The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 499: winning the lottery

Tick, tick.

The cold sewage dripped from the top of the sewer into the wet ditches.

In the sewers, there was the greasy sound of the soles of leather boots stepping on the mud, as well as the obvious heavy and nervous breathing of the two of them.

The man walking in front wore a wooden mask on which the face of a clown was finely depicted, with a tear on the left cheek and a star on the right cheek.

In this dark, cramped, damp, and deadly environment, the corners of the mask's mouth still had a flattering smile - the Jack-level mask "Court Clown" turned his head to his companions behind him and said, "Man, we may have 'won the lottery'. "

"Winning the lottery", the term of the explorer, means that the actual danger level of the mission exceeds the expected level of danger.

This kind of thing happens often in the industry, and it's not just for the reporter.

This two-person team is on a Jack-level mission to "Explore the Leyland Sewers". After discovering that there is a black hand behind the pollution, they faintly realized that the difficulty of the task seems to have risen to the Queen level.

The court jester's companion has a terrifying mask - a copper mask with a broken corner, revealing a rotten face carved out of wood.

Jack-class mask "Leprosy Prophet".

The flashlight in the Prophet's hand swayed as he walked: "It's still impossible to completely assert that we have won the lottery..."

However, he still stopped and stared at his partner seriously: "Dude...

"After encountering that group of mice that are about the size of wolves... my spiritual power has already been used up.

"Probably the same for you."

Their spiritual power smelling salts have also been used up.

"Going forward, we may face risks...

"I can't complete this task alone - do you still want to go forward?"

The court jester fell silent.

In their previous exploration, they encountered huge challenges, but at this time they have also explored 90% of the area.

Going back now means that all the previous efforts have been in vain.

Thinking of the home loan that I still need to pay in real life...

The clown gritted his teeth: "We don't have to be so unlucky - there is the last cesspool, go check it out and then go back."

The leper prophet nodded.

The two moved on.

In the dark, they pushed open the door of the last cesspool.

The clown was already used to the stench of the sewer, but unexpectedly, after opening the last door, he smelled a stench that was stronger than before.

Almost wanted to vomit.

"It may be some kind of proliferator core involving evil..." The Prophet judged, "We only need to be able to see it - if you want to purify this place, non-Queen-level squads are not necessary."

After calming down and moving on, after walking along the edge to the deepest part of the cesspool, they bumped into...

There are a few green lights shining brightly here, making this already weird space even more terrifying.

A test stand with all kinds of weird organs, a rotting human figure tied to the table, a huge glass jar with floating dirt...

and a man in a blood-splattered mask.

Queen-level fallen explorer, "Teacher of Tacheng".

He has been waiting quietly, as if waiting for someone to send fresh experimental materials.

After seeing the two explorers who were obviously a little nervous, he released the concealment of his spiritual power and said in a thin voice: "As for my process of exploring the mysteries of life-maybe you will be interested?"

When the two explorers had secret thoughts in their hearts, the Tacheng tutor had thrown a bottle of strange solution into the cesspool behind them.

Through the faint green light, they saw that large fish with rotting bodies and white eyes floated up from the sewage pool.

"Run!" The leprosy prophet shouted, and the two of them turned around almost at the same time, stepping on the slippery ground and fleeing towards the door.

The fish in the cesspool shot up like cannonballs, and the whole pond seemed to boil for a while.

They rammed into the two fleeing explorers, and gnawed at their flesh with their dirty sharp teeth.

In a short period of time, the two of them have been changed beyond recognition and the pain is unbearable.

Gu Si Even the prophet of leprosy, who would experience burning pain all the time as long as he wore a mask, was tortured to the point of going mad by this torture-like attack.

There are still about ten meters away from the exit!

Under the "baptism" of the raging fish, they were already covered in bruises and blood flowing like a stream...


"I can't escape." Because of the blood loss and pain, the court jester had a golden flower in front of his eyes.

He was extremely regretful.

I regret that for such a little quest bounty, I still choose to move on when I have a bad premonition.

What flashed before his eyes was the appearance of his wife holding the child.

"Use that bottle!" In a trance, he heard his teammates shouting behind him.

That bottle?

Oh... Before the mission, I saw a medical divine product that claims to be very effective...

In order to ensure safety, they each bought a bottle.

What is it called "Elixir of Mist"?

The injury is already so serious, can that thing be useful?

Protecting his neck, his hand was bitten by the fish again, and the phalanx can already be seen on the back of the hand...

do not care.

The two crisp voices were masked by the leaping fish.

The court jester and the leper prophet broke the hourglass-shaped vial almost simultaneously.

A burst of yellow-green soft mist quickly licked their horrific wounds...

About five seconds later, the two rushed out of the cesspool room and quickly closed the door behind them.

At an unprecedented speed, he drove all the remaining spiritual power to flee towards the exit of the sewer.

Inside the cesspool, the Queen-level explorer frowned deeply: "What is that?"

He clearly saw that the two Jack-level were covered in bruises and were about to fall...

As a result, a yellow-green mist swept through, and the two seemed to be back to normal, and escaped alive and well.

Chase, you can't catch up.

It's a shame that he let two Jack-class escape.

This also made his base unsafe—

The next "visit" will no longer be a rookie, but will be fully armed, specifically targeting his Queen-level With a sullen mood, he shook a copper bell beside him.

Then, the ground on which he was standing, carrying the glass cylinder, the laboratory table, and the operating table, suddenly swayed.

The giant tortoise, festering, full of parasites, rough skin full of mold, and pale-eyed, carried the Tacheng instructor and everything he had, and began to swim towards the depths of the cesspool...

"Yellow-green aerosol?" The instructor fell into deep thought, "It seems worth studying it in depth..."

1.5 kilometers away, next to the open wellhead of the sewer in Liland District, two Jack-level explorers looked at each other, panting, their eyes full of disbelief that they had escaped from death.

After a long while, their breathing calmed down.

With the dim light of the street lamps, the leprosy prophet spread out his wet palms——

Due to being overly nervous, he kept clutching the things in his hand tightly.

The broken glass bottle.

With an expression of disbelief, he stared at the new type of divine product that he just bought out of curiosity.

"This thing..." He shook his head, staring at the two glasses, as if staring at two diamonds, "Fuck..."

"Only $10?"


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