The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 502: Arrangements for the next meeting

Kaman, Henry Hart, Hoffmans...

Four Silver Flame Believers.

Four people who linked their lives with this belief.

Although only three silver flames have been added, due to its firm belief, the power of the "Oath Torch" has been slightly increased - not only increased its power, but also unlocked the ability of the "Guardian Torch", allowing ordinary people It's hard to get close to Sean.

Of course, the sublimation of faith also makes the power in the spiritual world more abundant.

Inside the mansion, the vegetation grows vigorously...

The test of "Night Terror" passed smoothly.

Through Shawshank's eyes, Sean stared at the people who survived the catastrophe offstage.

They were still excited to see the goddess in person.

The scene of Olivia waving the torch of the vow to break the night terror just now will surely be deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone present...

All of this made Sean have some new thoughts:

"Creating a **** is like planting a seed...

"It will take root on its own, and miracles and revelation will come naturally. All I have to do is water and maintain it."

With this kind of insight, inexplicably, Sean suddenly became more looking forward to...

The development of Ms. Hershey's beliefs may be far beyond his imagination as a designer.

So, what will such a belief that has been firmly supported by the first batch develop into in the future?

"I am looking forward……"

A scene appeared in Sean's mind.

A grand propaganda venue, a magnificent temple, supporters who can't see the edge...

And unlocked the unimaginable, powerful spiritual realm at this time.

Everyone recovered from the ecstasy of witnessing the miracle, and they all saw Mr. Rogers on the podium with light in his eyes.

Without his urging, everyone calmed down consciously and sat back to their seats.

The lady's visit made the people here more religious and closer.

First, they led everyone to express their gratitude to Ms. Hershey for protecting them. Then, for different reasons, Sean announced two things:

"I know that now you must be full of urgency to spread her great achievements... I understand it very well.

"However, what I want to remind you is," Shawshank's limbs were manipulated, and Sean raised a finger, "don't forget the basic request she made to us...

"Careful and concealed." Everyone whispered, as if they were awakened, they all sat down with their faces in danger.

"Yes, prudence and concealment." Sean nodded and continued, "Ms. Hershey doesn't expect people to flood into her door...

"She only accepts pious and sincere people.

"So, control your enthusiasm for preaching and control your naturalization speed-unless you decide that the object you preach is worthy of her protection...

"Otherwise, keep your mouth shut."

People nodded.

"Everyone present is the gold she plucked out of the crowd.

"Since ancient times, there has been only the act of taking gold from sand, but never adding sand to gold...


Everyone agreed in unison, and they all expressed their approval and embraced themselves.

From the early days of its establishment, Sean has repeatedly reminded to hide and control the speed of mission, not because he is not in a hurry to expand, but out of "reverence" for the current situation.

Valley itch Due to the influence of Kluvitan, the court is a sensitive period.

He didn't want to expose his little faith now.

"There will always be a time to fight for legalization, but not now."

After confirming that his earnest admonitions had fallen into the hearts of the supporters present, he began to tell the second thing:

"Blessed are the pious and diligent."

In a word, the eyes of the people present widened.

"I got another revelation - when the next meeting is held, Ms. Hershey will choose the four most devout believers, go to her temple, and pay tribute to her true face..."

Almost everyone present held their breath.

Go to the shrine and pay homage...

What an honor this is!

"These four people will be promoted from 'talkers' to 'ready fire holders', and in the near future, like me today, they will preach the glory of that lady to others..."

"Talkers" are ordinary believers, and "fire holders", as the name suggests, hold the torch at the meeting, and are considered the leader of the group.

The number of supporters will increase. It is impossible for Sean to manage such an organization by himself. It is time to select cadres.

And paying homage to the goddess statue is obviously an excellent "promotion ceremony".

"Those who celebrate will receive far-reaching blessings."

In a state of admiration and enthusiasm, Sean ended the night's party.


The temperature in New York City has dropped sharply these past few days, and even in the afternoon of the day, it is still gloomy and cold.

The clouds outside the window were dark, like dirty snowdrifts.

The doorbell was rang.

Busy decorating the Moonlight 1902 at home, he hummed a tune and rushed to the door with euphoric steps, and happily opened the front door.

Standing outside the door was Sean Dickinson in a dark gray coat and a fedora of the same color. He looked in good spirits today, with a fine bottle of red wine in his hand.

Sean is naturally surrounded by Alia Dickinson and Olivia Wind Chime.

Olivia was wearing a gray woolen coat, and a black towel covered the lower half of her face. Little hands in black gloves were brushing through her brown hair.

Aaliyah's white cloak concealed her specially-matched Sacred Home Tree pattern sweater—her nose was red from the A sleeping kitten lay in her arms.

"This..." Moonlight invited them into the house with a smile, tilted his head and said, "Is that the famous Captain Luke?"

"Exactly." Arya showed a mysterious smile that only a child could have.

She put the obviously fatter cat on the hot floor, the cat refreshed and started looking around without any shyness.

High in the sky, a pocket of Moonlight's apron moved. Miss White held out her small white head, and Captain Luke's appearance was reflected in her black eyes...

She first opened her eyes wide, then shrank her head back in fright.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Yueguang patted his old friend in a good mood, "Luke is also a guest at home for the Holy Homecoming."

"Winnie!" Arya ran towards the kitchen enthusiastically, "What are you doing today?"

Moonlight took the red wine from Sean's hand and blinked slyly: "For the Holy Homecoming dinner, this bottle doesn't seem to be enough."

Sean smiled and took off his coat, hung it on the hanger and said, "Then let's see my good friend, what else is there to hide..."

Closing the door and storing the whole house warmly, the clouds seemed to know what day it was today, and just at the right moment, the slightest snowflakes floated.


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