The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 329: Unexpected harvest

With a slightly excited mood, Sean returned to the door.

Knocked on the door and heard the sound of Arya's little leather shoes hitting the floor.

The door was opened, and Arya stuck her head out from behind the door. A sweet smell of baked cakes and the fragrance of black tea squeezed out from the room.

"It smells so good." Sean moved his nose and walked into the door.

He closed the door with a smile, and his sister said, "Moonlight and his wife are here, Olivia is baking cakes for us..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Winnie, who was small and small, came out of the room and hugged Sean happily.

Released her arms, Winnie stared at Sean with light blue eyes: "Thank you Sean, for bringing my husband back 'intact'..."

"I have to thank you-" Arya obediently took over Sean's coat and scarf, Sean said, "If it wasn't for the moonlight, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

Moonlight stood leaning against the door frame with her arms folded, her face full of pride.

Seemingly surprised by Sean's evaluation, Winnie raised her eyebrows and asked deliberately, "Oh, by the way, Sean, is there any record in the book I gave you?"

Winnie was referring to the one, once Moonlight 1902 acted too enthusiastically towards other ladies, it would leave a record book.

Moonlight, who was originally proud, suddenly became nervous, and his body stood up straight——

Although he performed well in the second half of the trip, he did not forget that during the trip to Avalon Island, he had been overly enthusiastic about the lady Vivian...

And Sean made a truthful record at the time.

If Winnie finds out...

Sean shook his head: "After all, with your instructions, Mr. 1902 was very gentleman and... polite throughout the journey, and he didn't go overboard with the lady."

Looking at Sean, Moonlight's face was moved: As expected of my good brother!

Winnie smiled and glanced at Moonlight: "Yes, there seems to be progress."

To avoid any changes, Moonlight quickly took Winnie into the living room: "Of course, will I not listen to you?"

Watching the couple walk into the living room, Arya stuck her head out behind Sean: "Oh, Moonlight is afraid of his wife."

Sean laughed: "I can't say I'm afraid..." Sean thought for a while, and realized the relationship between Moonlight and Winnie...

"It should be said that he loves Winnie very much and doesn't want to make her unhappy."

Arya raised her eyebrows and nodded as if she understood.

A few people sat in the living room. Olivia, dressed in a black and white maid outfit, came out with a hot and fragrant cake...

Looking at the special maid outfit that Olivia was wearing, Winnie squinted at the moonlight: "Sean, wear this kind of clothes for little Olivia... This is his idea."

Sean didn't see Moonlight's hands waving again and again behind Winnie, and nodded without thinking.

Madam turned her head, Moonlight smiled awkwardly.

He was twisted under the shoulder, and Yueguang groaned in pain: "Winnie, what are you doing?"

Winnie ignored him, just turned her face away angrily.

However, the cake and black tea soon put her in a better mood.

"It's baked really well." Winnie praised Olivia with a smile.

Sitting next to Sean, Olivia, who folded her hands on her skirt, said lightly, "Thank you—you just like it."

Mrs Winnie took a sip of black tea and looked at Sean with a little smile in her eyes.

"What's the matter, Winnie?" Sean asked a little suspiciously.

Winnie looked at Sean with a smile - at this moment, on his left was sitting the pretty and lovely Aaliyah, eating cake with a silver fork, unaware that there was a little cake crumb on her mouth.

On the right sits the pretty and peaceful Olivia, just sitting quietly and breathing steadily.

"Sean, I always thought you were a little lonely before...

"Now you don't feel that way anymore."

Hearing what Mrs. 1902 said, Olivia put a hand on her chest - for some reason, she felt a little happy about it.

After eating the cake, Sean stood on the balcony with Moonlight, who was smoking, and slowly told what he saw today.

Regarding that terrible prediction, Sean was not unwilling to tell the ladies in the room—

He just didn't want to cause panic for no reason.

There are some things that the two of them, as explorers, know enough.

Moonlight listened to Sean with a heavy face, the death of the sage underground.

After that, Sean told his partner of his plans.

He not only has to find a way to surpass the Ace class, but also to enter the media industry.

He exhaled a breath of smoke, and Moonlight tilted his head calmly: "Sean, no matter what your plan is, I support you."

"Before, I was a person who didn't have a sense of purpose and just got along.

