The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 316: seventy-ninth floor

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The elevator stopped on the 79th floor of the Explorers Center.

The folding iron door slowly opened, and the three of Sean walked into the floor where the light was not too bright.

The Explorer Building has a total of 101 floors. The higher the floor, the higher the level of characters and events that can be accessed.

For example, the risk control center of the association led by Austin is located on the 80th floor, while the current president Phillips has an office on the 99th floor.

Ordinary low-level explorers have little chance to reach the world above 50 floors.

However, Sean and his party had been guests in the risk control department before, and this time, they went directly to the 79th floor, where the field staff reported special tasks.

Unlike the mission center on the 10th floor, the 79th floor has been specially treated in terms of technology.

Coupled with the magic of some powerful people, what happens in this layer, unless the powerful gods deliberately spy on it, the outside world is almost impossible to know.

So, stepping into this layer, there is a different kind of feeling.

The first is that the lights are a little dim, and several men in suits standing not far away, their faces are shrouded in shadows, looking a little weird.

The second is surprisingly quiet.

How quiet is it?

Sean could hear the breathing and heartbeat of everyone present.

This is a world where you can't say "unintelligible words".

Click, click, click.

The three men in suits who were waiting not far in front of the elevator, led by the man in the middle, walked to Sean.

The lights next to the elevator illuminated the eyes of the man in the middle.

As bright and deep as the stars.

Arthur Merlin let go of the pretentious deepness, and the detective looked very happy to see Sean again.

He approached Sean with enthusiasm, and patted the New Testament reporter on the back again and again: "Just come back."

At this moment, Arthur represents the association, which is the upper level that Sean can't reach now. He has no overstepping behavior, but just nodded politely.

Following Arthur Merlin, the three came to the inquiry room.

A circle in a triangle, with a mysterious eye peeping in the middle of the circle.

A huge sign of the Explorers' Association is inscribed on the ceiling of the inquiry room.

Sean was used to the atmosphere after the mission.

Not deliberately to interrogate the explorers, but to take seriously everyone who returns from the mystery and the information they say.

Because it could be a big deal.

Arthur Merlin and the two members of the association sat in front of Sean, Moonlight, and Evan with ease, and began to inquire about the details of the mission.

On the Silver Star, detectives responded shortly after Sean wrote that letter to Arthur.

The content of the reply was simple - the detective reminded Sean not to provide too much information that "may threaten himself" when debriefing the association.

This gave Sean a crucial reminder.

In fact, as an explorer, Sean made a deal with Joseph Milton.

At the cost of taking away his sister, in exchange for not interfering with Judas Ring's "Son of the Great Dream" plan.

If Sean told the whole story, even if the Quest Association didn't try him for dereliction of duty and endangering the public...

The court will definitely make Sean unable to eat and walk around.

Although Sean has a clear conscience: "My purpose has always been to save Arya...

"The conflict between the court of God and the Judas ring has nothing to do with me."

But the power system will not listen to such words.

Sometimes, for the position of certain forces, choosing neutrality and choosing to accomplish one's own purpose is to choose hostility.

So, Sean was already thinking about it before he saw Arthur Merlin's reply.

After being reminded by the detective, Sean made up his mind: he would only explain the truth to Merlin, who was also a "Candlelight Reading Club", and would never tell the Quest Association.

Arthur Merlin obviously also considered this situation, so he took the initiative to take the responsibility of the task inquiry, and took the initiative to reduce the difficulty of concealment for Sean.

Obviously, it's hard to lie on this particular floor.

However, Sean adopts a strategy that has worked in the past: using vague semantics and cutting the truth, telling the truth while hiding the key.

All of this, with the cooperation of Arthur, Moonlight and Evan, was completed without a hitch.

The truth finally obtained by the association is: in Ocean City, Sean, with the help of Alicia, investigated the location of the Judas Ring.

Without knowing the purpose of the Judas ring, he followed Solomon and the people of the court to their place, and successfully rescued Arya.

As for what the plan of the Judas ring is, Sean said: "I don't know too much about it."

"They seem to be trying to use the child to do something evil..."

"Because the people I traveled with were stronger, I was able to leave with my sister."

Each sentence is true, but constructs a different truth.

A truth that only saves people with a sullen head, and then succeeds in the rescue because of luck.

On the whole, Sean was not only unremarkable in the whole incident, but also did not get much information.

And the most critical and sensitive thing is the "historical truth" that Sean and the others heard in Tesler's office...

No one asked, and he naturally didn't need to hide it.

In fact, the most dangerous part was passed so naturally.

Next, is Sean reporting on the process of completing the mission of the association.

At the beginning, Sean went to Ocean City with a triple mission.

The first, and most important, purpose is to save Arya;

The second level was assigned by the association, in response to the mission that had made a lot of trouble at Barton Manor - to find the missing King-level explorer, Charlie Jojo.

The third is a secret mission given by Arthur Merlin, a colleague of the "Candlelight Reading Club", to assist Alicia Pompeii.

To Sean's own surprise, in the middle of the crisis, he actually completed all the tasks satisfactorily.

Of course, only the details of the second mission were reported to the association.

The connection with Charlie Jojo had no details to hide, so Sean told them one by one.

After that, Arthur Merlin asked a few symbolic questions, and the mission inquiry ended.

Merlin sorted out the report in front of him and said to Sean: "Not long ago, Qiaoqiao has already contacted the association.

"What he said is the same as you - there is no doubt that you have successfully completed the task given to you by the Association.

"So, the influence you caused at Barton Manor will be cancelled, and the association will no longer pursue responsibility for this matter.

"However, unfortunately, although you have completed high-level tasks at a low level, there are no other task rewards because you have paid off your merits."

Sean shrugged slightly: Being able to bring Arya back alive is already the most generous reward...

In this task, he has been completely satisfied.

Arthur Merlin shook hands with Sean: "See you next time, Mr. Dickinson."

Hearing Arthur's Sean just nodded politely.

After the questioning session with a somewhat heavy atmosphere, in the process of walking towards the elevator in the empty and quiet floor, Moonlight bumped into Sean, with an excited tone: "Go there next!"

Sean turned his head in confusion: "Where to?"

Moonlight lit the mask of his "Court Musician" - no doubt he meant "The Hall of a Thousand Faces".

After completing the task of Ocean City, no matter in terms of strength or merit, the three of Sean can already be promoted to the Queen level.

The promotion ceremony is to go to the front hall and exchange for your Queen-level mask.

Obviously, Moonlight is looking forward to her Queen-level mask.

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