The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 532: Squad composition

Knowing that Mr. Pansha was back, Mrs. Berg, who had been resting upstairs, also went downstairs and cooked a bowl of soup for him.

Panza, who was sitting by the fire, took it gratefully, broke a few pieces of bread and put it in the soup.

Mrs. Berg relaxed and returned to the third floor with a soft expression.

Firewood was added to the fireplace in the living room, and the flames suddenly flourished, steaming hot, drying the water vapor on Pansha's body.

Sean and Yueguang did not return to the room for the time being, but sat in the hall, listening to Pan Sha talking about the day's experiences between meals.

After stuffing the bread wrapped in soup into his mouth and chewing and swallowing it, Pansha felt that his hands and feet became warmer, the cold from the inside stopped, and he finally slowed down the pace of eating.

"I swear..." He turned to look at Sean and Moonlight, "Before I got lost, I found some kind of 'boundary'!"

"Boundary?" Moonlight sat up straight and asked nervously.

Pan Sha put the plate on the ground next to him, just nibbling on the bread in his hand: "Yes, I can feel an artificial boundary, but..." He sighed, "Considering the limited strength, I dare not Entering that border hastily, I wanted to get out of the woods—and just after that, I got lost.

"It's getting dark," Pan Sha shook his head as if he couldn't bear to look back, "I felt like something was staring at me in the woods, so I quickened my pace, but couldn't find the one that tied the horse. small road...

"In the end, I used some secret techniques to..." He summoned a "Black Book Fairy" to get out of the jungle. He paid a considerable price for this, and that "fairy spirit" was still devouring his spiritual power.

Through spiritual vision, the moonlight can still see that little thing. However, he didn't intend to take a closer look at how that purple thing that could hardly be called a "fairy spirit" was clinging to Pansha's soul like a cyst...

While Pansha was speaking, Sean was lost in thought.

He didn't doubt the occult ability of the possessed Pansha, so he knew that the "boundary" definitely existed.

Now everything has become very clear, in Rong Yeer's forest, there can be no boundaries set by other things.

As long as they enter that boundary, they are very likely to solve all the mysteries.

It's about Ivan's death, about the disappearance of the black book holder, and what happened more than sixty years ago.

The question now is whether it would be wise to go straight to that boundary.

Sean closed his eyes and carefully recalled the mysterious figure who surrounded Evan's house with darkness and eventually killed his teammates.

Ace class...

He once defeated the guards of the kingdom of God because before the confrontation, the opponent stepped into a trap he carefully designed. In terms of absolute strength, there was still a considerable gap at that time.

However, since gaining divine power, Sean is confident that his team can besiege King.

"Fortunately," Sean rubbed the ring given by his old friend, "there is also a touchstone."

In this way, this is an adventure that can be tried.

He didn't want Evan to die in vain.

He turned his eyes to Moonlight, who quickly read his mind and nodded slightly.

So, Sean said to the person by the fire: "Mr. Pansha, in order to find your teacher, you should still want to enter that boundary, right?

"Yes," Pansha's voice seemed to be baked into a drowsy tone, and there was a hint of fatigue in Pansha's voice, "I plan to call my other Jack-level teammates, and then issue a task in the association, and wait for the three of them to gather together. After that, try to go to the enchantment to have a look."

He didn't consider hiring the three of Sean - in his consciousness, he couldn't afford to hire the team led by Sean.

After all, he once watched the team in the Sea of ​​Shimmering solve a spiritual world involving a demigod...

No one was even hurt!

The Sea of ​​Shimmer is the future Ace, the seed of the legendary explorer, the shining star of tomorrow...

Enchanted Pansha doesn't think he is eligible to apply for a team or give a reasonable commission.

Hearing what Pan Sha said, Sean sighed slightly in his heart: Are you going to enter there with only three Jack classes?

If he is not here, then the exploration of the Pansha team will only increase the number of explorers who are missing from Yell.

After being silent for a while, Sean said, "I now suspect that the death of our teammates was also due to what happened in the forest.

"So, tomorrow we're going to go into that border and have a look."

Pansha turned around in a panic and looked at Sean with disbelief:

Did I hear it wrong?

Is the Sea of ​​Shimmering going to investigate within the boundaries? !

"You should be willing to walk with us, right?" Sean asked.

A powerful Queen-level squad invites you to join? ! Pansha's eyes widened, as if he had forgotten to speak.

Seeing that the other party didn't reply, Yueguang smiled and tilted his head: "Or do you have other plans?"

Pan Sha hurriedly got up from the ground and waved his hands: "No no! I have no other plans!

"I didn't expect you guys would continue to investigate!"

According to common sense, teammates have been confirmed dead, and further investigation is meaningless...

For the sake of safety, most explorers will close the case in this case.

After all, no one knows what is lurking in the mystery, and the living team members will not take risks to explore the truth for the dead.

did not expect……

Pan Sha clenched his fists excitedly in his heart: he understood what a real explorer should be like—not afraid of the unknown, he is the real explorer!

"You invited me, of course I would!" Pan Sha stood up straight.

Thinking of my trip to the Northland, which was full of crises, I actually got on such a steel I couldn't help but feel excited.

Seeing Pansha's state, Sean said: "However, the level of danger of this mission is probably completely different from what you have come into contact with before.

"I don't want to shrink back just because your level is lower than ours.

"If you have an ace, I hope you can use it tomorrow."

Every explorer has his own trump card. It may be a consumable mysterious legacy, a forbidden technique with strong negative effects, or even a magical technique that stores energy and releases it at a critical moment...

Sean's meaning was obvious, he asked the possessed Pansha to do his best.

After all, it must be a tough battle.

Pan Sha's voice was no longer that lazy: "I will."

A burst of purple sparks swirled around the back of his hand, whistling like a living creature. That is the power collected by the Black Book Department in the unknown world called "Yiyuan".

"I have found a 'collaborator' in another world. Tomorrow, at the right time, I will let him appear."

The strange flame smoldering in the black book lowered the fire.

Sean has heard that the black book series that can find "collaborators" in "Yiyuan" have considerable potential.

Every explorer should not be underestimated, as expected.

Sean nodded in satisfaction.

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