The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 323: brother and sister

"However, I have to send Arya back to Green, our hometown.

"—I can only rest assured if she returns to her hometown and lives with her father."

When Sean said this, he suddenly realized that Daisy's face was a little wrong.

She first looked at Aaliyah beside Sean, and then kept motioning to Sean with her eyes.

Only then did Sean react, and he turned to look at his sister beside him.

Alia Dickinson was in disbelief at the moment. She looked at Sean, her mouth opening and closing slightly, as if she didn't know where to start.

Then, her wide eyes began to turn red, and tears flowed.

She got up directly and ran out of the cafe.

Outside the cafe, Olivia, who had been on guard, followed.

Sean glanced at Daisy and quickly chased out of the cafe.

After Arya rushed across the road, Sean caught up and grabbed his sister's arm with a gentle movement: "Arya—what's the matter with you?"

She covered her eyes with her hands and wiped tears with her sleeves:

"Sean, in your opinion, I'm a burden, right?

"You can only rest assured if you arrange me in your hometown, let my father watch me, and let me stay in my own room again, right?"

Seeing the tears streaming down Arya's face, Sean's eyes widened in astonishment—

He didn't expect that such an arrangement would make Aaliyah so sad.

"No, Arya..." Sean was a little upset, but he still tried to clear his mind, "No, you are not my burden.

"I just think...

"I just think you'll be safer that way."

"I don't need to be 'safer'!" Arya put down her hand, and seemed not to care about letting her brother see her crying, "I'm not a fragile pearl in someone's jewelry box!

"Sean, what if I were you?

"In order to make you safer and help you arrange everything, I hope you can be obedient and slowly become an old girl in the countryside of Green?"

Aaliyah's few words suddenly made Sean understand the potential thoughts in his heart.

He was suddenly enlightened, a little ashamed, and didn't want Aaliyah to go on, but his sister's words had already been said:

"Do you want to say that you helped me make decisions for my own good?

"But you're actually just trying to make yourself feel at ease."

Just to make myself feel at ease.

In the name of selflessness, arbitrarily satisfy one's selfishness.

"I didn't even ask Arya about her thoughts and plans..."

Sean's surprise has faded.

He knew that Arya was right.

Sean took out the folded handkerchief in his coat pocket and gently wiped the tears from Arya's face.

Arya had finished what she wanted to say. She seemed to feel that the accusation she had just made was a little serious. Sean glanced at her brother with some concern.

There was no anger and blame on Sean's face, he smiled apologetically: "You're right, Ellie...

"Since I rescued you, I've become a little strange.

"I seem to treat you as a baby without my own feelings, I just think about how to place it safely...

"But I didn't consider your thoughts."

Arya is holding her slender neck, and the anger in her heart has subsided for the most part...

But there was still some shame in my heart after venting, so I had to reluctantly maintain an angry look.

Sean...sometimes a bit assertive.

But it's really annoying.

Olivia also stood behind Aaliyah at this time, stroking her back with a warm hand.

This made Arya feel a lot better.

Sean took off his hat and said with a smile, "Then, dear Ms. Dickinson...

"Would you like to come back to the cafe with me, and let's have a good chat about your opinion?"

Seeing her brother's pretentious appearance, Aaliyah, who was choking her neck, couldn't stand it any longer, so she laughed.

But she quickly regained her stern expression. Although she walked back with Sean's bent elbow, she said, "I haven't forgiven you yet!"

Sean repeatedly said yes, with a good attitude: "Then how can I be forgiven by you?"

Aaliyah's eyes rolled back: "I want to eat ice cream."

In a glass bowl there is creamy ice cream garnished with strawberries.

Arya scooped a little into her mouth with a small silver spoon, and closed her eyes because of the enjoyment and the cold pain in her head.

On one side, the black gloves lightly held the slender ivory mouthpiece, and her red lips let out a puff of smoke. Daisy looked at Sean and said with a smile, "It's not easy to be a good brother."

Sean raised his brows and made a "isn't it?" expression.

Realizing that Aaliyah turned to face him, he immediately returned to his gentle smile.

Daisy said: "But to be honest, you were a little...arbitrary just now, Sean.

"Reminds me of my dad."

Xiao En wiped his chin where the stubble was slightly raised, and reflected: "It seems to be a form of inertia..."

A kind of inertia that is indomitable and must achieve the goal.

So much so that I forgot to ask Arya's opinion.

"However, you are willing to reflect...

"It's also a rare trait among men."

The experience of growing up with Aaliyah has worn away the excessive rigidity in his heart.

However, instead of making him vulnerable, he gained more trust and help because he could understand others.

"It should have been like this.

"Listen to the opinions of others, whether they are men or women, fathers or sisters..."

Watching Arya finish eating the ice cream spoon by spoon, Sean wiped off the remaining cream from the corner of her mouth with a napkin stick.

"Okay," he asked, holding his chin, "So, Arya, what do you think?

"Do you want to go back to Green and stay with Dad, or do you want to go back to Green and stay with Dad?"

Daisy patted Sean lightly: "Sean!"

Arya smiled, and she said, "I'll go wherever you go."

Sean frowned.

Is that so?

Turns out it wasn't the new covenant that wanted to stay in the world of flowers...

But I want to be with myself.

Outside the door, through the crimson bond, he heard Olivia that Arya said, and a smile appeared on the corner of her delicate face.

Resisting the already overflowing smile, Sean joked, "Want to be my fuel bottle?"

Arya nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

"Then what if I get have a child, and I have nowhere to live, so I can only drive you out!"

Aaliyah still smiled: "You won't drive me out.

"Besides, I'll get married in the future.

"It won't depend on your house."

Thinking of the appearance of his sister getting married, Sean frowned immediately: "You little brat, just talk about starting a family - cry at every turn, who would dare to marry you?"

Aaliyah snorted: "No one else will make me cry...

She narrowed her eyes slightly: "Huh? Sean, are you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? Hehe...


Looking at the siblings bickering in front of her, Daisy also had a happy smile on her face.

"You go home first, and I have to go to the newspaper office to catch up with the manuscript - you can't always carry a fuel bottle with you, right?"

It can be seen that Aaliyah is in a good mood: "No! I'm going too!"

Sean propped his arms on the table, as if he had a headache and pressed his forehead with his hands.

For some reason, after learning that Aaliyah would be by his side... Sean actually felt very light in his heart.

I'm in a great mood.


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