean City's purification plan...

On the Silver Star cruise ship, which is farther and farther away from Ocean City, it is completely different from the warm lights next door. Sean is sitting alone in a somewhat deserted room at the moment.

He closed his eyes, and his spirit was already invested in the "Sacred Root Space".

Looking at the Shengen space, which is like a museum, enshrining various "sacred feathers", "collections" and archives, Sean remembered the first contact with Shengen.

It's just a small candlestick-shaped symbol that can stabilize the soul.

With the growth of the soul and the nourishment of various supernatural powers obtained, that little symbol has begun to take shape at this moment.

Sean paced in front of Naia Shenyu.

Above the symbol of the faceless god, outside the sky of the Forgotten Wasteland, the **** who could not see his face stood up, now it became clearer.

This symbolizes that after Sean defeated Kennedy, Naia Shenyu has entered the threshold of "intermediate development" from "primary development".

Its presence is similar to the "city of two suns", the **** in red next to it.

The upgraded Naia Shenyu gave Sean a stronger "memory and trace removal ability", and now he can even make Queen-level forget memories within a few minutes.

For Jack-level or ordinary people, this ability will be even more terrifying.

The passive feature of "Forget Me" has also been improved. When Naia Shenyu was activated, if it was only a vague impression before, then now, people hardly remember the appearance of Sean.

"For me, it's a very useful skill." Sean nodded slightly.

In this increasingly dangerous era, Sean wants to improve himself without attracting the attention of any party.

"In addition..." Sean injected spiritual power into a spiritual bullet, and the bullet turned into a shining black crystal...

"The target solved by this kind of bullet will be difficult to remember for the time being...

"It's a good cover for my actions."

Then, Sean walked to the booth where Chen put the black "Living Knife".

At this moment, the lines on this short knife are still expanding and contracting slightly - like a sleeping dangerous creature.

Since he didn't know the characteristics of this living knife, Sean didn't dare to use it rashly at this moment.

"The evil intentions on the short sword have been removed by the sword in the tree...

"Next, we can only wait until we return to the Explorers Association, and let the relevant people identify its characteristics."

From the sense of presence it releases, Sean thinks this is likely to be a Class B legacy.

"The promotion of Naia Shenyu, and a B-level mysterious legacy..." Sean withdrew from the Shengen space and sighed, "This time I have gained a lot...

"However," Sean's mouth twitched when he heard Moonlight's voice in the room next to him, "whatever the gain, it's better to find Aaliyah."

Finally enjoying the feeling of being "alone" enough, Sean got up, walked out of his cabin door impatiently, and came to the next room.

"... When I woke up, Sean had already won, and the gambler Jock was completely broken. He could only curse loudly..."

The moonlight spoke at a gentle rate, and the light illuminated his eyes, which shone slightly. He used gestures as an aid to tell the story that happened in the undercurrent street.

Maybe it's because the pianist's ability to tell stories is good. Sean found that Olivia, who is usually not very interested in talking, is now listening to Moonlight's story with her big red eyes open.

Evan Burns leaned against the wall, the scarf covered half of his face, he seemed to be resting, and he seemed to be thinking.

Ellie and her little brother, Benjamin, who loves to cry, and the two who have become emaciated, their eyes are slightly bright, and they are all listening carefully to the story of 1902...

"Brother!" Arya called out when she saw Sean walking in.

Perhaps because of the story, Alia Dickinson looked at herself with admiration in her eyes.

Arya was obviously a little excited, turned her head and asked, "How did you win the gambler Jock?"

Sean, who has never been very pushy, saw a few pairs of curious eyes turn to him, so he could only say: "I used the spiritual substance to simulate the heart, and I extended my life, causing him to fall into chaos...

"Then on the last card, I played the most important trump card - his true identity.

"Evil spirits are evil spirits after all, and his personality is still unstable. Then, I won..."

Recalling the Undercurrent Street and the face of actress Catherine, Sean realized that Catherine should have woken up at this moment.

This can't help but make him a little excited.

After hearing what Sean said, Aaliyah and Benjamin looked at each other and looked at Sean with surprise and admiration.

"Brother, you are really..." Aaliyah, who has always been a little introverted, is now as comfortable as a familiar friend. She didn't know how to compliment Sean in words, she just gave a thumbs up.

"The adventure of the explorer..." Arya held her cheeks, her eyes were obviously yearning, "It's really exciting."

Sean felt something was wrong.

He looked at the moonlight with some seriousness: "Did you tell them about Will, that poor young man, what happened in the church?

"Or the gambler's teammate who lost his soul to the evil spirit?"

Sean suddenly realized one thing - Moonlight is an adventurous person... " Let him tell the story of the explorer, and naturally he will have a "magnificent" and "wonderful" aura...

And let the people who listen to the story ignore the great danger that the explorer's career is omnipresent.

Moonlight nodded: "Of course."

Sean looked at Aaliyah suspiciously: "Aaliyah, the career of an explorer is very dangerous.

"If it wasn't for..." Sean paused and continued, "I wouldn't choose to join this industry...

"So, if you thought the adventures of the explorers were 'fun', you were wrong."

In Sean's mind, thinking that the career of the explorer is wonderful is like thinking that the battlefield is "blood-blowing" - not only a naive view, but also a dangerous view.

He couldn't accept Aaliyah's opinion.

Not hearing the warning in Sean's words, Arya blushed slightly, glanced at the clown hermit's mask on the table, and continued, "Actually...

"Actually, what you said, the 'function' of the explorer...

"I seem to have it too."


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