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Sean walked to the center of the Hall of Thousand Faces, and the door closed behind him.

The lights dimmed one by one, and in the darkness, according to what the mask craftsman said, he took off the unknown sea on his face and held it up with one hand...

A gentle force wrapped Sean's mask and slowly floated up into the sky.

Then, a beam of light shone down from top to bottom, illuminating the unknown sea brightly, like a crystal lens.

Sean heard the sound of the tide.

It was as if the waves were hitting the rocks on an uninhabited cape.

The light cast through the unidentified sea constitutes a fantastic scene.

A transparent, turbulent ocean, and the sound of the waves came from here.


Sean didn't notice it when he first got the Unknown Sea.

Now I have found something...

Whether it's crossing the ocean to find Arya, diving into the Atlantic Ocean, or seeing the secrets hidden deep in the sea...

His experience along the way seems to have an inseparable connection with the "sea".

Even his own mask is a sea of ​​chaos.

Then, he saw a slight change in the projection.

Above the originally cloudy sea surface, the clouds dispersed a little, revealing a corner of the night sky before dawn.

In the dark blue velvet sky, there was a little bright star.

That's... a morning star.

"The clouds and mist have dispersed a little... Has the morning star also risen?"

The beautiful scenery projected, as the light faded, condensed into the crystal mask again.

"The Unknown Sea" has changed.

Clouds and mists are no longer confined within the crystal mask, but are scattered around the mask, rotating gently, as if it were a miniature celestial phenomenon.

Inside the mask, there is still a sea of ​​surging tides, but above the ocean, a bright corner of the sky is exposed, and there is a star with extraordinary brightness, twinkling.

"Sea of ​​Shimmers".

Sean's Q-class mask.

He suddenly realized that his mask was a timeline.

A timeline from late night to dawn to dawn.

When he used the Philosopher's Stone in Ocean City, the light of dawn in his mask was just a glimpse of the potential of Sean from the Philosopher's Stone...

After taking over the new mask, Sean took a light breath and pressed the Sea of ​​Shimmering Light on his face.

The tide is surging, and the clouds and mists swirl.

In the mirror, Sean was wearing a black trench coat.

He did not take off his tweed hat.

Like a cloud of mist, it enveloped Sean's face, slowly spinning like a nebula on his face.

In the middle of this nebula, like the eye of God, is dotted with a star that seems to be able to see through everything in the world.

The mysterious mask with special effects matches Sean's attire very well...

Make him look like an urban legend walking in the city that never sleeps.

The cloud walker, the lone star who sees through all things, the person who sees the tide...

Imagining the title that might appear because of this mask, Sean slowly walked out of the hall.

When the door opened, the moonlight that saw Sean was obviously stunned.

Under the mask, he looked at the stars that were obscured by the clouds and mist, and complained, "Xiao, why do you have this ability...

"Always make me feel dissatisfied with my mask?"

Compared with Sean's Sea of ​​Shimmering Light, Moonlight believes that his mask lacks a bit of mystery and a powerful aura.

It looks too Queen.

Unlike Sean, just from the appearance of the mask, others will think that he has reached the King level.

Sean shrugged and was about to speak, when Moonlight raised his hand and said, "Don't say it, I know what you're going to say.

Following Sean's deep tone, Moonlight said, "Oh, Moonlight, my friend, when you are promoted to King level, your mask will be upgraded—you will be satisfied by then!"

Sean laughed dumbly, and the pianist made a face: "Yeah, then your mask will stabilize my head again...


Still, despite what Moonlight said, he seemed content with Moonlight Solo—he still glanced at himself in the mirror from time to time as he left.

While waiting for the elevator, Evan said: "Next, I will go to the Q-level library and borrow the fragments of the Thunderbird myth... Although it is still incomplete, it will take me a while to study it. "

Yueguang said a little disappointedly: "So, are you going to retreat for a while?"

Evan Burns nodded: "Well."

Moonlight became a little sentimental, opened his arms, and hugged Evan, who was a little restrained: "I'll miss you, man.

"You're my only piano apprentice - even though you can't play a single piece until now."

Never thought that Moonlight would also mention the apprenticeship, Evan pinched the bridge of his nose, as if he had nothing to do with the pianist.

"Okay, Evan." Sean patted Invisible Eye on the back, "Next time we meet, you will definitely be stronger than now.

"I hope next time, our mission will be simpler, and we will face the Ace-level without moving..."

As if recalling the embarrassment in Ocean City, Evan smiled rarely.

Taking the same elevator, Sean and Moonlight arrived at the Mysterious Heritage Identification Center on the 24th floor and said goodbye to Evan who continued to take the elevator to the underground library.

"If you have anything to help, contact directly through the explorer card." Sean said.

Due to several missions, their cards have been deeply bound, and even if they are far apart, they will be sensitive.

"Yes." Evan said, "However, I will go back to the mountains in the north for a retreat, where there is nothing but pine trees and snow, there are few people and there should be no danger.

"It's you, if you need help, remember to tell me."

Although they usually don't express it very much, Sean and Moonlight can feel that the steady Evan Burns is already a friend who can trust his life.

When the elevator slowly closed, the three of them gave a face-to-face salute.

"God favors explorers."

The trip to Ocean City with Ivan was like a dream.

Without him, Sean would not have been able to achieve his goal so successfully and retreat.

He was also grateful to Evan.

Turning around, Sean and Moonlight walked into the Mysterious Heritage Identification Center.

This layer not only has the function of heritage identification, but also can exorcise, store, consign and auction the mysterious heritage.

Under the guidance of the guide, the two of Sean came to the intermediate appraisal department.

The man sitting behind the appraisal table looked like he was in his early fifties, and the black vest tightly wrapped his slightly bloated body.

The indifferent appraiser rolled his eyelids when he saw the custom-made masks of the two of them.

However, after discovering that the comers were two Q-levels, he still seemed to lack interest——

Only those heritages brought back by the Ace class that need to be identified have real value.

There is no shortage of precious B-level heritage, and even occasionally there is a priceless A-level...

In the Queen-level mission, it is already a great luck to be able to obtain a C-level inheritance.

After signing the identification document at hand, the other party slowly screwed the pen into the cap, crossed his hands, and asked slowly, "What did you bring?"

Sean had put the black living knife in the invisible stomach bag in advance.

Interestingly, after Sean used the "Fair Arms Dealer" three times, the mysterious suitcase disappeared from his invisible stomach - presumably back to its owner, Arthur Merlin.

At this moment, Sean rolled the black living knife with spiritual essence and took it out of the invisible stomach bag.

With just one glance, the appraiser quickly pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

In the eyes that were originally uninterested, a ray of light bloomed.

The white-gloved hands approached the object with a characteristic softness and agility.

The appraiser felt the ups and downs of the black knife like a beast with his hands.

The expression of lack of interest faded like a tide, and the face was like an enemy.

He snapped his fingers and summoned his apprentice.

A panicked young man ran in and sat next to the master.

"I said, you write."

The young man has picked up the pen.


"Ancestral Legends exclusive item.

"Not man-made..."

While identifying the details of the living black knife ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the appraiser said a dozen special words.

"It has growth potential.


Put the breathing black dagger on the appraisal table.

The aged appraiser folded his hands and squinted, the amazement on his face still not completely subsided.

"Although the rule in the industry is not to ask about the source of the mysterious heritage...

"However, I'm really curious as to how you got this thing.

"Can you talk about it?"

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