The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 331: "Blood Wedding"

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Back then Solomon leaned back on the chair in the theater, watching the story on the stage carefully.

A young groom who takes care of the horses of a certain nobleman is found to be blessed by the **** of war, and he can win no matter how powerful an enemy is.

The nobleman was not good at martial arts. After facing the instigation of his peers, he had to make his groom wear knight armor to replace him in the knight duel.

As a result, he became famous in the first battle, and the children of the nobles were considered to have strong martial arts, and won a lot of favor and attention.

The children who did not know how to restrain, in order to reap their own reputation, forced the groom to play in his own identity again and again, until...

Until the son received an invitation from the king to fight to become the princess' husband.

The young groom has long wanted to replace others, but he has been unable to resist because of his identity as a child.

In the final battle of the duel of knights, the groom falls in love with the princess at first sight.

After winning the duel, the groom decides to tell the truth under the princess' balcony.

Unfortunately, his trace was discovered by the noble children, and he was cursed, unable to tell the truth.

The princess heard the noise and walked to the balcony, only to see a strange young man squatting in pain downstairs. He was caught by the patrolling guards and locked in the dungeon.

The despicable son of the nobleman will marry the princess in the king's castle. On the day of the wedding banquet, the son deliberately came to the dungeon and humiliated the humble groom...

"The inferior person who smells of horse dung also wants to win the princess' heart?"

The children's words made the groom furious.

That night, the groom managed to escape from the dungeon, found the knight's armor, mounted his horse, and rushed to the brightly lit castle...

Hearing this, Sean shrugged: "A very classic story...

"It seems to refer to a lot of legends.

"If I had to say, it would be fascinating if the script and the actors performed well."

"That's right." Solomon nodded, "As I said before, it's a really good drama.

"The development of the story in the first half is still to be expected."

"Just, the last climax..."

As he continued, Solomon's mind returned to that illusory memory.

The furious groom, wearing armor and riding a horse, rushed into the castle.

According to common sense, he should break through the siege, go to the princess and the king to tell the truth, expose the ugly face of the noble child, and become the real concubine and the heir of the kingdom...

However, what happened on stage became more and more strange.

In order to be able to enter the castle, the young groom defeated the blocking guards, his shiny armor stained with blood.

The Avengers rushed into the grand reception. The two dancers representing the mounts, like crazy, slammed and stomped on the screaming and fleeing guests.

The blood gradually dyed the horses and armor a bright red color.

"He doesn't seem to be trying to break through the siege...

"It's just torture...

"When I found this out, the stage was full of blood."

The plasma used had filled the stage, not over the actor's knees.

"I swear," Solomon shook his head slightly, as if he couldn't believe what he said, "I even smelled blood...

"God knows what that plasma is made of."

Crazy groom, all the way to the wedding scene.

Fortunately, the marriage ceremony of the children and the princess has not yet taken place.

However, his killing did not stop because he reached the destination and saw the princess.

The knight in red armor continued to slaughter, and the despicable son of the nobleman, as well as his two entourages who saw the wind, died under his gun.

In order to stop the sudden uninvited guest, the palace guard who stepped forward was killed by his gun.

Afraid that the princess would be hurt, the maid who rushed out of the crowd was also killed by the horse...


"I suddenly felt that under the red armor, it seemed that there was no longer a wronged soul...

"But a downright, mad will for revenge."

"That armor doesn't seem to care whether the truth is revealed to the world at all."

The king was overwhelmed with a sudden heart attack, clutching his chest and slumped on his throne, not knowing whether to live or die.

It wasn't until no one stood up to stop him that the Avengers finally jumped off the horse, waded through the blood, and walked in front of the dumbfounded, pale-faced princess.

And the princess, because of the sudden killing just now, has fallen into a state of madness.

She kept shaking her head, her eyes wandering.

Terrified but unable to act.

The groom didn't seem to care that his marriage partner had gone mad. He didn't take off his helmet and directly lifted the princess up, intending to continue the interrupted wedding.

"A blood-red moon rises at the back of the stage...

"I seem to have seen some kind of strange existence and became the...witness of this indescribable blood-red wedding."

The story was over, and both Sean and Moonlight fell into a long silence.

After a long time, Sean said, "It is indeed... a somewhat strange ending."

In Sean's mind, the first half of the story is obviously the kind of comedy that Shakespeare wrote with a happy ending.

He could even imagine that the young groom rushed to the scene at the last moment of the wedding, and heroically proved himself. In the sound of blessings, he washed away his grievances and held the beauty back...

Instead of a "wedding" that indiscriminately kills innocents, bleeds blood, and drives the bride crazy...

What does the playwright want to say?

All-consuming anger?

An indictment of oppression, beyond reason?

The nothingness of life and its contents?

"To be honest..." Moonlight said, "I really want to watch such a special show."

"Right." Solomon sighed, "Actually, after walking out of the theater, I was almost completely sober.

"I can't believe I saw such a bold play...

"That shocking feeling kept me awake all night.

"So, in order to know more about the play and its author, during the next day, I started to look for relevant information..."

After a pause, Solomon continued: "I walked back and forth on White Street three times, and I couldn't find that theater again...

"I also bought the latest version of the "Watching Guide", and I didn't see any information about "Blood Wedding" at all."

Although he knew in advance that this might be the case, Moonlight raised his brows in surprise.

"I certainly wouldn't put it out of my head so easily.

"To that end, I visited several New York City musical veterans..."

The detective sighed: "They've never heard of this drama.

"That is, if it follows logically, what is really possible is,

"That night, after I came out of the 'Old Home Lamington' pub, probably because I was too drunk, I went straight back to the hotel.

"On the bed in the hotel, I wanted to go to White Street, so I had a dream to make up for the regret in my heart."

The slightly fat fingers revolved as he told the story. After all, he was a explorer. Solomon didn't have much fear when he told this: "If you look at it according to the 'dream theory', then, the strangeness of that play is. There is also an explanation-

"It's a dream constructed by my subconscious, so it makes sense to have such a weird and unconventional ending.

"In the end, I can only accept the conjecture that it was a dream, when I couldn't find any proof of the existence of the show."

"But..." The detective looked out the window and blinked.

"That feeling is so real, how could it be a dream?" When he said this, his voice was soft, as if he was talking to himself.

"As a detective who has been in the business for 20 years, how can you not distinguish between reality and fantasy?

"Perhaps the reason 'dreaming' can appease any other soul who has not experienced the mystery.

"However, it didn't really answer my doubts...

"I really want to find out the truth—"

Solomon turned his head and looked straight into Sean's eyes: "Even if it was really a dream, I need complete proof.

"This time, I must know the answer to the mystery that has haunted me for five years."

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