"You know..." Moonlight turned his head with a smile, "How could a person drifting on the sea with a big ship have such a thing as a 'destination'?

"But, after getting to know you, I have some changes..."

He turned around and leaned comfortably on the iron railing of the balcony, watching Winnie talking and laughing with the two girls.

"When I saw your unyielding chasing after Aaliyah, I suddenly realized...

"It may be good to have a goal in life.

"After having a goal, the state of the whole person, even the eyes, is different.

"As if the world would make way for him."

Moonlight paused for a moment, as if reminiscing about the days of adventure with Sean.

"I envy you, Sean - you always set goals.

"Therefore, I also want to be like you."

He took a light puff of cigarette and let the night wind blow the smoke away: "I'm no longer a 'pianist on the ocean'..."

"What should my goal be...?"

After thinking for a while, he chuckled: "As your partner, if you surpass Ace and I don't do it, isn't it a shame?

"So on the path of the explorer, my goal is the same as yours.

"On the other hand... piano performance, I'm already world-class!" Moonlight patted the railing, as if showing off, but not like, "Then, on the other hand, I will try my best to help you and make you an industry player too. First-class, you can call the wind and call the rain in the media industry."

Damn, he pretended to be there.

Sean didn't expect that Moonlight, who showed his heart with his true feelings, finally moved him and showed off fiercely.

Looking at his partner's miraculously sly and sincere smiling face, Sean sighed helplessly.


After a few days of peace and tranquility, Sean received a call from detective Solomon.

After a few busy days, Solomon is about to return to the Continent. Before returning, he plans to invite his travel companions, Sean and Moonlight, for dinner.

As agreed before, the three gathered at the Palm Tree Restaurant, but considering that they wanted to chat with Solomon, Moonlight did not play the role.

After enjoying a mouthful of toast with foie gras, Solomon raised his brows and wiped his mouth with a napkin with satisfaction.

He raised his glass, smiled and clinked glasses with Sean: "I'm glad we can have dinner together outside Ocean City - at least all the meat here is edible!"

The two partners smiled knowingly.

"Oh, right." Putting down the napkin, the detective took out a thick envelope from the bag he was carrying and handed it to Sean.

Sean looked at Solomon with a bewildered expression.

Solomon spread out his hands: "A bounty."

"What kind of bounty?"

The detective smiled: "Don't be kidding, Sean - if it wasn't for the key information you provided, I wouldn't have rescued Benjamin Button at all.

"The reward given to me by the Patton family is equivalent to a bounty of about NZ$8,000.

"There are four thousand here, and it should be yours."

Sean and Moonlight looked at each other.

They also didn't expect that they could get a windfall by eating dinner.

A bonus income of $8,000 for a complex task is not too unreasonable.

After all, the difficulty of the task in Ocean City has reached the Ace level; after all, the Barton family is also the richest person in the new contract.

However, Sean did not consider that Solomon would be so frank and generous, so he naturally gave half of the reward to Sean.

"Take it." Solomon patted his thick belief in Sean's hand.

Holding the heavy banknotes, Sean couldn't help but think about it.

"It has been calculated before that starting a newspaper, including renting venues and staff salaries, requires at least NZ$10,000 in initial capital.

"And the cost of the Heart Wheel spiritual practice is NZ$3,200...

"In other words, if I want to achieve the stage goal, I must have NZ$13,200..."

Black market business dividends are only five hundred New Zealand dollars a After deducting living expenses, Sean can't save much money——

13,200 New Zealand dollars, which was originally a number that made Sean feel a little "long way".

"The unexpected gain from Solomon this time, plus the income from auctioning the 'Flesh Eater'...

Sean will make around $4,000.

The originally unreachable target suddenly shortened the distance.

This made Sean a little surprised and sighed. He picked up the champagne in his hand and took a sip.

It felt a little unreal.

"Gentlemen, you deserve this dividend, there's nothing to talk about."

Solomon put down the food temporarily, crossed his hands, and his expression became a little mysterious.

"Actually, there has always been a cloud of doubt in my heart...

"And this trip to the New Testament has brought my curiosity about 'that thing' to a new height..."

He frowned and seemed to be lost in memories: "Back then, what happened in the New Testament was really strange,

"Let me worry about it to this day."

"If someone can clear my doubts, I'm willing to pay a good reward..."


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