The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Vol 2 Chapter 590: on site

"She's here! Ms. Tarot is here!"

Almost at the same time as the shouting sounded, Sean saw Bill in a rather dignified black suit, adjusting his bow tie as he walked out of the crowd in the distance.

He obviously hadn't noticed the arrival of Sean and Daisy, or rather, he was still trying to avoid it at the moment.

With his signature smile on his face showing his white teeth, Bill passed through the crowd and came to wait outside the gate of the mansion.

The vehicles and the crowd gave way, allowing the dark green, extra-long Bentley limousine to drive to the gate of the mansion.

Wearing a black uniform with a complete set of driver's cap on his head, the old driver wearing gold-rimmed glasses got out of the car and opened the rear door. Bill was obviously short of breath, and he greeted him and stretched out his hand, apparently to pick up the lady in the car himself.

Sean suddenly became nervous, squinting his eyes and turning on deep spiritual vision.

Nothing was found in Bill's body or in his hands - it seems that he hasn't been playing tricks yet.

The well-maintained slender hand was placed in Bill's slightly darkened hand.

Ms. Taro wore a peacock green dress today, with peacock stone ornaments with some oriental charm on her head, and the emeralds on the necklace on her chest were not large, more like a match based on aesthetic considerations. Obviously, she has no idea of ​​showing off her wealth.

The lady walked out of the car with a calm smile on her face.

When she got out of the car, the movement of the flash was bigger than Sean's.

Disposable flash sacs were abandoned on the ground and people trampled them to pieces. All kinds of broken sounds, the shouting when pushing and shoving, seems to be some kind of strange industrial ritual.

That was the woman who was rumored to be in and out of the "Yun Dian Reception".

If you are not familiar with the name of this reception, you only need to describe the names of the attendees to know the worth of this organization.

The initiators of the Yunding reception were the Rockfield family, the Dalton family, and the Morgan brothers.

Each of them is a well-known figure in Newlander, a world-class trust who has extended his tentacles to the northern New Zealand continent.

And the reason why they can achieve such achievements is that their personal efforts cannot be ignored, but more importantly - each of them is favored and valued by powerful figures in the court.

Rumor has it that the establishment of the Yundian reception had the background of two saints.

It is conceivable that this reception can be said to be a top-level gate where Newlander's theocracy and capital power are intertwined.

People who can go in and out of that kind of occasion, even if they are only the side branches of Luo Shi and others, are not comparable to the current Sean and Bill...

And it is such a lady who has now set foot on the charity banquet organized by Bill.

"Pengpishenghui" may be just a modest word, but it is appropriate to use it here.

From a distance, Sean could see Bill, who was holding Ms. Tarot, leaning into the ear of this distinguished guest and saying something.

The lady's green eyes sparkled, and the corner of her mouth evoked a polite and comfortable smile.

Sean watched closely all the time.

He found that Ms. Tarot didn't carry quest bodyguards, not even ordinary bodyguards - it was really easy for Bill to attack.

However, Bill obviously did not dare to act in such a public view. After all, although the people present were not wearing masks, it was conceivable that the explorers were not only the two bodyguards standing in the distance behind him.

Bill took Taro and walked towards the gate. The crowd surrounded them, and it was very lively for a while.

Sean also walked in slowly with the crowd. He was fortunate that the extra eyes were finally removed from him, and he was attracted by the tall, handsome lady who seemed to have the blood of a god.

In the process, Sean finally found the two companions who sneaked in first without the help of Spirit Vision and Quest Poker.

Today, Mr. Moonlight 1902, as a special guest, also attended the banquet. He was wearing a brand new white suit and a black tie like the black keys of a piano on his chest.

With her hair combed back meticulously, with champagne in her hand, she and a few of Bill's important doormen watched the movement from the door from a distance, smiling.

Behind him is a light-haired youth. The young man is wearing a black suit, with an undulating line of Adam's apple on his thin neck, and a tight silver bow tie underneath, which inexplicably matches his slightly special eyes—

Evan Burns, who was always wearing a robe, appeared in rare costumes.

Naturally, he played the role of an apprentice to a famous New Testament pianist.

His eyes were cold, as if he didn't care about everything that happened around him.

When the crowd was noisy like a wave, Sean calmed down and sensed the existence of another teammate.

Olivia Wind Chime did not follow Sean this time, but hid outside the mansion. Among the lush plants on the side of the road, a pair of crystal red eyes glowed with pale gold, with the help of the golden roses that were lit around. , perceive everything that is happening.

The team has already lurked, just wait and see what trick Bill is going to do.

Thinking like this, Sean took Daisy and continued to walk towards the venue where the banner had been arranged with the podium and rows of seats.

During this process, his eyes were a little erratic - he was wondering if Catherine would appear.

However, he couldn't find the dazzling golden hair in the crowd.

Seeing to find Sean's absent-mindedness, Daisy shook his arm gently: "Mr. Dickinson, you look distracted - are you looking for a certain lady in the crowd?"

Sean turned his head and saw a pair of slightly provocative eyes: A woman's intuition is really scary.

Sean shook his head: "No, I feel something is not right."

"Something's wrong?" Daisy raised one eyebrow.

"Yes, an ominous feeling that something is going to happen to this banquet..."

Sean was indeed a little restless.

Before the mission started, they had expected that the situation on the scene would be very chaotic that day.

But what he didn't expect was that it would be so chaotic—

People have been talking loudly and excitedly, and the waiter fishes through, bringing out all kinds of snacks and drinks. Bill led Taro to the center of the banquet. The two kept trying to talk in a noisy environment. People surrounded Taro like stars surrounded the moon.

Sean clearly felt that there were secret seekers who were not wearing masks like himself hidden in the crowd...

How exactly did Bill plan to seduce Ms. Tarot?

Some kind of evil mystical legacy? Or use hypnotic suggestion when alone? Or a drink that has been infused with mysticism?

There are too many possibilities, the situation is changing rapidly, and Sean really feels the difficulty of this task at this time...

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