The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 337: Sean's plan

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Chapter 337

After sitting in the passenger seat and fasting his seat belt, Moonlight began to talk about the theft plan for a while:

"The Metropolitan Theatre, definitely going to the Metropolitan Theatre - it's the best-selling theatre on White Street and probably has the longest membership list.

"I know the Springer owner of the theater.

"He's a miser, but he still respects me." Moonlight straightened his collar towards the make-up mirror in the car.

"It'll be like this for a while..." He tapped his finger on his forehead, he said, "We still use the interview as an excuse..."

Today's moonlight seems to have won the essence of Sean.

"I'll introduce you to see Springer, and then I'll get him out of there when I get a chance—like try a stage piano or something.

"Then, while he's not in the office, copy down the list!"

After speaking, Yueguang patted his forehead: "How about it, the plan is good!"

Sean, who was driving quietly, turned to his partner: "Moonlight, you have made progress."

Rarely make plans, and now plan well.

Something was beyond Sean's expectations.

The pianist raised his brows happily: "That's - having been with you 'conspirators' for so long, it's impossible not to learn any tricks."

He seemed to be quite excited, and the chatterbox was still open: "As soon as I see Springer, I will introduce you. Should you use a pseudonym? I think..."

About ten minutes later, Sean's car stopped in front of the Metropolitan Theater.

It was afternoon, and there were no pedestrians on White Street, and the staff seemed a little lazy.

After getting out of the car, Sean and Moonlight walked straight to the door of the Metropolitan Theater.

Sean pushed open the door and went in. Sitting on the inside of the door and dozing off, the uniformed doorman stood up: "Oh, sir, sorry, we're not open yet."

Before Moonlight could speak, a flash of light burst out from the pupils of Sean beside him.

Forget flash.

The freckled, pale-faced young guard, with a white light in his eyes, murmured, "Please wait... sir..."

While forgetting the visit of Sean and Moonlight.

"Oh." Moonlight was a little surprised, "I thought I didn't need to use these methods to visit Springer."

Sean turned back and smiled: "Convenient."

According to Yueguang's memory, the two bypassed the spacious theater, passed many staff who didn't care about the two, and walked directly to the door of Springer, the theater owner.

Moonlight was about to knock on the door, but Sean had already twisted the doorknob and walked into Springer's office.

Sitting behind the desk, Springer, who was wearing reading glasses and checking the ledger, raised his head: "Why don't you knock on the door?"

Before he could see the appearance of the person coming, his forehead was held up by something cold and hard.

It's a revolver.

"Show the VIP list of your theater."

The gray-haired Springer didn't dare to come out, and he took out a wide-open cowhide booklet from the drawer without daring to move his upper body.

Sean tilted his head, signaling the stunned Moonlight to check.

Some timid moonlight, some embarrassed, looked at the list, and after confirming that it was true, nodded.

Sean apologized while putting the revolver in the gun bag: "I'm very sorry, Boss Springer, just because it will be more convenient..."

Saying that, Sean's eyes burst into a flash of light.

When Springer's eyes were still white, Sean said to him: "You handed over the VIP list to your assistant a few days ago, but he has not returned it.

"However, don't lose your temper for this, after all, your memory is not very good now, and you can't be completely sure whether you handed it over to him..."

After walking out of the office with moonlight and closing the door, the white light in Springer's eyes was "digested".

He stared blankly ahead, blinked, and returned his attention to the ledger...

After walking out of the theater and sitting in the car, Moonlight, who had been silent, said, "So you originally planned to use this convenient method?"


"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Moonlight was obviously a little unhappy--I don't know if it was because the task was too simple, or because of Sean's silence, "I said so much, it's useless at all!"

"Why can't it be used? If Naia Shenyu can't be used for some reason, you can use your plan, right?"

Sean seemed to make sense, and the moonlight disappeared a little: "Then you should also tell me your plan first..."

"Alas," Sean patted the steering wheel, "I heard you talk hard and didn't want to interrupt you.

"Besides, isn't this a good mental exercise - next time you can make a plan too."

Knowing that Sean was not malicious, it was only a small prank at most, and Yueguang didn't feel relieved: "I didn't expect that your strange memory erasing ability would actually improve the effect..."

Thinking of the thrilling experience in the Arkham City Museum, Moonlight couldn't help but shudder.

"You won't use it for me!" Moonlight looked at Sean nervously.

Driving the car, Sean frowned: "Your thinking is very strange - why should I use it on you?"

"Uh..." Yueguang checked whether his memory was incomplete. "For example, I sometimes act cheap, or I raise a bar with you. You beat me first, and then erase my memory to vent your anger."

Sean patted the steering wheel and laughed: "Hahahaha... Moonlight, you think too much..."

Seeing Sean smiling, Moonlight became more and more worried.

After all, he just couldn't help but fight Sean sometimes.

"Don't worry." Sean turned his head, "I am a principled person and will not use it for you."

Sean's eyes were smiling and he added: "However, you have provided a good idea..."

Yueguang suddenly closed his eyes and turned his head: "Damn! I shouldn't have reminded you! No, I can't look into your eyes...

"You must be lying to me.

"Recently I said why my **** hurts all the time... I thought it was my **** cramp when I was sleeping.

"You must have beaten me! It seems that I have to be careful in the future!"

Sean laughed so much that tears almost came out: "Don't worry, Moonlight, I won't use it on you!"

"Sean, my good brother, it's not that I can't trust you." Moonlight kept his eyes closed and said solemnly, "I need you to swear on this matter, swear in the name of the explorer, otherwise I will keep worrying about it. Can't sleep."

It seemed he was really worried. Sean chuckled.

Although memory is the yellow flower of yesterday and a phantom that does not exist in the present, it is also everyone's accumulated understanding of the world...

No one wants their memories to be erased at will.

Although Moonlight's concern is not rational, it is understandable.

Sean sighed and said in a serious tone, "Okay, my good brother.

"I swear in the name of the explorer, I will not use the ability to erase memory on you, okay?"

"Use the words of the explorer."

"Okay, okay - don't violate this oath, God can learn from it."

After saying this, Yueguang opened his eyes and seemed relieved.

Looking at the moonlight beside him, Sean smiled wryly and shook his head: I'm really worried.


After getting the list, Sean and Moonlight returned home, leaving Arya and Olivia to do their own thing in the living room, while they were in Sean's study prepared before using them. The untraceable phone calls of the station began to conduct phone interviews one by one.

If it's too abrupt on the phone, it's definitely not okay. They pretend to be a "Metropolitan Theater" staff member to conduct a phone survey, focusing on favorite plays, favorite genres, etc...

After asking some hidden questions, before the interviewee loses patience, they will ask the most crucial question: whether there is a drama that you have watched, and you can't find it afterward, and what is the content of the drama? of?

Although this question is a little strange, it is less obtrusive when buried in the various questions about drama.

According to this technique, Sean and Moonlight started to call one from the beginning of the list and the other from the end of the list.

Sean thought it was going to be a long step, but, to his surprise, things quickly progressed...

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \"Favorite\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 338 Sean's plan), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time!

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