The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 326: Little Wishes and Green Reception

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"Alicia is coming for a new appointment," the detective said lightly.

Sean shrugged - by that knight's ring, he already knew that the female chess player would arrive in the New Testament tomorrow.

Ocean City has just settled down, and the outside world is still chaotic, but Alicia Pompeii still chooses to venture out.

Because she was going to see her long-lost grandfather, Edvar Pompeii.

Considering that Alicia is now a thorn in the side of Continental Daedalus, this is clearly a secret trip.

And she also has an important task at hand—she must fulfill her promise and find a way out for Wright.

So, Sean knew that after Alicia settled in Pompeii, she would leave this place.

It can be said that it is just passing through the New Testament.

"Because of my sensitive identity," said the detective, "I can't see the old man in person...

"So I could only secretly send eyeliner to check it out a few times.

"He's in good shape physically and mentally.

"But..." The detective frowned, "For some reason, I have some bad hunch.

"When you and Alicia go to the lower level of the old book cemetery tomorrow, you must be careful."

The intuition of a legendary detective has a very different meaning from that of an ordinary person.

When Arthur Merlin said this, Sean was already a little nervous: "What kind of hunch? Can you be specific?"

Putting down the wine glass, Merlin supported the desk and tilted his head: "Because the one at the bottom of the sea has completely woken up...

"So there are a lot of variables in the world.

"If it was in the previous environment, I should be able to speculate on the dangers that might have occurred,

"but now……

"Only a very vague hunch."

He turned around and stared at Sean: "Anyway, you must be careful."

On the way back, Sean decided to take a walk along the street because he wanted to relax and let Arya feel the bustling streets of New Testament at night.

It was already December and the weather had cooled down significantly.

The end of the month is the festival with the strongest atmosphere of the year - Holy Return and New Year's Day. Even if there is still more than half a month, some businesses have begun to post snowflakes on the window paper to prepare for the festive atmosphere.

When the woman in the window was pasting the white window paper, she saw Arya standing in front of the window stunned.

She smiled at the thin girl, and Aaliyah responded with a smile.

The reflection in the window turned back, Aaliyah's nose was reddish from the cold, and the fog when she spoke was illuminated by the street lamps: "Brother, will it snow in the New Testament during the Holy Return?"

Sean pondered.

He knew that Green's hometown would meet. There's a warm fireplace, a holy tree, and a blizzard outside the window.

Sean stopped, and Olivia turned around.

"Yes." Sean realized that they would have their first New Year's Eve in New York City.

I can't help but think of my father who is far away in Green.

After rescuing Arya, Sean had already sent a telegram to his father William Dickinson on the boat.

Since Sean had no fixed address arranged to receive telegrams, William could only write to reply.

Although the reply hasn't arrived yet, Sean can also imagine the content——

"Bring Ellie back!" the beard and long-haired dad seemed to shout right in front of him.

However, Sean knew that he might not be able to take Arya back to visit Green until after the Holy Return.

Not only have to face Dad's complaints that they don't go back for the festival...

Sean got a headache again: "I have to persuade them to agree to let Arya stay with me in the new contract in the future."

I sighed in my heart: "It's difficult."

Under the street light, Arya blinked, not seeing the messy thoughts in her brother's heart.

As if thinking of something, she turned around slightly, and the fluffy skirt twirled slightly: "Then I'll make a small wish now...

The slender figure swirls lightly, attracting the glances of men and women passing by.

With her slender index fingers crossed, Arya whispered, "This Holy Return, there will be snow where we are."

Sean smiled and said, "For this matter, make a wish to God?"

Aaliyah opened her big eyes and stared at Sean seriously: "It's this kind of thing that's worth making a wish.

"Sean, Moonlight, Olivia and I...

"New Covenant, Holy Return, and a snow."

"What a wonderful time it would be."

Arya thought to herself, and walked forward with her hands behind her back.

Olivia couldn't help but start imagining that scene.

A girl's poetic and picturesque, infected another.

The sophisticated girl who had been estranged from human emotions, unexpectedly raised some expectations in her heart.

Sean suddenly understood—

It might actually snow this Holy Return.

Because God saw that this girl has suffered some hardships, so she will arrange some beautiful things for her.

"It must be like this." Sean's face was calm and joyful, and he walked forward.


After walking for a few blocks, Sean noticed a lot of people on the corner ahead.

"What happened?" The reporter function made him smell the "event" before he got close.

While walking, keeping Arya behind him casually, Sean saw a police light flashing.

"The Institute is dispatched..." There were no less than twenty indoctrination officers in uniform and with a diamond-shaped shield and silver emblem on their chests, among them there was even a "shepherd" wearing leather boots and a standard coat - the Special Operations Department of the Institute.

Looking through the flickering figures, Sean could see some men and women in fancy clothes, handcuffed and squatting on the side of the street.

"Assembly of evil beliefs?"

There are already colleagues around, and the camera's flash flashes from time to time.

At a safe distance, the spiritual essence as thin as a gossamer quietly permeates the past.

Sean heard fellow reporters there discussing what had happened.

"...I heard that it was a reception about sharing dreams..."

"Share your dreams?"

"Yes..." The reporter lowered his voice, and there was a sense of excitement in his throat that something big was about to happen, "I heard that some people have recently entered a green dream during their sleep at night...

"Those dreams seem to symbolize good luck - someone made a lot of money according to the dream...

"There are people who get what they've always dreamed of.

"These dreamers feel that they are different, they believe that those dreams have incredible power,

"Also, those who dream are those chosen by a certain god..."

"So they gathered together and shared their dreams while drinking absinthe laced with phantoms...

"They even tried to unite that green dream...

"It seems that by doing so, they will echo their new masters...and allow them to achieve something more extraordinary in their lives."

The voice of another reporter who heard it was obviously higher: "God, this is...!"

The narrator pulls at the startled companion: Be quiet!

The other party suddenly lowered his voice: "This is, this is blasphemy!"

Sean, who walked with his collar up, listened to the conversation across the street as if using a monitor.

He saw the man who uttered words like "blasphemy" in horror, looked up at the night sky divided by the building, as if afraid that the sky would hear it.

"Yes..." The narrator lowered his cap and said softly, "It's blasphemy...

"God knows where these people came from.

"There have been three such sharing sessions in the New Covenant City - it's as if the faith of the divine court was shaken by another thing overnight!"

"How can such a **** exist—isn't Keen the only righteous god? Didn't the other gods sail away?"

"Who knows?" An education officer passed by, the peaked cap paused, and spat out the toothpick he had been holding in his mouth, "Isn't this a good thing for us?

"A pool of stagnant water is finally rippling - I feel like something big is about to happen!"

There was suppressed excitement in his At this time, Sean had taken two ladies and moved to another block.

As he walked around the corner, Sean caught a glimpse of a man squatting on the ground in handcuffs.

He did not show the remorse that he deserved to be arrested by the enforcers of the divine court.

There was a strange smile on his sweaty face, as if he was experiencing an exciting dream.

Only Sean saw it—in the depths of that person's eyes, there was a flash of green light like an aurora.

"Lord of Lalaiye..." Sean's eyes were cold, and he led the two of them in a hurry, like pedestrians eager to return at night. The voice in his heart, no one could hear, "It has already landed on the coast."

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