The "Evening Lighthouse" successfully squeezed into the "10,000 Club", surpassing the goal of breaking even and achieving a small surplus. Sean's revision of the Evening News achieved initial results without increasing the number of personnel.

Of course he wouldn't stop there.

Sean was determined to enter the newspaper industry, not with the idea of ​​"being rich is safe".

His goal is to become an influential media tycoon as a newspaper owner.

This means that he must continue to improve in the industry, breaking through the daily sales of 50,000 and 100,000, until he competes with industry giants such as the "New Testament Times", "Wall Street Journal" and "Glory City Post". ...

He believed that under his management, the Evening News would not be too far away.

The high-spirited fighting spirit of the newspaper employees, including Mr. Dipres, made Sean feel extra comfort and euphoria. He returned home with such a good mood.

I came back relatively late, but I didn't expect to meet my sister who had just returned home downstairs.

Aaliyah adjusted her glasses and slung her bag across her shoulders, with a slightly tired smile on her face.

She has been promoted to a full-time teacher at the grammar school, and her daily work has become a bit hectic.

Not only that, she is preparing for her second poetry collection, and she has to close the door every night to work overtime after returning home.

Both brothers and sisters are very busy, but they both remember to remind each other to take a good rest.

In the process of going upstairs, with a happy mood, Sean told Aaliyah what happened in the newspaper one day.

Emotions are contagious. When Aaliyah learned that the daily sales volume of the newspaper was stable at 10,000, and that she finally earned the advertising agency fee, she was radiant with joy, and her fatigue seemed to subside a lot.

"Sean, I knew you could do it!" Although she didn't tell her brother, Aaliyah also saw articles attacking Sean in the newspaper a few days ago.

In order not to distract her brother, Aaliyah kindly didn't mention it, pretending she didn't know anything about the newspaper dispute.

However, in fact, her heart was very uncomfortable—

She knew what kind of person her brother was, so she couldn't understand the abuse and attacks by those people.

Not only that, but some teachers in the grammar school also know about the war of words between the newspapers. There are quite a few people in the school who are willing to believe what those people say about Sean, and even point at Arya behind the scenes...

This is what made her really feel cold.

In those few days, for the first time, she felt the loneliness and horror of being in a foreign land.

She felt that she and Sean were like beasts forced to hide in a cave by hunters holding torches, like unwelcome strangers, and there always seemed to be strange eyes on them on the road...

Her rationality told her that it was all an illusion.

But she couldn't help but think so.

However, that time has finally passed.

It turns out that Sean was right.

Facts have proved that Sean's reform of the newspaper is right!

Sales and word-of-mouth have effectively countered the unprovoked attacks by those people.

Not only that, but she knew that Sean would create even more dazzling results and slap those people in the face...

Thinking like this, the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart were fully released, and Aaliyah's originally sullen brows also relaxed.

It was late at night, and Aaliyah, who had finished writing poetry that night, said goodnight to Sean and went into her room yawning.

Sean also walked into his room and sat on the single sofa in the corner.

Usually at this time, he would take out a book to read. The book he was reading recently was Lippmann's "Public Opinion".

Many of the viewpoints in this book made him feel suddenly enlightened.

However, instead of picking up the book on the table tonight, he adjusted his sitting posture and fell into a state of meditation.

After Sean's heartbeat slowed down, he focused on Shawshank Rogers.

At this moment, Shawshank is not in the black mansion.

He is now in the factory building of Fisher's Mining Equipment Factory, and in front of him sits more than forty faces illuminated by candlelight.

Another meeting about the beliefs of Ms. Hershey.

However, this time the secret meeting is a little different. As Shawshank said at the last meeting, the main purpose of this time is to select the four most devout and most dedicated people to go to the "temple" to celebrate Ms. Hershey. .

What is worth celebrating is that on the day before this meeting, the number of followers of the lady just exceeded 100.

The power of faith provided by one hundred people has once again boosted Hersis's divine power to an unignorable level.

At this time, Olivia Wind Chime stood on the roof of the factory building under the cover of darkness.

As the protector of this rally, she is faithfully fulfilling her mission.

Jinghong's eyes were covered by thin metal eyelids as thin as cicada wings, and the crimson ties spread out from her body, like a large net covering the entire block.

This big net of perception is connected to seven hidden golden sparks distributed in a circle, combined with the power of Lady Hershey, everything that happens in the entire block is covered by Olivia.

Sean didn't start the ceremony until the pair of indoctrination officers patrolling the street corner walked away.

Today's protagonists are four people, namely Henry Hart, a single father who lives in the lower city, Harman, a black laundry worker, and the Hopmans who live in Perris Street.

The four of them are the first four "Indestructible Silver Flames" born in Yefeng Faith. They have tied their lives to this faith more than any other believer.

After that, they experienced the resonance generated by Sean's use of the torch of the oath to destroy Wendigo, and witnessed the legendary scene described in "The Long Poem of the Night Wind": the goddess held fire to drive away the beast on a winter night...

This further deepens the perception and belief.

Traditional beliefs can also teach people to be good, but what is criticized is that as beliefs deepen, people will become closed or paranoid.

But the belief that Sean created was different.

The belief in the night wind gave believers blessings and at the same time soothed their originally disturbed hearts (this was also what Sean promised them).

And after their souls were finally at everyone showed amazing potential...

The original single father Henry Hart, who was always terrified, sat quietly at this time. Due to the deepening of his beliefs, his soul was connected with the believers, and his bearing has become completely different.

When dealing with internal affairs of the church, he is conscientious and handy, not only keeping Yefeng Faith in order, but also improving his and his daughter's life.

Haman, the laundry worker, was illiterate before. Due to the deepening of her faith, she was determined to be able to read "The Long Poem of the Night Wind".

From this she began to learn the alphabet and spelling rules. So far, in just a few months, she has read half of the "Long Poems".

Acquiring the ability to read seems to open the door to a new world. This burly black woman has even started reading newspapers in the laundry room recently, and even chatted with people about labor rights and unions...

The changes in temperament between the Hopmans are minimal—they themselves appear simple and quiet.

During this time, they contributed the most amount of indoctrination. Fourteen believers came out of the little house in the Rue de Pelis.

Since the last fisherman incident, they have become more cautious, and the number of education has been slightly reduced.

However, as her faith deepens, Mrs. Hopman has some extraordinary abilities, and she finds that she can distinguish whether the other party is sincere or not. In this way, the potential of those with bad intentions is basically eliminated...

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