The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 542: The choice of 3 explorers

Sean did not dare to use the oath torch under such a clear night sky.

He could only honestly use the flashlight to illuminate the path of the snow forest just like his companions.

They stepped on the snow with one foot and one foot, trying to leave this ancient area, leave the dense forest, and return to the hitching ground.

It's been a long journey, of course, but they've been reunited with Evan Burns.

So, for this return journey, they have no complaints.

However, unlike the state of Sean and his party, the possessed Pansha returned with the body of his teacher.

At this moment, a strange-looking pack beast summoned by Pan Sha is carrying the corpse of the holder of the black book and walking beside Pan Sha.

With the sadness of the teacher's passing, and the impact of everything just now, Pan Sha changed his previous activity, didn't say a word, just walked with his head down.

What Sean has been worried about, the person behind the scenes who planned all this and wanted to make up for Wendigo did not appear.

He was relieved for a moment. In order to find out the truth of the year, and to make the return journey less depressing, he began to ask Evan.

"What happened in this forest, and who did it all?"

Evan Burns panted slightly: "I don't know who wants to finish Wendigo, but I basically know the whole story...

"As you can see, if you hadn't stopped all this, I'm afraid I would have been killed by Wendigo too.

"If this is the case, then that legendary monster will break through its boundaries and walk freely in the world.

"Judging from its abilities, it is at least a demigod-level existence..."

Evan exhaled a breath of fog: "Therefore, there is no doubt that the person who designed this scene is to create a god, from a divine thing with many limitations, to create a powerful demigod."

Yueguang recalled everything the old painter said, and the time and space in his heart were connected: "So, the explorers who created Wendigo back then did this for the same purpose, creating a demigod?"

Enchanted Panza and Evan Burns looked at the pianist in amazement at the same time.

The former's surprise is easy to understand. He, who has never visited the old painter, certainly did not know that it was the three explorers who created Wendigo.

Evan's surprise was different: "Have you investigated this far?"

He has lived near Rongyeer all the year round. He has heard about the tragic incidents that happened to the Northbound Brigade since he was a child, but if he hadn't heard from the black book holder himself during the escape, he would not have known about Wendigo. The truth of birth.

So, he was a little surprised that Sean and the others had gone so far.

Sean stepped in the mud: "Yes - we found the witnesses of the year by accident. However, we have no clue about this situation..."

"No clue is for sure." Ivan's soul was stained with some golden sparks, and the warmth made him feel much more comfortable, "I was surprised when I heard the black book holder talk about this for a long time."

Seemingly unable to understand the ongoing conversation, Pansha, whose purple light in his eyes had weakened a lot, stared at Evan quietly.

"After I learned the truth, I only realized how much my grandfather and the other two explorers had to bear..."

Everyone tacitly kept quiet and listened to Ivan's story.

"Sixty-five years ago, the northward brigade led by three explorers got caught in the wind and snow, and got lost in this strange forest.

"They tried every means, but they didn't get out of this woodland.

"In the depths of this forest, that is, within the border, there is a natural delusion, and it is difficult for outsiders to get out. They were like being swallowed into the belly of a python, and they will be slowly digested. ."

Sean agreed.

It's too wise that Panza didn't rush into the border before being possessed.

If it weren't for that absolute coordinate always in effect, it would be difficult for them to get out of here.

"In the end, they can only choose to camp here and wait for rescue.

"The days of waiting pass by, and even if they keep frugally, the food they carry has been exhausted.

"Winter is not over. The Northbound Brigade is in serious predicament."

At this moment, they finally walked out of the border and came to a relatively "friendly" area.

Everyone suddenly felt a little more relaxed.

"Someone fell from hunger and cold.

"The explorers as team leaders will face a dire situation: they will have to watch people starve to death one by one.

"These people chose to believe them and put their lives on the line...

"If the Northbound Brigade is destroyed, for those three explorers, it would be more uncomfortable than waiting for death."

While walking, the moonlight looked at the surrounding trees, as if seeing a pair of desperate and sad eyes.

"In order to allow more people to live, the three explorers decided to do something." Ivan took a deep breath, "In the end, they chose to use some kind of power that was already haunting the forest, supplemented by Mysterious means to summon Wendigo..."

"Why do you do this?" Yueguang asked subconsciously before she could understand it.

But when he asked this question, he suddenly understood.

The shock made him even stop for a while.

When the people of the North Entry Brigade had no food and their companions starved to death, they would rather starve and wait to die than refuse to eat the same kind.

And the three explorers faced such a situation, in order to delay some more time, so that the rescue came...

They summoned Wendigo, who made Wendigo turn the members into beasts and forced them to eat human flesh.

They tried to continue the life of the entire team in a way unimaginable to ordinary people.

In the end, after almost all members committed taboos, they finally waited for the rescue brought by high-level explorers.

"At the moment when the rescue came, the three explorers dispersed the crippled Wendigo.

"And swear to take this secret to the grave."

The few people walking through the forest fell into deep silence.

They were shocked by this past The team leaders could not accept the situation that people were going to ruin because of moral precepts.

They had to break the taboo and introduce seemingly evil forces to let people break through the lower limit, but in order to save the fire of life.

After the tragic Xuelin was rescued, it also began decades of discrimination, attacks and incomprehension.

The three explorers didn't say a word about this, and watched the establishment of Rongyeer amid the commotion. The children who almost died of starvation in those days gradually grew up.

They saw the kid who was hiding, and let the kid who grew up as a painter see them as monsters.

For the survival of their lives, the three explorers have endured a lot.

But they said nothing.

Carrying everything in the dark, using unimaginable means to continue the life walking in the light.

"Your grandfather and the others..." Moonlight's eyes flickered, looking at Evan, who seemed a little out of breath because of the story, "Did what a leader should do. He also did what an explorer should do."

Leaving aside the shackles of prejudice and morality, regardless of whether it is worth it, just to survive, to choose a path of life for everyone...

Sean fell into deep thought. If he was the explorer back then, could he make such a choice?

After thinking for a long time, he has no answer.

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