
Traveling through the city in the dark of night, the son of "Ole on the River", his leg was injured, and blood was dripping all the way.

He had just been betrayed by his companions.

"That guy in black, I thought he was trustworthy, but he attracted those guys from the 'Subway Gang'..."

The brave he defeated three by one, and fled the scene before they could beat the killer.

Although I am a little fortunate to have a life back, it is clear that the pain of losing the territory is even greater.

His heart was going through a burning torment.

"I must get revenge on that black guy!"

Thinking like this, although the injury to the leg is constantly transmitting fresh pain through the nerves, he still maintains grace, running and jumping through the city streets.

"I have to...I have to find a place to heal my wounds..."

As he lives in the shadows, he is reluctant to walk into the dimly lit street.

However, in order to be able to transfer to a secret location, he had to venture out of the dark alleyway...

Usually, he was able to use his agility to avoid the well-dressed gentlemen and ladies walking down the street, but this time...

A pair of small black leather shoes stopped in front of him, the tall giant squatted down, and even lifted his dignified son of "Ole by the River" into the air!

- You can kill me, but you are not allowed to insult me!

The warrior of the night opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar!



Alia Dickinson held a cat with an injured right leg, eyes wide in amazement, and elbowed Sean beside him: "Sean, look at this cat - he has two small beard!"

Sean looked down at the sound.

Sure enough, this black-and-white "cow cat", under its pink nose, has two symmetrical moustache-like spots whose ends are raised like the old gentlemen.

With its angry meowing sound, there is an inexplicable sense of joy.

"He seems to be hurt..." Arya raised her moustache and saw that blood was slowly dripping from his hind legs.

Damn human... Meow is still going Meow: Let me go!

"Sean!" Arya's eyes suddenly became sparkling, "This cat is injured, shall we take him back to recover?"

Hearing his sister's request, the New Testament reporter couldn't help frowning: He doesn't object to Arya raising cats, but...

"Look at this cat, it's dirty and fierce... It's not easy to raise."

Moustache seemed to agree with Sean's judgment, and the cat kept nodding his head in his heart: I am the son of Ole on the Riverside, the bravest warrior in the dark night, and the peerless fierce cat who will wipe out the Metro Gang sooner or later!

Do you want to keep a male lion in captivity?

How naive!


"He, he may be hungry!" Arya seemed to have a glimpse of the mustache, and in order to take him home, she began to carry forward the "fine tradition" of the Dickinson family - making up random things, "Look, People get irritable when they are hungry, and cats get irritable when they are hungry."

Saying that, Arya put the mustache on the ground.

The "Peerless Fierce Cat" who was released nodded with satisfaction in his heart: Well, yes, a weak human being.

It seems that I was intimidated by my majesty and followed my will...

Then, I want to return to the darkness again, to enjoy the darkness, to brew my revenge that will eventually be paid in blood and fire...

Then, Aaliyah took out an egg **** that had just been baked before, and put it in front of Moustache from the small paper bag she was carrying.


Moustache came to a halt as he stepped across the street.

The blue cat pupils widened: what do you mean? Humanity?

Do you want to seduce the uncle?

Do you think this uncle would do something like this...

While his heart was full of disdain, the cat's face was buried in Egg Tart's sweet heart.

Eat the tip of the whiskers are egg crumbs.

ah ah ah ah...

hateful hateful...

The body moved involuntarily!

"Look!" Arya felt the feeling of the kitten's face gently arching the egg **** skin, her face full of excitement, "Mustache has eaten the egg tart!"

Sean originally thought that the mustache was a wild and untamed wild cat, but at this moment, watching it eat egg tarts recklessly...

"It should be a cat that was raised by someone in the past and then lost, right?"

"Take him back to recuperate!" Arya held the egg tart, looked at the squinting cat, and then looked at Sean, whose mouth was slightly raised because of this scene, "Okay?"

The elder brother could only nod helplessly: "But you have to bathe it and deworm it - God knows how long he has been wandering."

"Yeah!" Like getting the most beloved gift, Aaliyah's eyes seemed to twinkle like stars.

Ah ah ah... Chewing the sweet egg **** filling, the son of Ole by the river is sure that the flame of vengeance in his heart has not been extinguished.

Will you take me home?

Want to feed me this... devilish food every day?

Hmph, for the sake of my injury...

Let's go home with you first!

After eating the egg tart, the overtired mustache curled up in Arya's arms and fell asleep.

The crowds were surging, and the traffic was noisy.

In the dim light, the moustache, whose hind legs had stopped bleeding, slept like an unscrupulous kitten.


After bringing the moustache home, with Olivia's "help" (using a little bit of the power of the Scarab brooch), Arya finally bathes the cat who wants to resist - the whole cat becomes It's fragrant.

Not only that, Arya also pulled out a small black bow of her own, used it as a cat's bow tie, and put it on the mustache.

The black mustache curled to the sides on the lips, with a black bow tie...

"Captain Luke!"

With a doting expression, Arya clapped her hands, thinking of a lovable gentleman pirate in her favorite book.

Damn, put this weird thing on me...

There is anger in the blue cat eyes: Did you bring me back to humiliate me? !

I am the bravest in the dark...

Ah, that devil's food again!

Ah ah ah!

Captain Luke, who just got up, buried his face in the egg **** again.


Time continues to pass.

Sean had to admit that after adding Captain Luke to the family...

This now cramped apartment has become more like home.

As long as Arya is at home, she will play with Captain Luke, whose hind legs are bandaged.

Sean, who was originally worried that the captain was a stray cat, was also completely relieved - this is obviously a lost cat who was bullied everywhere...

If they hadn't picked him up, the captain probably wouldn't have survived the winter.

During this period of time, Sean did not control Shawshank to leave the black mansion.

On purpose, he wanted to control the speed of the increase of the staff - raising spiritual time needs to be done step by step, but when it comes to the expansion stage...

Too fast is not necessarily a good thing.

He is enjoying these leisurely days.

Drink coffee at home and read the newspaper. Before lunch break or sleep, use Shawshank's body to walk around the black mansion...

Going to the underground temple from time to time, I saw the number of candles slowly but steadily increasing...

One, two, three, four...

As if listening to a melodious tune~www.wuxiaspot.com~ soothing and firm.

The light on the ground gradually illuminated the skirt of Hersis, the lady a little brighter.

In this leisurely time, Sean suddenly realized that as himself, Mr. Dickinson, he should also find some things to do...

"After all, it depends on one's skills. Journalists who develop in the New Testament,

"Enough vacation time, it's time to make yourself look busy."

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